
  • 日本語をなめらかな英語にする方法を教えてください。
  • 簡単な英語で日記をつける際、より自然な表現方法について教えてください。
  • 文法ミスを気にせずなめらかなネイティブらしい英語の言い方を教えてください。
  • ベストアンサー


簡単な英語で日記をつけようと思っています。早速書いてみましたが、知っている文法とS+V+Oの基本文型だけで書いたので堅いように感じます。本当は下の日本語のように言いたいのです。文法ミスの指摘はもちろんありがたいのですが、もっとなめらかなネイティブらしい良い言い方があれば、どんどん教えていただきたいです。 添削よろしくお願いします。 I've decided not to care about my mistakes in grammer... Today My friend and I went to the gallery in Shibuya to see it for my exhibition. Then we suddunly wanted to go to Ikebukuro but I didn't know which train we have to get on. I hadn't known the Saikyo line can stop at Shibuya. After all, we arrived at Junkudo in Ikebukuro and spent about 4 hours there. It was easy for me. I enjoyed myself.  文法ミスは気にしないことに決めました。。。  今日わたしと友だちは展示のため渋谷までギャラリー偵察に行った。それから突然池袋に行きたくなって、電車に乗ろうと思ったけれど何線に乗ればいいのかちょっとわからなかった。埼京線が渋谷に止まるなんて初めて知ったよ。  結局池袋でジュンク堂について、4時間くらい居座っていたけれどまだまだ余裕でした。楽しかったなぁ。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー

まず英文から先に読みました。 "Today my friend and I..." を読んだとき、"すでに開催されているmy exhibition" を見に行ったと理解しました。("went to XX to see it" より "went to see XX" の方が自然です) "After all" の使い方が変です。 (after all の用法は参考URLを参照してください。) "It was easy for me." は何が easy だったのか分かりません。 "I enjoyed myself." からは自分だけ楽しんだという印象を受けました。 和文を読んでから以下のように英文を変更してみました。参考にしてください。 I've decided not to care about making mistakes in grammar... Today my friend and I went to check out the gallery in Shibuya for my future exhibition. Then we suddenly wanted to go to Ikebukuro, but we didn't know which train to take. We found out the Saikyo line stops at Ikebukuro, so we took it. We finally arrived at Junkudo in Ikebukuro. We spent about four hours there, but we didn't get tired at all. We really enjoyed ourselves. grammer と suddunly の misspelling を訂正しました。「余裕だった」は「ぜんぜん疲れなかった」と解釈しました。



ありがとうございます。 おおー。元の文だとたしかに、私の展示を見に行ってるようにも思えますね。それにafter allの「結局」という意味は、私の文意だと使えないんですね。細かいところまで手を加えてくださって、ありがとうございました。日本語一語一句に固執するあまり、肝心の意味するところがずれないようにしていきたいですね。

その他の回答 (3)

  • NM77
  • ベストアンサー率50% (2/4)

こんばんわ。 文をチェックしてもらうよりも、実際に英語を母国語とする自分の同年代で同じような趣味を持つ人や 自分がこうなりたいと思うような人達の文章を読む方が早いですよ。 日本語でも同じですが、文法はある程度以上のレベルに達している英語を学習した人の方が あまり英語力の高くない(日本人では国語力)ネイティブよりも文法的にも文章的にも綺麗な場合が多いですが。。 どのような文章をなめらかと取るかによりますが、若者世代の文章はめちゃめちゃな事が多いので、 止めておいた方が長期的に見て無難かと:D 自分の好きな作家さんや教養の高そうな有名な方のブログを見るのも良いと思います。 性別はできれば同じで、年齢も近い人の方が良いとは思います。 ちなみに私は英語力も日本語力も高くない両方の言語の中途半端なネイティブです。 トピ主さんの年齢にもよりますが、書かれた文章を見る限りは特に問題ないと思いますが、 細かく説明しすぎるとトピ主さんの行動の説明文を読んでる感じになりますので もっと自分の感情を入れる方が個人的になめらかかと思います。 テスト勉強みたいな感じではないのであれば、シンプルに書くのが一番伝わりやすいですね。



