• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:自由英作文の添削お願いします。)

Should Universities Require Students to Study a Foreign Language?

  • Opinion on whether universities should require students to study a foreign language
  • Importance of studying multiple foreign languages for globalization
  • The need to understand international disputes through foreign language study


  • ベストアンサー
  • jo_uni
  • ベストアンサー率55% (22/40)

社会科学部4年生です。その試験自分も受けました(笑) 残念ながら落ちましたが・・・。 まず赤本を90分間はかってといてみましたか? 自由英作文でそんなに書けませんよ? ここへの時間の割り当ては15分くらいでしょう。 そうだとすると、もっとコンパクトにしなきゃです。 まずは自分の意見を述べ、 次に根拠をもっと簡潔に。 そしてそれについて具体的に説得。 時間があれば、自分の意見に対する批判を紹介して、 次にこの批判に対して反論する。 最後に結論を持ってくる。 ちなみに英語の話に限定してしまってOKです。 1.I agree with 以下はそのままでOK。 2.This is because以下はちょっとおかしいです。 other country have been heading for foreign language←ここが変です。 そしてもっと簡潔にする必要があります。 英語の重要性について論じるために、国際化が進行していると言及しましょう。 →This is because as the globalization progresses English is more and more important. 3.It is true=いわゆる譲歩について。 ここでは英語が不要だという意見を紹介しますね。 It is true that in ordinary life English is not always necessary. 4.これに対する反論 However,they are not aware of the international common sense. 5.結論 Therefore, It's indispensable to learn English at Universities. http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/school/21722/1296423375/968 一応自分の英語力ですが、TOEIC800点超えてて大手の海外勤務になる予定です。



  • 大学受験英作文添削お願いいたします 

    大学受験浪人生の者です よろしければ添削お願いいたします<m(__)m>   問題の設問 Students at many university in Japan are reqrired to study a foreign language, usually English. Some university require students to study more than one foreign language. Some people say universities should not require students to study a foreign language at all. Which do you think is the best policy? Write a paragraph explaining your opinion. Give at least one appropriate reason to support your answer. 自分の解答 I think that students need to study more than one foreign language. That is because if students study foreign languages, they can be exposed to foreign cultures which are hidden in foreign languages.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    課題:中学生の学習意欲向上のためにあなたは、どのように取り組みますか。方策も含めて150字前後で述べよ。 Some students think why they have to study or studying is not interesting.It leads to student's low learning motivation.I would like to improve student's learning motivation by two methods as followed. The first method is linking learning contents with the things what they are interested in. I think almost all people can not like the things that they are not interested in.Therefore, in my lesson, I would like to teach English words linking with anime's character's name or song's lyrics which students like. The second one is praising the students.The students who is low learning motivation think that they are not good at studying.So I would like to cultivate their confidence to praise them emphatically when they could solve simple question that I gave. Students have each reasons why they are low learning motivation.Therefore I will make student's learning motivation improve under understanding their contexts. いくらかの生徒がなぜ勉強しなければいけないのか。や勉強はつまらないという理由から学習意欲の低下が起こっている。私は、以下の二つの方法によりこれを向上させたい。 一つめは、学習内容と生徒が興味のあるものを結びつけることである。ほとんどの人々が興味のない物は好きになれないと思うからである。それゆえ、私は英語の授業の中で英単語と生徒の興味のあるアニメのキャラクターや、歌詞を結びつけて教えたい。 二つめの方法は、褒めることである。学習意欲の低い生徒は、自分達は勉強が苦手だと思っているので、私が与えた簡単な問題に応えることができたときはしっかり褒めたい。 生徒の学習意欲の低下には各々の理由がある。ゆえに私は、その理由を理解した上で生徒の学習意欲をあげたい。

  • 自由英作添削お願いします!!11.早稲田政経

    添削お願いします!!                                早稲田政経では文法ミスなどがなければ細かい論理構成までは減点をしません!20点満点でお願いします!!   問題. Read the statement below and write a paragraph giving at least two reasons why you agree or disagree with it."English should be the only official language of Japan" I disagree with the idea that English should be the only official language of Japan.First,it is almost impossible to put this idea into practice. Some Japanese people cannot speak even a word in English,so they will not be able to speak English well,no matter how hard they study English.They are not intelliget enough to learn English.Second,even though English is more widely used than any other language in the world,people who do not go abroad or communicate with foreign people do not have to study English.They have only to be able to speak Japanese language. 20点満点でお願いします!!

