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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英検準1級作文問題について(その2))



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 僕は英作文の採点の経験がありませんので、ちょっと気にかかることだけ23。 1。I think that it is very important. これは質問に対する答ですからいいんですが、it は最初の文にあると読者は戸惑うことがあります。 2。when they work companies, は when they work for companies, と for のような前置詞を入れるのが普通です。4を見てください。 3。they need to do with many coworkers この場合 they need to work with many coworkers のように do よりも work を使います。 4。すると2でも work を使いましたから同じ単語をすぐ繰り返すことになります(これは避けた方が良いです)when they work for companies を変えて when they are employed とするのも一考です。 5。they can see many traditoinal culture many の後は複数です。しかしこの場合は「文化」というより「伝統的習慣」traditional customs の方が良いかと思います。 6. feel different of large cities and rural areas. feel の目的語には名詞が適切なので feel the difference between large cities and rural areas.とするのが良いでしょう。 7。Because we can learn in our home,and do anytime.は Because we can learn in our homes and at anytime. と纏めてもいいと思います。





  • 英検準1級作文問題について

     今度ある理由により英検準1級を受けることになり、ただこれまで出題分野の一つである英作文を解いたことがなく(もっとも本来解くためには20分くらい必要であるにもかかわらず、1現時点では10~15分くらいしかあてることができていないが)、かつ周りにできたそれを見せる人がいない状況です。  そこで何某問題集にのっているテーマにおける文章を以下に記載しますが、どのような判断がなされると思われるでしょうか。  ちなみに、ここでは文頭・文末のあいさつは省略し、かつ完成まで20分以上かかりましたが、その点についても考えないとします。 テーマ: 1、いくつかの企業が、すべての会議を英語で行うことを決めたことの良しあし(意訳、以下同じ) 2、いくつかの企業が、新卒者をあまりとらず中高年齢層をより多く雇用する検討をすることにより、企業が得をするかどうか 3、インターネットは人と交流するための優れた手段か否か 記載文章:  As for the first one(question),It's not always a good idea,because some people who are not good at English and don't have needs of it may loss their job. As for the second one,those companies can hire high skill people who are needed by them,so they may have merit. As for the last one,I think it's a good things,because people can communicate whenever they want do,and look for many people. 訳:最初の質問については、それ(英語で会議)は常にいいとは限らない、というのも英語が苦手でかつそれが必要でない人が仕事を失うかもしれないからである。  次の質問については、それらの会社は自社にとって必要なスキルを有した人を雇うことができるのでメリットはあるかもしれない。  最後の質問については、それ(インターネット)はよいデバイスで、というのも交流したいと思ったときにいつでもそれができ、かつ多くの人を探すことができるからである。

  • 英検準一級 英作文添削お願いしますm(_ _)m

    英検準一級 英作文添削お願いします。 1 大学で勉強するのにあたって、オンラインコースは良い方法と思うか 2 子供に携帯電話を持たせるのは必要か 3 公共機関で携帯電話を使用するのを禁止するべきか? I think online courses are a good way to study.Although many people are too busy to take enough time, online courses allow them to study anytime. Regarding your second question, I think it is necessary for children to have it. In an emergency, they contact their family. Finally, I don't think people should be banned it. E-mailing and using Internet is silent. In addition, we will have to use it in an emergency. 導入と締めは除いて添削&採点をしていただきたいです。 それぞれの答えの出だしはこのような形で良いのか? 文法的におかしいところはないか? などなどアドバイスをよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m また、使える文法なども教えていただけるとありがたいです!

  • 至急です!英検2級の作文添削お願いします!

    至急です!!英検2級の作文添削お願いします!;; TOPIC These days, many parents give their children smartphones or tablets to use. Do you think children should have these electronic devices? I think children should have smartphones or tablets. First, if they use these electronic devices, they can study efficiently. For example, these electronic device can provide a good opportunity of studying because these election devices can use Internet that have many websites for studying.Second, it is convenient for children when they want to send a message for their parents. For instance, these erection devices have many communication apps. Therefore, they can send and receive messages any time and anywhere. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 至急です!英検2級の作文添削お願いします!

    英検2級の英作文添削お願いします!!(;;) TOPIC It is sometimes said that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that all people should be able to enter museums for free. Firstly, museum's employee can run museum efficientry. In many cases, if they do allow entering museum for free, the cost is likely to get worse and worse. However, by collecting money from visitor, the will get enough money. Secondly, visitor can't see exhibit enough. This is because, if they do not collect money, many people visit museum. As a result,museum is flooded with visitor. In conclusion, I strongly agree with this opinion.

