There are very few people with the name ●●, including my family.
Explaining the airport terminal system and immigration process.
Assuring the visitor about the weather and food in the destination.
・〇〇 is not a common name? That's just like my name.
・There are very very very few ●● left ... I only know 6 ●● .... and that's including my father, sister and me ...
・ But it's more like 8 small aiports in 1. There are 8 terminals. You will be arriving in terminal ●.
So if you just follow the people from your plane (and follow the "Exit / bagage claim" signs ) ... you will first go through immigration and then you can pick up your luggage.
Pass through customs (there is no real check ... you can just walk through) ... then you will walk through a sliding door ...
・Are you sure it's not going to be too cold for you?
・I'm going to increase the temperature of the heater at home so you feel comfortable.
・Then you can eat as much pasta as you want :)
No no ... we're going to eat much nicer food ... at least I hope you will like it.
saysheさん ありがとうございました。まさにそうですね。 すみません、所々抜粋して質問しているので文脈が把握しづらかったと思いますが、がっちり意味を捉えていただいていたので感謝します。 さすがsaysheさん! ありがとうございます。