• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:どのような意味でしょうか)

My son started calling me by my first name

  • My son, who I've always felt very close to, has started to call me by my first name. I'm 67 and he's 40. I've always tried to be there for him. I have loved being his mom.
  • He loves to tease me, so I didn't say anything about it for a while. but I figured he wasn't going to stop so I asked him to please stop calling me by my first name.
  • The phrase 'he would run with it' means that if I said something to my son about him calling me by my first name, he would make a big deal out of it and tease me more.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> so I didn't say anything about it for a while, because I knew he would run with it  それでしばらくの間はそのことについては何も言いませんでした。言うだけムダだと思って。 run with it という表現の起源はアメフトだとする記事を見ました (下記 URL)。ボールを持った選手はゴールを目指して走ります。他人から何を言われるとか、これでいいんだろうかとか、そんなことを考えているはずがありません。ひたすら走るのみです。だから、放っておくしかない。そういうニュアンスだと思います。諦め気分ですね。 でも、その息子は母親をファースト・ネームで呼ぶという真似をやめそうにない。そこでやめるようにと言ってやった、というところで文章が終わっています。





その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

>he would run with itはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「彼はそうし続けるだろう」(ということが分かっていた)。 ☆「彼(息子)は母親の私をからかうのが大好きで、やめてと言っても続けることが分かっていたので、しばらくの間は黙っていましたが、(いつになっても)やめそうもないので、ファーストネームで呼ぶの(だけ)はやめてちょうだいと頼みました」。 *エディプスコンプレックスの変形でしょうかね。 でも、「大人の」息子としては、母親に愛着をもって「女の子」として接したい気持ちがあるのではないでしょうかね。相談者としては親として「私」を呼んで欲しいということかも知れませんが、息子の気持ちも分からなくはありません。






  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I am more of a glass-half-empty kind of woman, so it is difficult for me to express myself otherwise. I always seem to want to talk about the what-ifs and my concerns and my personal outlook on things, which always differs from his. This upsets him very much and usually causes him to lash out at me, saying I need to stop this and start thinking about how it ruins the moment for him. ruins the moment for himとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    My boyfriend loves me, is unfailingly kind, self-identifies as a feminist, and is always interested in and supportive of my academic work. Here’s the weird part: He says “good girl” to me, usually when I’ve done something to take care of myself, like put my glasses on when my eyes are tired, or get to sleep and wake up at a reasonable hour. We live together and I adore him, and honestly, I like the “good girl” thing, at least to some extent. I am an approval-craving person, by nature and even though I don’t need it, I love to be validated. I wouldn’t want him to say it in front of anyone, but I do feel guilty, because liking it makes me feel like I’m some kind of sick, weird throwback or that he is. liking it makes me feel like I’m some kind of sick, weird throwback or that he is. の意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I’m in an argument with my landlord about my power bill, which is included in my rent. I run a window unit for a couple hours before I get home to get the temperature down, and he wants me to stop. He can’t separate my usage from the other tenants in the house, but I’ve done the math, and it costs, generously, $9.50 a month, which I’ve offered to pay him. I run a window以下全文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 訳をお願いします。

    I'm just surging with anger right now. I can't help it. I think what he did is wrong. why could't he just once give in and not be so controlling. It helps to write these feelings down. I can't talk to him. He overpowers me with his words in no time.then there's the fact that I cant' put what I'm trying to say in the right way. What I want to say never comes out the way I envision it in my head. why is that? I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself, then again maybe he would have told me the same things. If I told him any of my feelings he would immediately tell me "the angels are controlling you."I need him to give me the freedom to talk to him, but right now that's not going to happen. So I will only let these feelings flow through me and out this pencil. It's weird, but I already feel the tension leaving me and soon I will only be left with the memory of this night to think about and analyze, rethink, and come to a conclusion about what to do. Maybe the tension is leaving me because I'm no longer around him; I'm out here in my own space. I love my tent! It's my own space to do with as I wish. As soon as I see him again, all I want to do is tell him how wrong he was to do that. But he will never take responsibility for what he does. It''always someone else's fault,the angels now mostly. If I confronted him, he would jut think I'm being controlled to say these things by the angels and that would get me nowhere. 上の英文の訳をお願いします。文の中で、下の文ところがよくわかりませんでした。ご助力をお願いします。 ◎I can't help it ◎I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself ◎and out this pencil ◎I'm out here in my own space. ◎how wrong he was to do that ◎that would get me nowhere.

  • turn it around on me

    In the 20 years I've been with my partner, I've had suspicions that he's cheated. Whenever I confront him, he becomes angry and tries to turn it around on me. turn it around on meはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 話法の問題教えてください

    話法の問題教えてください 1 話法を書き換え   She asked me if I was sure I would get a letter from judy.    → She said to him , " Why (              ) me the truth?" 2 (1)直接話法(2)間接話法  2-1彼は私に「どれが一番良いプランだと思いますか。と言った    (1) He said to me,"Which (               )?"    (2) He asked to me (                  ). 2-2私は彼に「バスで行くのですか、それともタクシーで行くのですか。」と言った    (1) I said to him,"(    )you go by bus or by taxi?"    (2) I asked him if he (         )by busor by taxi.  2-3「どこで髪を切ってもらったの?」とミキは私に尋ねた    (2) Miki asked me where (             ) my hair cut. よろしくお願いします

  • medical scare

    Over the holidays I got engaged. My boyfriend has clinical depression, and the holidays are rough on him. I was going to break up with him, but I held off, thinking it would be easier after the holidays. Then he surprised me—at his parents’ house in front of his whole family—with a ring. I didn’t see how to say no without humiliating him in front of his family, so I accepted. I’ve been trying to break it off ever since, but something always stops me. He had problems at work, and then it was Valentine’s Day, and then he had a medical scare. medical scareはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    A few years ago, I left my husband after I found out he was a serial cheater. We are now divorced. I have been seeing someone new, and he seems like a great guy. However, he is also divorced, and it's because he cheated on his ex-wife. He was very honest with me about this. He did not attempt to lie about or hide it. Instead of making up an excuse for what he did, like, "She didn't do the dishes when I asked, and if she really loved me she would have, so she deserved it" (which was literally one of the reasons my ex-husband gave for why he cheated), he told me he had "made a mistake" and that he regretted it. Our relationship is otherwise fantastic and I don't want to miss out on what could be something great just because of my own hang-ups. But in the back of my mind I can't help but think, "He did it to her, what's to stop him from doing it to me?" what's to stop him from doing it to me?の和訳をお願いします。what's to stop himの文法的解説もよろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    Years ago I was pressured by one of my superiors into having an affair with him in exchange for a promotion and substantial raise. I was very young at the time, and didn’t know how to stand up for myself. I’ve always felt terrible for what I allowed to happen to me, and that I just let the man get away with it. I had been considering reporting him to his superiors (I’ve heard through the grapevine that he’s put several new hires and interns in the same position to date) but he left the company to run for a prominent office in our city. stand up for myselfとrun for a prominent officeはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の言い換え問題です!

    英文の言い換え問題です! 1)My mother requested that I go shopping. →My mother (requested) (me) (to) (go) (shopping). 2)He saw the cat run out of the kitchen. →The cat was seen (it) (runs) out of he kitchen by him. 3)He told me that I should read the paragraph aloud. →He told () () () the paragraph aloud. 4)The parents made their sons paint the fence white. →Their sons () () () (paint) the fence (write) (by) the parents. 5)My parents permitted me to drive their car. →My parents () () () their car. 6)You are very kind to help me. →It is very kind (to) (you) () help me. 空欄が多いです。すみません;; 回答解説よろしくお願いします。

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