
  • 英文を教えて下さい。お願いします。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しようと思っています。そこは以前何度か購入した事のあるお店なのですが、サイトのバナーがいくつかリンク切れを起こしていたり、古い商品のみ扱っています。ちょっと心配なので下記の事を聞きたいです。すみませんが英文を教えて下さい。 「私はXXに興味があります。 新作の2018年モデルは発売していないのですか? 私は2017年モデルは欲しくありません。 あなたのサイトは最近更新されていないし、ページ上のフェイスブックなどもアクセスできないようになっていますが、もう営業(この意味はセールではなくて、開店休業ですか?という意味にです)はしていないのですか?」

  • 添削してください

    もうすぐ試験があり教授に選択肢か記述式か聞きたいのですが、 「Is the exam choices or descriptive?」でいいでしょうか?

  • 英文について(世界史)

    The legislation also prohibited strike activity in plants or mines seized by the government, banned political contributions by labor unions, and established a 30-day "cooling off" period for negotiations prior to any strike. という文がありました。 つまり工場や鉱山でのストライキ活動を禁止とし、30日間のクーリングオフ(解雇?)の交渉も禁止とした。 さっと訳してみたのですが、内容は掴めてますか? つまりこの文で言いたいことは、雇用者が30日以内に解雇するのを禁止し、労働者によるストライキを禁止した、ということでいいでしょうか? また、 As part of that arrangement, the federal government forced reluctant employers to recognize unions while union leaders agreed to a "no-strike" pledge. この文の内容とほぼ当てはまりますか? 長くなってしまいましたが、 ・初めの英文の解読、理解は正しいか。 ・二つ目の文と、伝えたいことは同じような内容か。 ということを見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • downの用法についてお尋ねします。

    You can take a tour of Alcattraz if you would like .You take a boat from pier 39 down the bey and it woll take you over to it. down the beyの部分ですが前置詞としてtakeを修飾し、「39番乗り場から沿岸へ(向かう・行く)のボートに乗って、~」との捉え方なのですがよろしいでしょうか?downの捉え方が曖昧なのですが(ジーニアスによれば英米イングランドなどで用法が異なる)、go downと用法は近く、(下に)行く、向かうと動詞等を修飾する方向を強調する前置詞との理解なのですが、toと比較してnuanceの差異を説明いただければ幸いです。また、 They're traveling down from Edinburgh on Monday.はtraveringをdownが修飾していることは分かるのですが、仮にdownが無ければどれほどの違いが生じるでしょうか? 初歩的な質問ですが宜しくお願いします。

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The battle was a defensive success for the German army, although costly to both sides. The weather and ground conditions put severe strain on all the infantry involved and led to many wounded being stranded on the battlefield. Early misleading information and delays in communication led Plumer and Haig to plan the next attack on 12 October (First Battle of Passchendaele) under the impression that a substantial advance had taken place at Passchendaele ridge, when most of the captured ground had been lost to German counter-attacks. Strategic background The attack being prepared by the British Third Army at Cambrai for late November, the troubles in the French Army stemming from the Nivelle Offensive in April and the forthcoming French attack (the Battle of La Malmaison) on the Aisne, made it important that the British kept the initiative in Flanders, whence large numbers of German divisions had been drawn from the French front. At Verdun on 20 August, the French had achieved a substantial success. There was no German counter-stroke or counter-offensive as the local Eingreifdivisionen had been sent to Flanders. By October 1917, many German divisions on the rest of the Western Front had been engaged in Flanders, some more than once; maintaining pressure in Flanders also constrained German operations on the Russian and Italian fronts. After the Battle of Broodseinde on 4 October, the first of the Black Days of the German Army, Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C) of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), believed that the German forces opposite Ypres were close to collapse, due to the large number of Germans taken prisoner and encouraging intelligence gleaned from the battlefield. Tactical developments On 28 September, Haig met General Hubert Gough (Fifth Army) and General Herbert Plumer (Second Army) to explain his intentions. After the victories of 20 and 26 September, the fine weather, the disarray of the German defenders and the limited prospect of German reinforcements from the Russian front, Haig decided that the attack on 4 October would conclude the period of strictly limited advances. The following step would be a deeper advance, with provision made for exploitation.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The increased tempo of attack allowed by the systematic planning and decentralisation of responsibility from army to corps and divisions and the reduction of much of the planning to a routine, led to the time between attacks being further reduced. Faster attack preparations reduced the time available for artillery to prepare assaults, which combined with the return of heavy rain after 4 October, substantially to reduce British artillery support during the battles of Poelcapelle on 9 October and the First Battle of Passchendaele on 12 October. As optimism at the possibility of advancing over the Passchendaele watershed increased the weather broke. Victoria Cross Acting Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Bent of the 7th Division, 1 October. Nine Victoria Crosses awarded during the Battle of Broodseinde, 4 October. Acting Sergeant-Major James Ockendon, of the 29th Division. Acting Captain Clement Robertson, of the Royal Tank Regiment. Sergeant Charles Harry Coverdale, from the 11th Division. Acting Corporal Fred Greaves, of the 11th Division. Private Arthur Hutt, from the 48th Division. Sergeant Lewis McGee, of the Australian 3rd Division. Lance-Corporal Walter Peeler, from the Australian 3rd Division. Acting Lieutenant Colonel Lewis Pugh Evans, of the 21st Division. Private Thomas Henry Sage from the 37th Division. The Battle of Poelcappelle was fought in Flanders on 9 October 1917 by the British and German armies, during the First World War and marked the end of the string of highly successful British attacks in late September and early October, during the Third Battle of Ypres. Only the supporting attack in the north achieved a substantial advance. On the main front the German defences withstood the limited amount of artillery fire managed by the British after the attack of 4 October. The ground along the main ridges had been severely damaged by shelling and rapidly deteriorated in the rains, which began again on 3 October, turning some areas into a swamp. Dreadful ground conditions had more effect on the British, who needed to move large amounts of artillery and ammunition to support the next attack. Poelcappelle ポエルカペル

