• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします…)

I have to go to sleep, goodnight

  • Remember that things will change and you will find a good situation if you stay positive and keep trying.
  • Come visit here and travel to see beautiful nature with me, I'll help as much as I can listening and looking for opportunities for you.
  • I already have some ideas.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

最後文が途中で切れていますがーー訳しました。 もう寝なきゃね。おやすみ、XX。忘れないで、ものごとは変化するし、もし積極的でありつづけて、諦めなければ、そのうち状況はよくなる、いつでもここに来てかまわないし、私と一緒に美しい自然を見る旅をすることもできる、あなたのために耳を傾け、機会をできるだけさがし求めるというお手伝いができる、いつもつねに考えがあるんだ。 以上、いかがでしょうか?



  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どなたか、和訳をお願いします。 「Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about your resume and search for new employment opportunities earlier this morning, it was appreciated. As per our conversation, attached you will find the application for employment with △△for you to complete and return to me at your convenience. I will let you know as soon as any other opportunities arise that you may be a good fit for.」

  • 和訳に直してもらえませんか?

    凄く長いんですが、翻訳機を使ってみたけどサッパリわからないです。 どなたかお願いします。 how are you i missed you ^_^ so what's new in your life i would like to know you better and be closer to you as a firend as a very good friend ^^ i hopes i am not impolite. if you allow me to know you better i will be very happy. i already have a friend from italy. she is like a sister for me now. i would like to make the same relation ship with some friends from japan. and may be one day we will be able to meet each other. ^_^ and share a very good coffee or tee. i would like to travel to japan some day. and i will be very happy if i can have lot of friends from there. as i did in france. where i spent 2 years for my studies. in Toulon côte d'azure. a very nice place just like okinawa. but okinawa is very beautiful too. ok i have to go back work. if you have any question about me i will be very happy to comunicate with you. very big kiss on your head and a very big hug ;) see you soon

  • すみません、和訳お願いいたします。

    すみません、和訳お願いいたします。 Hi, I have sent US$500 as part payment for this unit.I will sent you TT copy today as i have being told to go and pick it up in the afternoon.I will advise next week when i will sent you the balance.Thanks for understanding. Regards, Richard Harrison Mbobela.

  • どなたか次ぎの和訳を教えてください

    Remember, too, that often you will want umpires and linesman for a match in which you are playing, and only by doing this for others can expect them to do it for you.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 ・ I hope you had a good night's sleep and that I'm not giving you too much stress. Am I giving you stress with your flights? Sorry if I did. Please choose whatever is easy for you. And if there is something I can do to help, I only try to make you happy :) Today I heart that I might have to visit 3 potential customers in China. It would be a very short visit ... just a few day. Hmmm it's almost like your visit to Belgium .. hahaha. If I need to go to China, I would be back before the 1st of December. Don't worry I will be here when you come. Actually I told my boss a friend from Tokyo is coming to visit Belgium ... so he knows I need to be in Belgium then. And Jents (do you remember him) told my boss and all my colleagues ... "and it's a very pretty friend" ... hahaha

  • 和訳お願いします

    I want a Japanese Nikkuname for ○○, I will give you a private nikkuname. Did you have a good weekend. I like Japanese food and cook sometimes. Lets cook together. Before you start your new job you should visit NYC. I can guide you and we can have fun connecting. I will also teach you English. Like when I was a kid, I stole candy from a shop. My dad spanked the hell out of me. lesson Learned!! Take care ○○,Stay Dry. 少し長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をしてくれませんか?

    I do have affection for you. Sleep well sweetheart. We will soon be together, and these arms will hold you as long as you want... よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    Any place were we can be together is a good place for me! I just wanted to make sure it's also convenient for you. See now I will be on holiday and I have enough time. I'll try to look for a hotel this afternoon. I was wondering do you still have your boarding passes? I think it's good if you would apply for a Air France frequent flyers card ... maybe you will fly to France a lot in the future ... I hope so :) When I'm in Tokyo I will arrange it for you ... it will be my pleasure to help you with this.

  • おおまかな和訳をお願いいたします。

    thank you i have a store in west edmonton mall i try to find items that i can sell i will place a large order from you on the knifes you have for sale ..i will talk to the wife what knives will sell and let you know by monday i like honest sellers like your self thank you hope to do lot more biz with you soon ..thank you for refund i trust you to my store is large and do lots of biz with great sellers like your self thank you again

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    和訳をお願いします。 Often,the hardest job for a writer is simply to get started. Some day there seems to be nothing to write about. But don`t worry if this "writer`s block" happens to you. The following ideas may help you begin your writing. First, try a timed free-writing. That`s, sit down and write anything that comes into your mind for 15 minutes. Don`t stop before the time is up. Much of what you write will not be good and you will throw it away. But you will also find some ideas on the paper that you like. You can keep these good ideas and rewrite them in a better way. Second,you can use the five questions of a newspaper reporter: who, what,when,where,and how. Just writing down the answers will help you begin to organize the facts for your essay. Third,you may find a short outline useful. Make a simple list of the major points you wish to make. Seeing the points on paper will help you decide in what order you should put them in the essay. Remember that usually you should put the most important point at the beginning of your essay. Just remember that every day we can find good ideas for writing topics. Many writers keep a small notebook handy to write down ideas from talking with friends,listening to television, or reading a magazine. These notes often become the source of good essays.

  • ブラザー製の3780cdwというカラーレーザー複合機には「七年高耐久」という言葉がありますが、これはどういう意味なのでしょうか?
  • この言葉は耐久性に自信があるメーカーのメッセージを表しているのか、それとも保証期間とは関係なく単に載せているだけなのでしょうか?
  • カラーレーザー複合機を購入しようと思っているので、この「七年高耐久」について詳しく知りたいです。ご存知の方、教えてください。