• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳 お願いします!)


  • イギリス人からのメールを翻訳する必要があります。
  • 翻訳とテストには1週間程度かかる予定です。
  • 配送にはDHLまたはFEDEXを使用し、約3日で届けられます。総額は194ポンドです。


  • ベストアンサー

このメールは,ところどころ少し変な英語ですけど, とりあえずの和訳は以下のようになります. [訳] いまのところ,それらを処理してテストするのに一週間必要です. 海外からの注文には,これくらい必要なのです. もしも,あなたよりも先に別の注文が入ってしまったら,さらに数日余分にかかります. (よい知らせ) 商品の大きさと重さの関係で,DHLまたはFEDEXによる配送に40ポンドかかります. 配達は約3日かかります. 合計では194ポンドになります. 配送費用にご注意ください.






  • 翻訳・日本語に訳して下さい。

    Yes that item is still for sale. We don’t stock it so it would take approx 3-4 weeks to get a hold of. The cost is £769.20 including VAT. Delivery cost would depend on delivery address, if you could provide this to us then we could get you a delivery cost. Unfortunately we don’t deliver out with the UK. If you pay for the item in full and we have cleared funds you could then send in a courier yourself to collect the item.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。送料と値引きの件で返事が来たのですがすみませんが英文を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Recently we dropped the prices on most of the AAA by $3.00 so we cannot afford to give any additional discount, and as far as payment goes all payment must be prepaid since this is international transaction we don't offer any COD service and for all International shipping we use DHL Express shipping but If u prefer use FedEx we can use FedEx but our prices thru FedEx are 10 to 15% higher then DHL.

  • すいません、翻訳お願いします。

    すいません、翻訳お願いします。 Thanks for your email. Sorry for the inconvenience it caused to you. We have checked that we have received your package, it may on its way now. Please be patient and we will definitely help you out of this.You may wai for another a few days.Your understanding and patience will be highly appreciated! Please feel free to contact us whenever you have questions. Have a nice day!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    How did this tour come together? Richard Patrick: I heard about it and said to Dean [DeLeo], “Hey, Dean: take me on tour!” [laughs] And he asked the guys, came back and said, “Everyone says this is good!” Chester Bennington: Pretty much. We wanted this tour to be a really good experience for our fans; and we had been struggling to find bands, the right band, to make it awesome. So when Dean came to rehearsal, we were at Robert’s house recording, and said, “Richard said that they would go out with us.” I was. like, “F---, yeah!” That is exactly what we want and what we need for this tour.

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    Here is the customer service manager's name and contact information at Ira Wood. She should be able to provide an update on your order - Kathy Please send me a copy of your order confirmation that Ira Wood sent you. This will help me investigate this matter with Ira Wood, because I need to know which models you have on order with them. I apologize, I looked at the previous information you provided and can see that you ordered our Starck K drop-in kitchen sink, in Anthracite Matt finish model 7511106800. Currently we have no record of this sink being ordered by Ira Wood. This is a special order finish and requires 8-12 weeks from the order date, because these are crafted in Germany. We do have the white finish # 7511100000 in stock at our Atlanta warehouse. Again, we're sorry for your frustrating buying experience and we're doing everything possible on our end to get Ira Wood to contact you and resolve this matter asap. Best Regards, Starck K drop-in kitchen sink・Anthracite Matt finish model 7511106800は商品名と色・型番なのでそのまま訳して頂ければわかります。 お願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    It may be a few days before I'm able to access my store's supplies, check out the photo on my website's main page it's underwater and difficult to access now, water has come up even more since then. would you need my to do a payment request for this and I can hold the item for you once payment is made - as far as a shipment date I can't advise yet, this flood water has to go down before I can reach the store's inventory again... I would update as soon as it ships however. Shipping is $10 first class now on the website for international orders so you actually can just buy the host from the site and it would cost you around $37 total shipped.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    大変困っています・・・・ 海外のサイトで楽天カードが使用出来なかった為、キャンセルとなり AMEXカードに変更して注文しようとしたら次のようなメールがきました。 どなたかお分かりになる方よろしくおねがいします。 The way you would be able to place an order with us is that you would provide the associate with your item number(s) and/or descriptions, also the size, color, and quantity that you would like in the item(s). You would then provide your email address. If you have a Saks.com online profile, your information would come up automatically. If not, you would provide your first and last name, along with your shipping and/or billing address and a secure phone number. Next you would give your credit card information (i.e. card number, expiration date, security code, and name on card). After that we would enter any promotional codes or gift cards that you may have. We would then go over the order details to ensure accuracy and place the order, upon your request. After the order is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation. Our Distribution Center receives the order and fills the order for you and prepares it for shipping. A tracking number is then generated for your order, and emailed to you. It is sent to our FedEx courier for processing and then shipped out to your shipping address. In the event that the item that you want is not online, we are able to check our stores for you. If the stock is high enough, we can place an order for the item(s) through our store Locator system. Once an order is placed on this system, it is sent to all stores showing stock for the desired item(s). The stores then have 7 days to pick up and fill the order. If not filled within that time, the system automatically cancels the order. If you are having trouble speaking with us over the phone, we recommend contacting us via our live chat option by clicking on the icon at the top of the screen. We have reviewed the items from your order. We do regret to inform you that the Prada Printed Logo Denim Tote Bag is no longer available. When you are ready to place the order, please contact us via live chat and one of our knowledgeable associates will gladly assist you with the order. !