  • 英作文の添削お願いいたします。

    周りに英作文の添削をお願いできる環境がないため、投稿させていただきました。 1.日本人はゴミを分別して捨てていますか? 2.日本人はゴミの削減に取り組んでいますか? 3.日本人はリサイクルの重要性に気づいていますか? という内容の手紙に対する返信を80字程度で述べよというものです。 Thank you for your letter. Answering to your first question, most of people separate for disposal their garbage in Japan. I think most of people don’t try to decrease their garbage, because they don’t get benefit for it. The Japanese government had better award them reducing garbage something. I suppose they are aware of the importance of recycling. For example, they recycle PET bottles and cans, plastic trays. I do it too. 内容というよりは、文章の繋ぎ方や文法の正しさについて不安があります。 どうぞ、よろしくお願いいたします(><

  • 英検2級の文法問題です。

    Many birds fly in a formation that looks like the letter V. Flying this way helps them save energy and fly farther. この英文のthatは文法的にどういう役割なのでしょうか? I am glad we don't have to wear ties to work during the summer anymore. Me too. But I wish they'd do away with them for the rest of the year as well. But以下が上手く訳できません。 theyは何をさしているのでしょうか?

  • 英検準1級 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    1 学校の教室でインターネットを使うことは生徒にとって有益か? 2 映画の違法ダウンロードは厳しく罰せられるべきか? 3 老後も働く人が増えている理由は何か? 1 In my opinion, using the internet in school classrooms is beneficial.They can get information easily thanks to Internet and using the internet allows them to search quickly. 2 Regarding your second question, it's unnecessary to punish. Although many people don't have enough time to go to the movie , illegally download movies allow them to watch in their home. 3 I think more people are working after retirement age these days due to the recent poor economic conditions in Japan. It's become necessary for them to work in order to life 文法面や接続詞、前置詞逃げる使い方などアドバイスを宜しくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    高校生です。英作文がとても苦手です。 とりあえず自分が考えた解答を書きますが、多分大幅に違うので正しい解答を教えて頂きたいです。 *図書館にいる人の邪魔にならないようにそっと入った。 I slide into the library in order not to disturb people there. *人が晩婚を選択する理由のひとつは、自由をできるだけ楽しみたいと思っていることだ。 (晩婚=marry late、becauseを使うこと) People marry late, partly because they want to enjoy as much their free time as possible. *ここ数日間であまりにも多くの人に会ったので、その人達の名前をすべて覚えているわけではありません。 Because I met so many people last a few days , I don't remember all their names. *現代人は忙しくて運動する時間がないためか、太った人が多い。 Many people of today are overweight , probably because they are so busy that they don't have a time to do exercise. *私は多くの障害にぶつかったが、友人達のおかげで何とか乗り越えることができた。 I ran into many problems but thanks to my friends , I could get it over somehow.

  • 至急!英検2級の英作文添削お願いしたいです

    英検2級の英作文の添削をお願いしたいです!! (添削だけでもいいのですが、もし可能な方がいらっしゃったら、採点までお願いしたいです>_< ) TOPIC Some people say that more apartment buildings should allow pets such as dogs and cats. Do you agree with this opinion? I disagree that more apartment buildings should allow pets such as dogs and cats. I have two reasons. The first reason is that it is stressful for neighbors. This is because such as dogs and cats sometimes ran noisily around the room. Therefore, neighbors feel stress by it sound. The second reason is that such as dogs and cats have a possibility to scratch the wall. As a result, they destroy the wall. Therefore, room environment is likely to get worse to worse. In conclusion, I strongly disagree with this opinion. (90語)

  • 英作文の採点をお願いします。

    英作文の採点をお願いします。英検準一級を受けようと思っています。英検の問題集に載っていた問題です。これだと14点満点中何点くらい取れるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 ~問題~ E-MAIL Dear Izumi, I hope you're well. I read an interesting article about technology yesterday. It said that many people here in the U.K. are now choosing to get college degrees by studying online. Do you think online courses are good way to study? The article also said that in Japan, many parents buy cell phones for their young kids. in your opinion, is it necessary for children to have cell phones? When I was on the train today, the man next to me was talking on his cell phone. Do you think people should be banned from using cell phones on public transportation? I look forward to your reply. Josh ~回答~ Dear Josh, It was nice to hear from you! Let me answer your questions. First, in my opinion, online studying isn't a better way. It's important to study with other many students and talk with them. Regarding Second question,although It's fact that many parents do that, I think children don't have to have their own cell phones. They're not necessary for them. Using cell phones on train must be banned. There also are many people who want to get sleep on public transportation. Cell phones' sounds are so noisy, and prevent their sleep.People who use cell phones must be careful. Take care, Izumi