• ベストアンサー


和訳してください Such a heavy, greasy lunch will take hours to digest and make you sit in class. If you're truly craving those fried chicken bites, swap baked chips for fries and add fruit. An orange has potassium and tons of vitamins that will offset the salty fried, so you won't feel puffy!


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

そのようなたっぷりの、脂っこい昼食は、消化するのに時間がかかって、あなたを授業に出席させるでしょう。あなたがフライドチキンを本当に欲しいと思っているならば、焼いたポテトチップをフライに換えて、果物を加えてください。オレンジには塩気のある揚げ物を相殺するカリウムとたくさんのビタミンが含まれています、だからあなたはお腹がふくれたと感じません! make you sit in class, the salty fried この2か所がどうもしっくりこないのですが、一応訳しておきました。





その他の回答 (1)

  • mikiu
  • ベストアンサー率41% (53/128)

そのような重たい脂っこい昼食は、消化するのに何時間もかかり、動けなくなりますよ。 もしどうしてもフライドチキンが食べたいなら、フライドポテトの代わりにベイクドポテトにして、フルーツを加えなさい。 オレンジはカリウムとビタミンが豊富で、塩分・油分を排出するので、むくまなくなりますよ! sit in classをどう訳すか迷うのですが・・・、これは何かの質問の答えでしょうか?学校での昼食のお話でしょうか。



回答ありがとうございます。助かります! 外国のティーンズ雑誌の一部分です(^^)



  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以前、海外ネットショップで買い物したのですが、出品者の都合で商品の発送がおくれていて、それに対して私はメールを送ったのですが、以下のような文章が帰ってきました。 大体の内容はわかるのですが、不安なため、ニュアンス等も含め和訳してもらえるとありがたいです。 I truly apologize for the delay. I will send you a tracking number within 24 hours. You should have received your item by now and Im confident that it is on its way. I will keep in touch to be sure this becomes a pleasant transaction for both of us ちなみに I will send you a tracking number within 24 hours.とあるのですが24時間経過しても tracking numberはおくられてきていません。 それではよろしくお願いします。

  • You will never know......

    You will never know true happiness until you have truly loved, and you will never understand what pain really is until you have lost it., ”本当に愛されるまで幸せを知ることはないし、それを失うまで本当の痛みを理解することはない。” この英文はこんな感じの意味でしょうか?

  • 和訳お願いします。

    This song makes me stronger than ever before. I said good-bye to him. No matter how bad I feel about, how deeply I think of him, He will not come back again no more. Good luck four-leaf clover didn't bring happiness to us. maybe,If he is now grinning and making excuses for the flirt, But I don't mind even if to someone get laughed at. I truly loved him, certain fact every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure. But I will never look back to the past and move on and on. 長文ですみません。 おかしな文があったら教えてほしいです_(._.)_ 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳

    すみませんが、以下の英文の和訳で間違っているところがありましたらご指導をお願いいたします。 By the way, you seem to be anxious about people's relationship and career options. If so, I want to give you an advice from my experience. While I had worked at certain trading conglomerate, the general manager used to have said to me. "An explanation which we need in something like a meeting, is mathematical thinking; therefore, I prefers sciences to arts, because they are simple and more sophisticated than the others." I see you have often appeared on the mathematical site and I hope you will never forget such a sense. It brings you good fellow, nice hus and brilliant future. Anyway believe yourself. Bye now. Truly yours. ところで、貴方は人間関係と経歴の選択について悩んでいるように思われます。 もしそうなら、私は自分の経験から貴方にアドバイスを差し上げたい。 私がある通商の複合企業で働いていたとき、総支配者が私に対して言いました。 「ミーティングのような何かにおいて、私たちが必要とする説明は、数学的な考え方だ。それゆえ、私は科学より芸術を好む、なぜなら、それらは単純で、科学よりも、より洗練されているからだ」 私は貴方がしばしば数学のサイトに現れているのを見る、そして私は貴方がそのようなセンスを決して忘れないことを望む。 それはあなたによい仲間を運んでくる、よい夫、そして輝かしい将来。とにかく自分自身を信じなさい。今から。 敬具

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? においについて?みたいな感じです・・。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Every one has a distinctive individual odour, but it is often so subtle that we do not smell it. It is harder still to describe in words. Your soul mate washes frequently, and his odious and fragrance will not be strong, but the subtle nuances of them are a warmth, like cloth. He smells of shampoo, and faintly fragrant and like hair styling products, and there is a subtle undertone of oiliness, cooking oils and toasted and fried things. soap, faintly of burnt things, and tomatoes and cheese or pizza, There is a fragrance of mingled things,. These odours are so faint you hardly smell them, you more feel it, you know when he is there, like the difference between him and an empty space, but the subtle difference in air is uniquely his own. The strongest parts for detecting this smell are the region of his hair and collar.. The cloth and cooking smell is the undertone, the lower note or less pleasant background of his perfume. and the shampoo and hair styling products, stronger like a cloaking smell but they are both so fine and subtle that it is hard to detect these things

  • いただいた手紙の日本語訳をお願いします

    ある本の著者(ニューヨーク在住)に、本の感想を英文で書いて送ったところ、思いがけず、返事をいただきました。 とても嬉しいのですが、意味がわからない部分があり、日本語訳を教えていただけたら、有難いです。 I do believe you truly liked comming to N.Y. And I know you will come back again! 私が以前N.Y.に旅行で行ったことがあり、また訪ねたいと手紙に書きました。そのことに関連してるのだと思うのですが…。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 何て書いて(読む)あるんですか?partI

    Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you.

