Drive safety is the result of a harmonious suspension design in terms of wheel suspension, springing, steering and braking, and is reflected in optimum dynamic vehicle behavior.
Conditional safety as the result of the least possible physiological stress on the occupants of the vehicle through vibration, noise and climatic conditions is a significant factor in reducing the pos-sibility of incorrect maneuvers in traffic.
Vibrations within a frequency range of 1 to 25 Hz (stuttering, shaking, etc,) induced by wheels and drive compo-bents reach the occupants of the vehicle via the body, seats and steering wheel.
The effect of these vibrations is more or less pronounced, depending upon their direction, amplitude and duration.
Noises as acoustical disturbances in and around the vehicle can come from internal sources (engine, transmission, props hafts, axles) or external sources (tire/road noises, wind noises), and are transmitted through the air or the vehicle body.
Sound intensity is measured in dB(A);see also p. 81.
Noise reduction measures are con-cerned on the one hand with the devel-opment of quiet-running components and the insulation of noise sources (e. g. engine encapsulation), and on the other hand with noise damping by means of insulating material or anti-noise ma-terials.
Climatic conditions inside the vehicle are primarily influenced by air temperature , air humidity, rate of air flow through the passenger compartment and air pressure (see p.646 for additional information).
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