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    とあるLINEでの会話です。 Im lying in bed thinking of,,, guess who? 和訳をよろしくお願いします(^^)

    • 締切済み
    • noname#258579
    • 英語
    • 回答数1
  • ポルトガル語(ブラジル)の和訳をお願いします。

    家族の出生証明を請求するのに、添付画像の書類を記入するのですが、緑色になぞった部分について何を記入すればよいのかわかりません。 領事館へは電話が繋がらず、翻訳ツールを使っても?「本」とか「葉」等と出てきてわけがわかりません。教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • 「特殊取引」は英語で何と言いますか?


  • 税務処理は英語で何と言いますか?

    「税務処理」を英語でなんというか知りたいです。 英辞郎などで調べましたが出てきません!

  • 大御所とは”尊称なのか、冷やかし的”俗称なのか。?

    ◎此処、数年:NHK紅白歌合戦等で、ふっと”気になる言葉・ボキャブラリーで、 業界言葉なのでしょうが、大御所(おおごしょ)と言う”言葉。・・・ ◎言葉・単純的には、過去に”素晴らしき、輝かしき”実績・業績を残された方々を、 ◎ある程度、敬意を、表さらなければ、いけないので、選択・使うのか、どうかが、 とても気に成ります、どうぞ、ご指導・ご鞭撻を、宜しくお願い致します。・・・

  • 「下」は

    「こんな上司の下で仕事をしたくない」 の時「下」は モト シタ のどちらで読みますか?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The X Corps divisions had managed to take most of their objectives about 700 yd (640 m) forward, gaining observation over the Reutelbeek valley but had relinquished ground in some exposed areas. The British artillery fired a standing barrage for two and a half hours, while the infantry dug in undisturbed and German counter-attacks were dispersed with artillery fire. Wet ground had caused some units to lag behind the creeping barrage, as well as reducing the effect of shells, many landing in mud and being smothered, although this affected German artillery equally. The British had great difficulty moving artillery and ammunition from the west end of the Gheluvelt Plateau to the eastern edge, facing Passchendaele. Field guns closest to Passchendaele were 5,000 yd (4,600 m) from Broodseinde; for the battle of Messines, 6,200 yd (5,700 m) for the 18-pdrs and 7,000 yd (6,400 m) for the 4.5-inch howitzers was the safe maximum. A German officer wrote that the ordeal in the swampy area in the dark and the fog, was indescribable. In 1942, the German official historians recorded in Der Weltkrieg 35,000 casualties for the period 1–10 October. The 45th Reserve Division had 2,883 casualties, whilst the 4th Guard Division suffered 2,786 casualties. 4,759 German prisoners were taken, c. 10,000 since 20 September. Second Army casualties for the week ending 4 October were 12,256, II Anzac Corps lost 3,500 casualties (including 1,853 New Zealanders). The 21st Division had 2,616 casualties, the highest loss of a Second Army division. Fifth Army losses for the week to 5 October were 3,305 men. Calculations of German losses by the Official Historian have been severely criticised ever since. On 5 October, the 21st Division captured a blockhouse and next day a reconnaissance by the 2nd Australian Division revealed Daisy Wood to be strongly held. On 7 October, parties from the 49th Division (II Anzac Corps) raided Celtic Wood and the 48th Division (XVIII Corps) was repulsed at Burns House and Vacher Farm. Celtic Wood was raided by a battalion of the 1st Australian Division on 9 October. There was anxiety among the higher British commanders about wet weather affecting operations again, just as the Germans appeared to be close to collapse.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    As news arrived of the great success of the attack, Brigadier-General Charteris, head of GHQ Intelligence, went from Haig's advanced headquarters to the Second Army Headquarters to discuss a possible exploitation. Plumer declined the suggestion, as eight fresh German divisions were behind the battlefield with another six beyond them. Plumer preferred to wait until the expected German counter-attacks had been defeated, as Haig had directed. German artillery fire was heavy and the defences of the Flandern II and Flandern III stellungen could be garrisoned by German divisions behind the attack front. An attack on these fortifications would need artillery support, which would be limited, given that the British field artillery was behind a severely battered strip of muddy ground 2 mi (3.2 km) deep, firing close to the limit of their range. Later in the day, Plumer had second thoughts and ordered I Anzac Corps to push on to the Keiberg spur, with support from II Anzac Corps. Lieutenant-General Alexander Godley the II Anzac Corps commander, wanted to advance north-eastwards, towards Passchendaele village but Lieutenant-General William Birdwood of I Anzac Corps, wanted to wait until artillery had been brought up and supply routes improved. The X Corps commander, Lieutenant-General Thomas Morland proposed an attack northwards, from In de Ster into the southern flank of the Germans opposite I Anzac Corps, which was opposed by Major-General Herbert Shoubridge the 7th Division commander, due to uncertainty and the many casualties in the 21st Division on his right flank. At 2:00 p.m. Plumer decided that exploitation was not possible. At 10:30 a.m., Gough told the Fifth Army corps commanders to push on and to attack again at 5:00 p.m. but when reports arrived of a repulse of the 4th Division at 19 Metre Hill, at the junction of XVIII and XIV Corps, the attack was cancelled. The capture of the ridges was a great success, Plumer called the attack "... the greatest victory since the Marne" and the German Official History referred to "... the black day of October 4". There had been an average advance of 1,000 yd (910 m) and the 3rd Australian Division moved forward up to 1,900 yd (1,700 m).