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    英作文が苦手なので、上達のため英文を書いてみました。 文法上の間違い、文章の構造などについて、アドバイスをください。 テーマは「大学の秋入学について」です Recently,many universities are considering whether change the admission season from spring to autumn or not. This attempt arouse wide public concern, and, of course the public divided into supporter and opponent. In my opinion, it is beneficial to universities. Under the existing system, because of the different program between Japanese university and foreign university, each students are hard to study in abroad.So, If the attempt carry out, many Japanese students are easier to go abroad and Universities can receive more international students. Moreover the increasing of international students in Japan can improve Japanese students' sense of competition and cooperation. However, opponent says this attempt can destroy Japanese traditional culture. They think globalization is equal to imitating USA, and Japan should have own position in the world. As far as I concerned,the opponent's opinion is too much exaggerated. Foreign country is not only USA , but also including non-English country. And we can't neglect Japanese culture. If the globalization will be success, Japan's economy turn to good condition gradualy. From the above thing, I support the autumn admission.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    文法ミスや、その他改良すべき点ががありましたら指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 テーマ:小学校における外国語教育の是非 In my opinion, children should not study a foreign language in an elementary school. It is true that learning another language enables us to communicate with people who speak the language, and to see the world in a new way. However, I believe that people in their early days ought to learn their own language deeply. It is because mother tongue has a very important role in their lives, and peole could establish their identity by studying it enough. Furthermore, children in an elementary school already have many subjects to study, so it is not able to be thought of as a wise selection to made children have more burden. For these reasons, I emphasize that children should study their own language deeply insted of learnig foreign languages.

  • 自由英作文の添削してください !

    自由英作文の添削してください ! テーマ(自分の人生を変えた出来事) I have been to the US and the experience changed my view of the world. As you know, they speak English fluently: the sound of the language is cool even if the speaker is Japanese. That’s why I got to be interested in foreign languages. But that’s not all. What is more important for me is an American attitude: they are seemed to like to tell his thoughts to others and can express his own opinions positively, unlike the most of Japanese. These experiences showed me attraction of studying abroad.

  • 自由英作文の添削お願いします。

    2度目の投稿です。前回も大変お世話になりました。今回も添削よろしくお願いします<(_ _)> 問)あなたが母校の校長先生になれるとしたら、何をしたいですか?その理由とともに80語以上の英語で書きなさい If I became a plincipal of my school,I would like to introduce a volunteer activity. In particular,I want to have students call at a home for the aged.There are some reasons for this.First of all,I'd like to get students to learn what they can't study in class.By visiting a day care center,they can learn how to get on with elderly persons,and come by knowledge from old persons. Second, now that Japan is an aging society.Above all,students needs to learn welfare,so this plan will become chances they are interested in well-being. 文法、語彙ミス等の指摘、内容に関するアドバイス等ありましたらよろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 英作文の添削

    明日英語ライティングのテストで、自由英作文の問題がそっくりそのまま出るとのことです。 そこでどなたか簡単に添削していただけないでしょうか。 問題:次のテーマについて賛成か反対かを明らかにし、60語程度の英語で自分の意見を述べなさい “Schools in Japan should have classes on Saturdays.” 1)I don’t think schools in Japan should have classes on Saturdays. 2)First, Japanese students are too busy, so they should have more free time to play with their friends. 3)Second, they don’t have much time to study what they want to study. 4)That time will lead Japan to more creative country. 5)For these reasons, I consider classes on Saturdays are not needed. (62語) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    長文で堅苦しい内容になってしまいましたが、添削をお願いします(^-^) あと、これは大学入試用です。 TOPIC starting foreign language education at a very early age is a good idea. I'm for this opinion. There are TWO reasons.First of all,clearly,little children aged up to three can absorb a lot of information at a rate grown-ups cannot.Responsive to sound,they are very efficient learners of new language, so they will be able to acquire two languages such as Japanese and English with little difficulty.This will be a good advance, because they will have more time learning other important subjects,say math,science,histry,and so on. Second,learning foreign language does not only mean you are learning how to read and write,but it also means you are studying other culture.It must be great that you know several culture, because it means you can understand things at global point of view without predudice.Acquiring such perspective is indispensable for people of today.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    題名:高校が高校生のアルバイトを禁止することに賛成ですか。反対ですか。 I disaree with the idea that high schools prohibit high school students from doing part time job for two reasons. Firstly, high school students should get used to work. It is because some new employees tend to quit their jobs quickly that their jobs are not what they expected firstly. Solving this problem high school should admit the students to do part time job to make them understood what the work is. Secondly, we should make the students require the way of making better use of their time through part time jobs. It is because they don't know that and waste their times.They should strike a balance between their part time jobs and their studies.It enables the students to get the way of better use of the time naturally. With these reasons I mentioned above, I disagree with the idea that high schools prohibit high school students from doing part time job. 訳:私は高校が高校生にアルバイトを禁止することに以下の二つの理由から反対です。 一つ目は、高校生は仕事になれるべきであるからである。なぜなら、いくらかの新卒採用の社員が、自分が当初思っていたものと違っていたという理由ですぐに仕事を辞めているからである。なので高校は高校生に仕事とは何かをわからせるために彼らがアルバイトをすることをみとめるべきだ。 二つ目は生徒達にアルバイトをすることを通して時間の有効活用の方法を習得させるためである。 なぜなら彼らはその方法を知らずに、時間を無駄にしているからである。彼らはアルバイトと勉強の両立させるべきだ。それらの両立は生徒達に時間の有効活用の方法を自然と習得させることにつながる。 以上の理由から、私は高校が高校生にアルバイトを禁止するというアイディアに反対します。

  • 電池で動くドラえもん時計の配線が錆びて外れてしまいました。
  • ハンダでつなごうと思ったのですが、各端子がどこにつながるかわかりません。
  • わかる方がおられたら教えてください。