• 締切済み


For those of you who don’t know who Mr. Arudou Debito is, please allow me to present the following links. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debito_Arudou https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%89%E9%81%93%E5%87%BA%E4%BA%BA Having looked at both sites, I can say the Japanese Wikipedia article seems to be more thorough. However, the English Wikipedia article talks about the time when he led a protest in Nishi Ward, Yokohama in 2003 against the honorary granting of juuminhyou to Tama-chan the male bearded seal. The protesters even dressed up as seals. The protest was trying to raise the point that if juuminhyou could be granted to animals and cartoon characters, then there was no reason that it couldn’t be granted to foreign residents. Furthermore, in August 2009, Mr. Arudou began a campaign against a McDonald’s Japan advertisement featuring a burger mascot named Mr. James. Mr. Arudou’s grievance was that Mr. James perpetuates negative stereotypes about non-Japanese Caucasian minorities living in Japan. I can tell you that on English-speaking websites, Mr. Arudou is very controversial. The website reddit.com has entire topics devoted to bashing him. There are a number of people who hate his guts. There are people who think he has some legitimate points, but he resorted to extreme measures to get those points across. For the record, he is no longer living in Japan. He moved to Hawaii a number of years ago. Now he spends his time writing articles for The Japan Times. So I would like to ask you. What do you think of Mr. Arudou Debito? After all, Japan was the place where he spent decades of life living and leading protests, campaigns and so on.


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

 質問は下記だけなので  So I would like to ask you. What do you think of Mr. Arudou Debito?  で、私が聞きたいのは、Arudou Debitoさんについてどう思いますか? 同氏は  2003年横浜西区のアザラシのタマちゃんに住民票を与えよ運動、  2009年非日本人白人少数派に対する偏見の象徴としてマクドナルドのマスコットMr. Jams 反対運動  などに参加したそうで今ハワイで、新聞記事を書いているそうです。ウィキの日本語版と英語場ででは違っている由。

