Scientific investigation is not only used to advance science - sometimes scientific procedures are used to investigate a crime or to provide evidence in a criminal trial. This application of scientific methods for legal use is the fast-growing area known as "forensics." For example, when DNA, blood, a fingerprint, hair, or other tissue is found at a crime scene, investigators can often match the sample to the person from whom it came. Now we have learned that DNA samples that are found at the crime scene may be able to give us information about a person's eye color. As exciting as this development is, we should keep in mind that matching DNA from a sample to a suspect is still not very accurate. In fact, the most important use of DNA samples may be to eliminate people from suspicion. It is not possible to state with nearly 100% certainty that a particular DNA sample is from a particular person. However, it is possible to state with certainly that a particular sample did not come from a particular person. In recent years many people who were wrongly convicted of crimes have been cleared because their DNA was completely different from DNA found at the scene. Forensic medicine is very important, but it must be used very carefully. Nobody should be convicted of a crime based solely on DNA evidence.