  • メールの翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語は苦手なのですが海外通販をしています。 1回、オーダーしたことのある化粧品ブランドですが 日本に送れないものがあるということで オーダーをキャンセルして返金をしてもらったことのある ショップです。突然、下記のメールが届きました。 そのメールを翻訳して頂きたいのです。 後、メールの下部(Orの下)に We would be happy to offer you a refund on these items and 20% off your next order placed on ○○○.com. とあるのですがこれは次回の注文は20%オフになるということでいいのでしょうか? 以上、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 We are please to tell you that your ○○○ order is ready to be resent to you. We would like to thank you once again for your continued patience and support at this time. Unfortunately we are now of stock in Pure Pigment in Incite and will not be able to include this in your order, please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause you. We would like to offer you the following options to continue your order. We would be happy to offer you replacement Pure Pigments(s) in any shade of your choice from our website to replace your out of stock item(s)http://www.○○○.com/shop/products/eyes/furore-pure-pigment Or We would be happy to offer you a refund on these items and 20% off your next order placed on ○○○.com. Please let us know which solution would be best for you and we will organise this right away and resend your order to you. Kind regards,

  • 翻訳してください!

    海外のネットショッピングをしたのですが、 翻訳ソフトを利用しても意味がいまいちよく分からず・・・・ どなた様かよろしくお願い致します。 We regret to inform you that we are unable to combine two orders into the same shipment. However, we are more than happy to deduct one shipping charge on this occasion. As such I am pleased to confirm that I have refunded your 30.00GBP shipping charge from your I do hope this is helpful, and please do let me know if I may be of any further assistance. 2つ商品を注文したので、 1つの箱では送れない・・・とか書いてあるんですかね??

  • 翻訳お願いします。

    It is important to note that not all temporal shifts and developments do this, but what we are most interested in is how deconstruction can be used to analyse when such temporal shifts, and crises, take place. Ofcourse part of this is to recognizse that such shifts cannot simply be seen as a clear-cut change from one order to another, for often there is overlap and blurring. 英語できる方翻訳お願いします><

  • BD-2を繋ぐと音が出なくなります。アンプ、シールド、ギター等についても確認しましたがそれらに問題が見つからないので、BD-2が原因であると思います。
  • BD-2と他の音源を接続すると音が消える現象が発生しています。他の機器やケーブルに問題はないため、BD-2の故障が考えられます。
  • BD-2を使用すると音が途切れる問題が発生しています。他のエフェクターやアンプとの接続に問題はなく、BD-2単体の故障が疑われます。