国語力の低い英語は、確かに避けていきたいですね。 説明文、そうなのです、行動の説明、感情の説明に陥りがちなのをこれからどうにかしたいと思っています。 外国の方の文章を探して読んでみることにします。 ありがとうございました。


外国人の日記を読んでマネしたら、独白の書き方が分るんじゃないでしょうか。 「Diary of 」で検索すればいくらでも出そうです。インターネットの時代ってすごいですね。



ありがとうございます。 なるほど、外国の方の日記ですか。思い至りませんでした。早速探してみます。

  • Katally
  • ベストアンサー率33% (10/30)




ありがとうございます。 これからもうちょっと幅のある表現を目指したいところです。


  • 英語を日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    以下の内容なのですが、宜しくお願いします。 How is life,family and business in Japan? please I am sorry for late contact to you concerning the payment you send to us for shippment I will confirm today and let you know about it then I will at once apply for the paper work to shipp the animals to you please wait my mail again.

  • 日本語→英語について(2)

    日本語→「なぜならもし私がノートカードを見ないで観客をみれば、私の表情は豊かになるからです。つまり観客の目を見ることで、自然と表情がついてくる、ということです」 英語→「This is because if I do not see my notecards and look at the audience, my face would be so expressive. In other words, by looking at the eyes of audiences, it naturally follows an expression.」 「表情が自然とついてくる」という表現がこれでいいのかわかりません。 こちらの英文が正しいか(文法的に)見て欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語→英語について

    日本語→「顔を上げることによって、私が伝えたい言葉(内容)を観客に簡単にわかってもらえると思う。俯いて話してても観客には届かない、ということです。」 英語→「I think that the words that I want to say can more easy to understand for my audience by raising my face. It means that it is not conveyed to the audience even if I look down and talk.」 こちらの英文が正しいか(文法的に)見て欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が合っているか見てください。

    Narrative の文書です 間違っていたら、訂正お願いいたします。 On Fridays, I get up at 9:00 am. My mother leaves for work at 8:00 and my brother goes to school early in the morning so I get up by myself. I only have third class on Friday so I don’t have to get up early but I get up two hours before I have to leave. As soon as get up, I go downstairs and get dressed, prepare breakfast myself and eat in front of the TV, checking my email on my smart phone. After breakfast I wash my face, brush my teeth, make up my face and tie up my hair. The third-period class is an English class and we always have a test at the beginning so when I am ready to go to college, I study for the test for an hour and I leave the house at 10:45 am . I walk to the station 15 minutes and get on the train 11:05am.When I arrive at Nagoya station at 12:03 pm, I change train and get on Higashiyama line subway to go to college. It takes 20 minutes to arrive at Hoshigaoka station from Nagoya station. I have to walk about 15 minutes to college after get off the subway. When I arrive at class, I eat chocolate for between meals. After between meals, I study for the test for about 45 minutes and sometimes I talking with my college friend who takes the same English class until 1:30 pm. I always meet my friend at college’s one floor near the elevator after finish the class at3:00 pm to go to part time job with my college friend by subway. We work at Nagoya station’s underground McDonald near silver clock . We get off the subway, buy eat between meals at Ministop near our office and talking with her over eating it at office. Change clothes and go our shop. I work as register or making drink or preparing food. After finish job, we change clothes and eat dinner at MacDonald’s because we work at there , we can buy 30 percent discount the day. I talk about school or friends or who we interested in over eating dinner with my friend about 30 minutes. After finish eating dinner We walk to Nagoya station for 15 minutes and say good-bye then. I take train and sleep on the train, my mother picks me up when I arrive at my local station about 11:15 pm. I wash my hands and take a bath as soon as I arrive at my house. After take a bath I brash my teeth and blow my hair. I up stairs to go to bed and say good night to my mother. Before fall asleep I always check my cell phone whether I get email from my friend or not. After that I prepare clothes for tomorrow’s part time job and set alarm for 8:30am. I see twitter and tweet or just check my friend’s tweet. I fall asleep after check my shift and what time I have to get up.

  • 日本語に訳してください(T_T)!

