• ベストアンサー


すみません。急ぎの和訳をお願いします。 don't worry :) everything is going to be alright :) you said :But I felt that a story was necessary with more you in the same way as you!! but i don't get you


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

ちなみにi don't understand youはあなたの事が理解できないですよね??    →よろしいと思います。



やっぱりそうですよねm(_ _)mありがとうございました。


その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

英語がすらすら言えるけど、いわゆる文法的な正規の英語ではないという人の文章という感じがします。内容がわからないので、少し想像を交えて訳してみましたが、あっているかどうか、わかりません。 試訳 心配しないで、すべてうまくいくからなんて言うけど、説明がもっと必要だったね、あなたにも必要なのと同じように。じゃないとわけわかんないよ。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。






But~you!!までのやつは私が相手に送ったものでした(ー ー;)早とちりしてすみません。なので、彼があなたがいった~それが意味が分からないと聞いてきたんだと思いますm(_ _)m ちなみにi don't understand youはあなたの事が理解できないですよね??



  • 和訳をお願いします

    すみません。こちらの英語の和訳をお願いいたします。 ☆We met, and were impressions different? ★sorry i don't get you ☆i got it ★you meant that you had nice time when in France ? ☆I was able to spend happy time in France But I felt that a story was necessary with more you in the same way as you I am blame,sorry I have misunderstood Please ignore this matter im so sorry ★don't worry :) everything is going to be alright :) you said :But I felt that a story was necessary with more you in the same way as you!! but i don't get you ☆I want to talk with you much more It is these contents that I wanted to send Do you understand a meaning? ★ye s ;) ☆I misunderstood these words “i don't get you’’ ★i don't understand you ☆But it was able to be already understood ★; )good night, i am going home ;) ☆good night

  • 正しい和訳

    人によって 和訳が違うので、英語として正しい和訳にして下さい。 Avril.Nobody's Homeの一部。 こちらです。 I couldn't tell you Why she felt that way She felt it everyday I couldn't help her I jast watched her make The same mistakes again What's wrong,what's wrong now Too many,too many problems Don't know where she belongs Where she belongs ここまでです。 (初心者)勉強中なので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします ☆Are we friend relations forever? ★non, we will see i don't know if you understand or not i did not understand your question ☆Is it the question that I se nt to you now? ★yes ☆"we will see"you send me? ★yes i don't wanna be friends, i wanna something more ☆but,You did the same answer before. It is that we are friends from now on. I understood it. ★no,don't worry, i don't wanna be just friends ☆と★の会話って最終的に心配するなよみたいな感じで終わっていて、これは会話は成立してるんでしょうか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いいたします。 以前にも宿泊したことがあり、懇意にしてもらったHOTELの方になにかお土産を 持っていこうと思い、予約確認メールのついでに 「I would like to bring a Japanese souvenir to you. Is there the thing which you want in something Japanese? for example “SAKE” etc...  Do you like SAKE? I'm looking forward to going to your lovely hotel again.」 と送りました。 返事は、 「Sake?? Ohhh thank you, but may be they don't let you bring anything liquid in the luggage... don't worry....but to answer you: I..never had a bottle ofsake in my bar..... See you soon,」 とのことです。 英語が得意ではないので、どういう意味合いなのかわかりません。 飲んだことがないから、持って行くと喜ばれるのでしょうか? それともやんわり好きじゃないと断られているのでしょうか? 誰か教えていただけませんか。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    和訳お願いします わけわかんなくなりました oh and you said i got an email but i dident what did you think it ment

  • この英文メールの和訳をお願いします。

    この英文メールの和訳をお願いします。 Thanks, I felt the same way. It was very relaxing. Hope 2 c u soon. Have a great Sunday.

  • 和訳お願いします!!m(._.)m

    英語が得意な方和訳お願い致します! i feel the same way. But even when your in japan. i still feel your presense around.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Are we friend relations forever? と送ったら、non, we will see i don't know if you understand or not i did not understand your question と返事がありIs it the question that I sent to you now?と送ったら、 yesとあり、"we will see"you send me? と聞いたらyes i don't wanna be friends, i wanna something moreときました。 but,You did the same answer before. It is that we are friends from now on. I understood it. と答えるとno,don't worry, i don't wanna be just friendsときました。どういう意味でしょうか?

  • 和訳教えて下さい。

    メールを読んでいて次の文がよくわかりませんでした。すみませんが、教えて下さい。 1) I usually get people gift cards but it’s never as fun that way. 2) Maybe it's the same for you? 多分、あなたもそうでしょ?って感じでしょうか。。 3)I don't know what happened, but one day I got sick of it because I started to feel taken advantage of. I got sickからよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 歌詞の和訳をお願いします

    Don't Turn Around と言う曲なのですが 和訳をお願いします。 (Spoken) I will survive without you... Don't tell me that you wanna leave... Whoa whoa whoa whoa Whoa whoa whoa whoa If you wanna leave I won't beg you to stay And if you gotta go, darling Maybe it's better that way I'm gonna be strong I'm gonna do fine Don't worry about this heart of mine (Spoken) Walk out that door See if I care Go on and go, but Don't turn around 'Cause you're gonna see my heart breaking Don't turn around I don't want you seeing me cry Just walk away It's tearing me apart that you're leaving I'm letting you go But I won't let you know... I won't let you know. Whoa whoa whoa whoa Whoa whoa whoa whoa I won't miss your arms around me Holding me tight (Holding me tight) And if you ever think about me Just know that I'll be alright (I'll be alright) I'm gonna be strong I'm gonna do fine Don't worry about this heart of mine (Spoken) I will survive I'll make it through I'll even learn to live without you Don't turn around 'Cause you're gonna see my heart breaking Don't turn around I don't want you seeing me cry Just walk away It's tearing me apart that you're leaving I'm letting you go But I won't let you know... I wish I could scream out loud That I love you, I wish I could say to you Don't go........ (Spoken) As he walks away He feels the pain getting strong People in your life They don't know what's going on Too proud to turn around He's gone Don't turn around 'Cause you're gonna see my heart breaking Don't turn around I don't want you seeing me cry Just walk away It's tearing me apart that you're leaving I'm letting you go, Baby don't turn around Whoa whoa whoa whoa Don't turn around Whoa whoa whoa whoa Just walk away Whoa whoa whoa whoa It's tearing me apart that you're leaving I'm letting you go Don't turn around Whoa whoa whoa whoa Don't turn around Whoa whoa whoa whoa Just walk away Whoa whoa whoa whoa

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