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星占いに詳しくないので変なところがあるかも知れませんが、 「これは長期的にはどうなるでしょうか?それを知るためには、アセンダントから出発して離れて見る必要があります。アセンダントは占星図(chart or horoscope) の始まりであって長期間に渡る相性(relationship)の元になるものです。更に先の未来を予測し、この深い愛情がどう発展し、終わるのかを見るために、私たちは占星図の(horoscope or chart)の別の部分に移動しなければなりません。次に7番目のハウスに移動しましょう。彼の結婚のハウスです。何が現れているか見てみましょう。占星図のこの位置にある惑星は結婚、また長期間にわたる関係が可能なのか、あるいはむしろ破綻するかを表すことができます。」






  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかた、 すみませんが、 よろしくお願いいたします In the synastry reading all things are taken into account. It is not just the planets and the cross aspects between two charts that we look at. It is the way the houses connect with one another's chart too. Or the way they fail, to connect in some cases. This too can be revealing. The chart itself and the house divisions are like a frame, or a background over which the planets move. In synastry the connections between house cusp, provide the emotional or material a background for the mutual relationship. They show what it is set among. Connections with the ascendant are the most important part of this background.

  • 翻訳希望

    自動翻訳では、意味がわかりません どなたか翻訳お願いできますか? どうぞよろしくお願いします Looking at his chart, I think it will be difficult for him to end his marriage, He has Saturn in his seventh house. This makes for ties of duty, habit, practicality. He is not happy in his marriage. He feels his life is limited or restricted by his marriage. Feels very tied. There is some hidden problems in his marriage that he finds hard to cope with, periodically he wants to end this, but the practically prevent it. These problems and feeling of limitation wont go away very easily. I don’t think he will leave his wife or end his marriage. You also have Saturn in your seventh house in your own chart, so I don’t think you will end your marriage either. But looking far into the future, what I think will happen is that this man will drift out of your life, there will be time spent apart or not close, you may feel the relationship between you ends altogether. Yet strangely he returns. There may be a gap of years, then he returns when his marriage is over, and the love begins again, and you will at that time have a choice whether to end your marriage or not. This theme takes place not immediately but over many years. Nothing is certain, but that is how I think it will go because of the pattern in your individual charts, But remember our own actions and choices can influence the future fate too.

  • 和訳希望

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The fifth house of the horoscope is traditionally the house of courtship. And it describes the emotional and mental process of becoming acquainted. The element of the sign and the aspects denote how you and he will inter react with one another when you first meet. It tells about the friendship and the early stages of the relationship before it becomes serious. So this is what I will look at next. The element on this house, fire, earth air or water. In Soul Mate one and Two I concentrate a lot on the meeting and appearances, because this what’s relevant first in your life. While soul mate three and four, have more of the future established relationship.

  • 翻訳希望します

    翻訳をお願いします 長文ですので、途中まででもいいです よろしくお願いします If you were to marry or live with this man, the aspect Show you would live in a traditional house, that is old, and has a lot of dark wood work, and lamps. It will have a light outside the door. It may be an apartment or all on one level, but in the other half of the building, or in a building not far away there would be close relative of his. This would be due to financial arrangements, but the relative would not always be there would come back and forth between this house and a place of study in another town or city. The house would be close to new houses that will have been built in the same style as to look like the old or original one that you and he will occupy. It will be a nice house but cold, needs a lot of heating. Yet this house for both of you would not be a first choice or ideal choice, you would both have some misgivings and doubts about it, but your happiness there would improve with time. This is a slow aspect so I rather think that things will remain as they are between you for a long time, the relationship will seem to get colder, and warmer, but it will continue Times when he is hardly there, times when he is always there, these things will fluctuate, so will your emotions and feelings about the future, and the things you really want from this relationship.

  • 和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますでしょうか。 2つの文節となっています。 よろしくお願いいたします。 The marriage or union between you will be lucky for him and he will gain in some way. A romantic marriage. He will be a true friend always. This union will fire you with strong hopes and wishes about the future.. We now look at the second house of the horoscope which shows how the relationship will develop and what it will bring in its maturity. This house doesn’t have a great influence in the beginning, its gifts are given in the fullness of time. The second house is also income and money. The material things of life, which underpin any long relationship In soul mate two I revealed how he manages his own money and financial affairs, in soul mate four lets look at his influence in future years on your joint money and income as people can behave one way with their own money and a different way with joint or other peoples money.

  • どなたか翻訳お願いできますか?