  • 訳してもらえますか?

    you can not get your kis report card until the end of the day. If you are not going to be here the last day, please let me know. 先生からこのようなレターをもらいましたが あなた(親のこと)あなの子供の成績表をこの日の終わりまでもらうことができない もしラストデイにここにいいることが(来ること??)できないなら お知らせください ですか? ってことは来てくださいねってことがいいたいんでしょうか? After lunch,We will have some teacher and end of the year student time and will go to our specials. もお願いします。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    “If you make biofuels properly, you will reduce greenhouse emissions,” said Peder Jensen, of the European Environment Agency in Copenhagen. “But that depends very much on the types of plants and how they’re grown and processed. You can end up with a 90 percent reduction compared to fossil fuels — or a 20 percent increase." “It’s important to take a life-cycle view,” and not to “just see what the effects are here in Europe.” In the Netherlands, the data from Indonesia has provoked soul-searching, and helped prompt the government to suspend palm oil subsidies. The Netherlands, a leader in green energy, is now leading the effort to distinguish which biofuels are truly environmentally sound. The government, environmental groups and some of the Netherlands’ “green energy” companies are trying to develop programs to trace the origins of imported palm oil, to certify which operations produce the oil in a responsible manner. Krista van Velzen, a member of Parliament, said the Netherlands should pay compensation to Indonesia for the damage that palm oil has caused. “We can’t only think: does it pollute the Netherlands?”

  • 和訳してください(+_+)

    There are about 350 Holocaust museums in the world and among them the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Yad Vashem in Israel are famous. But did you know Japan has this kind of facility, too? The Holocaust Education Center in Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture was built in 1995 and houses items related to the Holocaust that have been donated from around the world. Mr.Otsuka has been going to church since he was a child. As his pastor's way of living made a deep impression on him, he too became a pastor. A turning point in his life came when he visited Netanya in Israel in 1971 as a member of a chorus group. An old man came to speak to him in English when he was about to take lunch with other group members in a restaurant. "You are Japanese, aren't you? Would you plese sing a Japanese song?" After Mr.Otsuka and his group finished singing, the gentleman thanked them for it and began to talk. "You probably know the diary which my daughter wrote, don't you? I'm the father of Anne Frank." After this opportunity, a dialog between Mr.Otsuka and Mr.Frank began. "Peace will be born from mutual understanding. Please be a person who can do something to create peace in the world; do not only sympathize with the tragic death of Anne and other victims." Mr.Otsuka was moved by what Mr. Frank said and went to Israel to study Hebrew. He visited the concentration camps in Europe because he wanted to know more about the Jews and the Holocaust. Six million Jews are said to have lost their lives because of the Holocaust. Mr. Otsuka was shocked to know that among them were 1.5 million children. Since he wanted to show exhibits to Japanese children, he made up his mind to built a memorial center in Japan. Otsuka wrote letters explaining that he had little money for his project but plenty of passion and sent them to lots of people involved in the Holocaust and various facilities. After a while, packages came to him from all over the world : an inmate's uniform, a box containing ashes, and so on. Someone handed him a passport that was a memento of their family, and one painter offered pictures he had painted of the camp, saying, "You may take any pictures you like." Mr. Frank donated pictures of his family and some of the everyday items they had used. To make the exhibits accessible to everyone, Otsuka put English and furigana above every kanji character used in the explanations. A new building was opened in 2007. The room in which Anne hid and her diary were reproduced there. These are the only approved reproductions outside of Europe. After the death of Mr. Frank, one of his typewriters was given to the center and is now exhibited, too. Approximately 12,000 visitors have come to the center in the year since the new building was opened, twice the number before the renewal. All sorts of people, from kindergarten pupils to adults, visit the Holocaust Education Center. "This is a facility where not only will you learn the truth about the Holocaust, but you will also think about what you yourself can do to make peace for the world," Otsuka says. "I never heard Mr. Erank say anything hateful. I have been continuously questioning in my heart why the Holocaust occurred. Students from over 700 schools have visited the Holocaust Education Center. I hope all the children in Japan will visit it, and also wish that this center will be a place from which they are sending peace to the world, " Otsuka says.

  • FMV WF 3A 114はWi-Fi6AXに対応していますが、2.4GHz帯と5GHz帯の両方に対応しています。
  • 富士通FMV WF 3A 114は、Wi-Fi6AXの機能を利用することができます。2.4GHz帯と5GHz帯の両方に対応しており、高速で安定したインターネット接続を実現します。
  • FMV WF 3A 114は、Wi-Fi6AXに対応しており、2.4GHz帯と5GHz帯の両方で利用することができます。ワイヤレス接続を利用する際には、適切な周波数帯域を選択して使用してください。