  • 英訳 あなたが笑みを浮かべているのを見ながら会話

    いつもありがとうございます。 恋人同士の会話で、下記の英訳をおしえていただけませんでしょうか。 和文 あなたに(私の言っていることや私のことを)わかってもらえるのはうれしい。 ただ目の前で伝えたい。 これを目の前で伝えられたら、どれだけ嬉しいだろう。 あなたの満面の笑みを見たい。 あなたが笑みを浮かべているのを見ながら会話したい

  • not my tableの意味

    2人が言い争っていて、そのうちの1人が、そばにいた友人に自分のほうが正しいといった内容のことを言いました。すると、その友人は「You know what, not my table」と言いました。この場合のtableはどんな意味なのでしょうか。off the table.で「話題、議論から外れて」という意味は見つかったのですが、「これは自分の話題ではない=関係ない」ということでしょうか。教えていただけますか?よろしくお願いいたします。

    • ベストアンサー
    • Ketupa
    • 英語
    • 回答数2
  • 英語表現についてお尋ねします。相手

    「恋愛は自由だけど、相手からお金だけ取って別れるのは良くないと思う。」 この表現だけではないのですが、相手(対戦相手は除く)という場合、抽象的な相手を表すのにはどのような表現が適当でしょうか?上記の文を意訳して、説明して頂ければ幸いです。

  • 主語と述語


  • 【かなり急いでおります】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    一個前の質問の続きなのですが、下記のビジネス上の英文メールについて、おかしな箇所や丁寧にした方が良い部分がありましたら訂正をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます(>_<) 背景: 取引先会社へスタッフを派遣するにあたり、先方からパソコン(WinかMac)使いやすい方を用意するとのことで確認の連絡がきました。 スタッフへ確認後、下記の返信する文の添削を宜しくお願い致します。 She informed me that she would like to use Windows PC. Also, regarding her first day, could we call you when we reach the 3rd floor on 18th at 10:00am?

  • 英訳

    いつもありがとうございます。 英訳をおしえていただけませんでしょうか。 →英訳してみましたが、こんな感じであってますでしょうか。。 和文 1.こういう会話ができたら毎日楽しいよね →It's fun everyday if we can have such a exchange, isn't it? 2.私達の会話楽しいね。こんな会話できるの私達の特権だね。 →Our exchange is fun, isn't it? That is our privilege to be able to have a exchange, isn't that. ※二人とは、彼と私です。彼とは恋愛関係あります。 ※日本語で、「私たちの特権」だねって、言う場合ありますよね。 この場合の特権は、文字通りというよりも、日本語の比ゆ的な感覚に近いでしょうかね??特別な関係というか、私たちだけが楽しめる権利があるというか、、でしょうか??日本的感覚が難しく、英語にするのに悩んでます。

    • ベストアンサー
    • kzzk55
    • 英語
    • 回答数4