• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文添削お願いします。Argentine)

My friend's bad experience with immigration officers at Heathrow Airport

  • A friend of mine visited the U.K and had a negative experience with immigration officers at Heathrow Airport. The officer asked intrusive questions about the purpose of the visit, duration of stay, and financial status, causing my friend to feel racially discriminated against. As a result, my friend vowed never to visit the U.K again.
  • During a trip to the U.K, my friend encountered strict questioning by immigration officers at Heathrow Airport. They asked about the reason for the visit, the length of stay, and the amount of money my friend had. This interrogation left my friend frustrated and feeling targeted based on race, leading to a decision to avoid future trips to the U.K.
  • Upon arriving at Heathrow Airport, my friend was subjected to a barrage of intrusive questions by an immigration officer. The officer inquired about the purpose of the visit, the duration of stay, and the financial resources available. This experience left my friend feeling racially discriminated against and determined to never return to the U.K.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9906/12367)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >I heard from my friend who made a trip to the U.K that when he was at Heathrow Airport , an /one immigration officer had asked him many 1uestions about why you came to England ,how long he would be staying,and how much money he had and so on .Then he had fed up with them and and felt himself being racially discriminated After retuning to Argentine,he told me he would never go there again. *(例えば、U.S.A.はUSAも使いますが)U.K.は、常にこの形で用い、U.KとかUKとしません。one immigration officerは、特に1人であることを強調するときに使います。過去完了のhad askedやhad fedは、それぞれasked(単なる過去)やwas fed(過去受動態)とします。間接話法ですので、why you cameでなくwhy he cameです。なお、その前のaboutは不要です。felt himself being racially discriminated のbeingは省略できます。細かいことですみませんが、コンマのあとは1字分空けます(staying,and→staying, and、Argentine,he→Argentine, heなど)。コンマの前は空けません。 ⇒ I heard from my friend who made a trip to the U.K. that when he was at Heathrow Airport, an immigration officer asked him many questions why he came to England, how long he would stay here, and how much money he had and so on. Then he was fed up with them and felt himself (being) racially discriminated. After returning to Argentine, he told me he would never go there again. >2 I heard from my friend who made a trip to the U.K that when at Heathrow Airport,he had been asked many questions about~.(上記と同じ) *he had been askedはhe was askedとします。その他は上記をご参照ください。 ⇒ I heard from my friend who made a trip to the U.K. that when at Heathrow Airport, he was asked many questions (about) ~. >3heard from my friend who made a trip to the U.K that an/one immigration officer at Heathrow Airport had asked him many questions by saying"Why did you come to England?,How long and where will you be staying? ,How much money do you have? and so on."Then~. *by sayingのbyは省略できます。Why did you comeは、Why have you come(現在完了)とします。will you be staying は、will you stayとします。その他は上記をご参照ください。 ⇒ I heard from my friend who made a trip to the U.K. that an immigration officer at Heathrow Airport asked him many questions (by) saying "Why have you come to England?, How long and where will you stay?, How much money do you have?, and so on." Then ~. ☆ 蛇足ですが、英国の入国官吏がアルゼンチン人にしつこく質問したのは、もしかしたら「フォークランド紛争」の一件が尾を引いていたことと関わりがあるかも知れませんね。






  • この英文の意味が掴めずで困っています・・・

    以下の英文を海外の彼女から受け取りました。 何か詩的?な文章の引用かと思いますが、私の英語理解力が低くて、翻訳ソフトで変換しても、何を言わんとしているのか意味が掴めません。 長文で申し訳ないと思ったのですが、どなたか意訳できる方いましたら、分かるように解説してもらえたら大変助かります。 よろしくお願いします。 ----------------------- Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'

  • この問題の回答を文法に沿って説明お願いします

    Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip. (A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make 答えは(A) had been made なぜこの答えになったのか?

  • ◆今日中に(__) 文法問題 添削

    次の問題の()に適当なものを入れて下さい。 なぜそうなるのかも教えていただけたら嬉しいです! 1.Your teacher would have given you some practical advice, if you ((2)) her that you had trouble with your family. (1)would have told (2)had told (3)would have asked (4)had asked 2.No answer ((3)), we had no choice but to attack the suspicious-looking ship. (1)receiving (2)having been received (3)was received (4)had received 3.The long and heated discussion ended ((4)) no conclusion reached. (1)as (2)when (3)and (4)with 4.Paul made his way ((3)) he believed to be the right direction. (1)how (2)where (3)in which (4)in what 5."If I do a good job on this project, is there any possibility ((1))?" he asked. (1)of me get a raise (2)that I got a raise (3)of my getting a raise (4)to getting a raise

  • 英作文の添削

    What kind of person do you think makes a good friend? という問題に50字程度で解答する問題です。文法や単語の使い方が間違っていないか見てください。 I think I can make a good friends who is have own mind.It is because I can have good trust on he/she,and I don't care about how many friends have,but the deep and forever relation,andI have a friend who she is.