    どなたか翻訳お願いしたいです。 ちょっと長くてごめんなさい。 *Saturn はサターンでいいです お願いします Saturn, the planet of fate and Karma was influencing your house of marriage at birth. This means your soul mate will be striking but cold and distant, and he will have elements of the shadow. In Jungian terms you will meet your own darker side through him the things you fear and things you repress. The relationship may cost time and effort. A partner who is self controlled, conservative slow to make a commitment or decisions, cold undemonstrative and pessimistic. Someone who may undermine you and make you feel rejected. This relationship will have grief and loneliness as well as love, but through its sorrows you will find strength and dignity.

  • 和訳希望

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文です。 2つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The descriptions are complicated to work out from the chart, So there is only time in one reading to describe his face this vividly. Most people hunger to know more and want to know everything that it is possible to tell. In Soul mate two, I will add and enliven this portrait by describing his body in detail, his stance, mannerisms, his characteristic movements and so on. But for now we must move on to other important things. It is the stars which are lowest on the west horizon at your time of birth that have the strongest influence over your future marriage. This portion of the sky is known as the seventh house; or The house of marriage. It rules all serious love affairs and unions. This is the house I am going to be looking at next.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    何度もすみません。どなたか日本語に直していただけたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願いします。 The ascendant is in Virgo and there are no close conjunctions from his chart But he will have a strong influence over your every day life, your thoughts, your feelings. Discrete like daylight in a room, this aspect causes sexual attraction and the potential for a marriage that will also advance your position in life. The unknown frightens you, you like to have some connection, some knowledge of the man first, and you like to know exactly where you stand in any relationship. This is a rational relationship. During the course of the relationship you may become fretful, anxious, but well groomed, may dress better look neater, but it will affect you health, you may not sleep so well, forgetful, your face will take on a tranquil aspect, your skin will become more pure. The eyes more expressive. You may feel inwardly anxious but will look outwardly serene and modest. Your. eating patterns may alter., hygiene and nerves, especially when there are tensions or difficulties in the relationship. This is likely to show in anxiety, nerves, colds. shortness of breath, a change in bowl habits, cramps in the feet, absent mindedness and inability to concentrate. Corns and calluses on the feet. There can be psychosomatic or psychic effects in this relationship. always ailing, full of maladies Virgo is an earth sign and in many ways this makes it a very practical and logical aspect because of that. A marriage that if it comes about, wont be rushed, passions and infatuation wont run away from practicalities This can make for a tight and rigid pattern, or fairly traditional roles and routines. It may not be a modern marriage.. Such a marriage is usually financially reasonable. Though money may have to be accounted for. Sometimes with this combination the finances and material side of the marriage are run frugally, as there is a mutual dislike of waste.. But it will be a loving partnership if marriage comes about. We cannot tell from this part of the chart if it will come about or not, but if it does it will be a whole heartedly commitment. Virgo is about work and about health, both things will dominate the relationship like a theme, or thread running through the future pattern of your personal life with him. knitting the relationship together.

  • 翻訳希望

    翻訳をしていただけるかた、 お願いできますでしょうか やはり難しいです・・。 長文ですので半分だけでもいいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。 All relationships we enter into, whether happy or sad, have a value, they all have something deep to offer us. They are all experiences for the soul. The spirit learns from them and unknowingly works through its karma, through the emotions, and experiences that the involvement provides. It progresses. There is room for many different kinds of relationship in our lives. The boy meets girl, fall in love, gets married, is not the only form of valuable relationship. Each relationship is special in its own right, regardless of if it brings pleasure or pain each relationship has a purpose and a meaning, a gift, to give and a lesson. Some relationships change you as a person, like wine through water they colour your soul ever after. Others leave a light foot print, only the waif of a memory behind. There is a time for beginning relationships and a time for ending. If the karma of a relationship is over, and the relationship has run its natural course then it is time to end it, so that your spirit can move on in life and progress, but if the karma isn't over, then it will be impossible to find closure or to let go. This particular relationship seems to me to have a lot of karma left.

  • 翻訳希望

    長文ですが、どなたか翻訳をお願いできませんか? 意味を知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 His Uranus conjuncts your ascendant, this means he has the power to alter your destiny's. In some way you will transform his destiny too. These changes may not be finished yet. The effect of his Uranus during the course of the relationship means, your physical appearance will change and your health. This sign can give the illusion of your becoming taller, sometimes the posture changes the spine is held straighter, sometime the shoes get higher. But the illusion is of one taller. Your complexion will become more delicate. The skin sometimes very gradually has a more milky brown look of alabaster. The hair grows longer at the back the eyes get misty or dulled, The personal factor of attraction will be very marked and people will seem drawn to you. Ties will be quickly made and quickly broken, many new acquaintances, particularly of a creative, musical, eccentric or artistic kind. because of this relationship. He will seem to have a touch of genius. You can bring this out. More. This sign can play on your nervous system, when tiredness and weakness alternative with restlessness and excitement. In many ways you'll seem never more alive, never more free. There will be a strong deep desire for romance..

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