- ベストアンサー
- 高校生のアルバイト禁止に反対する理由
- 高校生にアルバイトを認めるべき理由
- アルバイトを通じて時間の有効活用を学ぶ重要性
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
I disaree with the idea that high schools prohibit [high school->their] students from doing part time job for two reasons. Firstly, high school students should [get used to work -> learn about work]. (次の文は、事実が書いてあるだけで理由になっていないのでbecauseはおかしいです)[It is because some new employees tend to quit their jobs quickly that their jobs are not what they expected firstly.-> Today, we are seeing concerning trend that young workers newly employed tend to quit the jobs due to gaps between the jobs and what the workers expected to them at the beginning.] [Solving this problem -> To solve the problem, ] high school[s] should admit the[their] students to do part time job[s] to make them understood what [the work is -> works are]. Secondly, [we should make the students require the way of making better use of their time through part time jobs. -> we, as teachers, should give students opportunities to learn how to use their time efficiently through the part time jobs.] [It is because they don't know that and waste their times.-> They tend to waste their time only because they don't know how to improve the situations. ] They should [strike a -> lean to manage] balance between their part time jobs and their studies. (次の文はItが何か曖昧です)[It enables the students to get the way of better use of the time naturally. -> Part time jobs may help students to learn naturally how to use their time efficiently.] [With these reasons I mentioned above -> By those two reasons I describe above] , I disagree with the idea that high schools prohibit high school students from doing part time job. ちょっと細かいところまでコメントしちゃいましたが、全体的にはbecauseの使い方、あるいは使わなくて良いところを考えたほうが良いかと思います。元の文を読んでいて、because ~ が必ずしも前の文の論理的な説明になっていなくて、独立した事実の様に思います。であれば、結論を導き出すための事実として、because無しでかけば良いように思いました。
その他の回答 (1)
- yuchy0527
- ベストアンサー率15% (3/20)
とりあえず1点。get used to workingです。不定詞ではありません。used to doと混同しがちですが。
確かにそうですね(^^; 癖で間違って使ってしまっていました! それに気づけてよかったです! ありがとうございます^_^