  • 添削してください。

    添削してください。 テーマ:思い出 (何が起きて、なぜその思い出があなたにとって大切なのか書きなさい。) One day,I received the math mini-test which had held the other day and felt shocked at the law score.That’s why I asked my friend,who is cleverer than any other student,why couldn’t I pass the test :for at that time I had assumed that the score depends on our own talent.Listened to me,he immediately answered “Only you were lazy.”This word had a great influence on me.If it were not for his word and the memory,I wouldn’t know how important making effort is now.

  • 英文の添削&解説をお願いします!

    1)Mary is studying, so you (not/her/had/interrupt/better). →had not better interrupt her 2)(be/lot/used/of/there/a/to) fireflies in Japan. →There used to be a lot of 3)She refused to accept this truth. She could not and [would] not believe that I was mentally and physically handicapped. 1,[Would] you so kindly lend me a hand? 2,He said he [would] arrive by the first train tomorrow morning. 3.No matter how hard we pushed, the door [would] not open. 4,On Sundays he [would] sit for hours doing nothing. 4)I do hope I'm not intruding and I know how busy you [must] be. 1,All living things [must] die. 2,He [must] be tired, because he has been working since eight o'clock this morning. 3,Many people think the ability to understand English is a [must]. 4.You [must] be very careful in driving a car to avoid a traffic accident. 1,2は()内の並べ替え、3,4は[ ]内の助動詞に最も近い意味の助動詞を含む英文を選ぶ問題です。 特に3,4はわかりやすく解説してくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文和訳について

    「次の英文の面白いところを要点を分かり易く、英語で説明しなさい。」という問題がテストに出るそうなのですが、どのように答えれば完璧でしょうか。できるだけ簡単によろしくお願いします。 A Canadian couple took a trip to Japan. They had studied Japanese in Canada before starting on their trip. On their first night in Tokyo, they went to a sushi shop. When they finished eating, the husband tried to use Japanese and asked, “Ikura?’’ meaning "How much is it?'' The cook at the counter shouted loudly, "Ikura for two!'' Beautiful Ikura-zushi was immediately placed in front of the amazed Canadians. The man was disappointed. He changed from Japanese to English, and again asked for their bill, "How much?'' Do you think they got the bill? No. This time they got Hamachi-zushi!

  • この英文内容を日本語訳してください。

    I wish you good trip. You will feel the effects of the change of the time between Thailand and USA, 12 hours difference, the first few days, don't worry. You will be soon among many people and different life. You will have little time to remember your friends. How long are you going to be there? Do you plan to move to another city later? Hope to hear from you, now from the USA. Good and best luck to you,

  • 英文の問題です。

    英文の問題です。 次の英文の間違いを指摘し訂正する問題なのですが、 1 He is a very high man. high→tall 2 I made a lot of homework today. a lot of→many 3 I went to a trip with my friends. with→? 4 We need clothing,food,and shelter to survive. to?→? have→? 特に後半の問題に自信がありません。 解答解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。助けてください。

    私の英文をどう思いますか? *キスをしたあと、あなたは何度も私に謝りましたね。 When you kissed me, you said to me sorry many times *とても悩んで罪悪感を感じるように見えました。 You looked very upset and had a feeling of guilt. *もちろん私もすごく驚いたし混乱しました。そしてどうしてそんなことをしたのか知りたいと思いました。 Of course, I was very surprised and confused. And I wanted to know why you did it. *あなたの気持ちを聞いて、私はあなたがそのことで罪悪感を感じなくてもいいと思いました。 After I heard your feelings I thought you shouldn't feel guilt anymore. *あなたがそのことで悩んでいるなら、楽にしてあげたいと思いました。 I wanted to you to help relieve the guilt. *だから私は手紙を書いたのですが、残念なことにあなたは私の手紙を誤解して、私があなたになぜそれを渡したのかも勘違いしたのです。 That's why I wrote that letter. But sadly, you completely mistook the meaning of the letter and misinterpreted why I gave it to you. *私はただもう罪悪感を感じなくていい、それを伝えたかっただけで、この先に進んでもいいのですよという意味合いなどどこにも書いてなかったんです。 I just wanted to say "don't feel guilt anymore. I didn't mean that I want to move on to furter step. *そしてキスのことはもう過去のこととして今までのような友達の関係でいられたらと思って書いただけなんです。 I wanted to tell you that I want to keep good friendship which we had before. *どうしてあなたが誤解したのか今でもわかりません。 I don't understand why you misunderstood my letter. 突然キスをしてごめんと謝り続ける人にもう気にしなくていいですよとお手紙を渡したらなんだかとても誤解されてしまいました。 その人に渡す手紙を今度は誤解されないように考えて書いています。 でも自信がなくてまた誤解されたらと不安です。私の英作文はあっているか添削してもらえますか。

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