    On morning I was sitting at my desk, studying by the light of my desk lamp, listning to the radio and stretching my toes towards the waupmth of a small heater at my feet. All of a sudden there was no electricity - and my comfortable, well-lighted world ended. Civilization and technology disappeared, and I felt like a primitive man living in a cold and dark cave. I got up and pulled back the curtains to get the morning light. My feet were still cold, but at least now I could see well. After a long time, the electricity came back. In my mind a seed of worry would not die. What if the power had gone out during the night, and my alarm clock's brain had been erased? I would have risen at my natural warking hour - noon. Or what if the power had gone out in the middle of my electric shave? People would have laughed at me. We are, as a country, totally dependent on electricity. Without it, lifesaveing medical machines in hospitals would not work. Also, frozen food would spoil. Traffic signals would become useless decorations, and telephone communication would cease. And no television .... Oh, no! About 35 percent of the energy we use in the US is electricity. About one quarter of this electricity is used in our houses for conveniences such as air-conditiones and televisions. To satisfy this appetite for energy, we are using up oil, coal natural gas. At present, I have 15 electrical things in my small dormitory room. I have always been proud that I do not need a morning cup of coffee. Why then must I be completely dependent on electricty?

  • 日本語にお願いいたします

    wow your holidays are differebnt from ours our new years ids in janurary and christmmas is at the end of december. on sunday we went to the swiss chalet for supper as it was mothers day and we had the half a chicken dinner and boy was it good but it was really filing we enjoyed it though. i am getting my mom this book on paranormal activitiers as she believes in spirits and ghosts should be in with in two weeks. hugs julie

  • 英語日記2 東日本大震災

    英語日記2 東日本大震災 すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いす。 What can we do now about the severe earthquake. We are facing a great big challenging now. On the 11th of March, we had seen the terrible scene what we couldn’t believe it. But it was really, we are not into dream. Fortunately, my family and my relatives were not there. I don’t know what I can have a light to say it. But if I had been there, I couldn’t have escaped the earthquake. But please don’t forget. We had been able to get over more big challenges. We can do it until we believe us. And think about what we can do now. 内容はあまりきにしないでください。

  • 日本語訳お願いします(>_<)

    日本語訳をお願いします(>_<) When I had played with it a little while,Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word"d-o-l-l". I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride.

  • 日本語訳してください!

    Yeah, we did! It was long but I know a few about it because of the lessons! My favourite sport is football, I'm a great football fan (Soccer)! I also play it alot I used to be in the football team in my old school, but i can't any more now D: my doesn't want me too! Volley ball, hmm I've only played it once in school that was it! It was very hard I remember! I've tried to learn French during secondary school since i was 11 to age 15 but I never understood much since i really didn't have interest in it! I'm very much into music and watching tvs and stuff! I love going out with my friends to the cinema! Are you in junior high school or high school? In the UK we don't call it junior high school or senior high school we call it secondary school and college! I'm in college since I'm 16! It's my first year :)

  • 日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか?

    長文になりますが、おおまかで構わないので日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。 ………………………… In summer in the year before last, I received a mail from a person. I felt almost was make-up story but various thinks about you were written in it. I understood the contents and replied my promise not to relate with you. However, harassment to me started by your friends, staffs of (店名) and your friends I had never related and it has been continuing until now although it becomes not so often as before. Even some of my friends were harassed only because being with me. (店名) is your working place and a place for your friends to gather. I guess they hope me not to relate with you. Because I had been told about you sometimes, I had a complicated feeling when I received your message via facebook. I thought that I would select my human relation and it would be possible for me to be a friend with you but I can not be free from the wavering of my decision to relate with you as a friend if I visit (店名). I have to keep promise with your friends.... I do not know why your friends still stick to me. Because I have no relation with you now. I also have no relation with anyone who might have close relation with you. I do not know you have any engagement to such continuous sticking to me but I think it is a matter of mind of these people not of yours or mine. I am thankful to you for calling me your friend. However, considering my current position, I think that it would be difficult to be your friend. If you have good human relation now, I think that there would be no reason for you to keep on staying as my friend beyond it. What do you think about it? Please do not misunderstand. I do not take you into my confidence to hurt you. I want to tell you only why I have avoided you. If we have fate, we might be able to relate as ordinary friend.