• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文翻訳をお願いします。)

German and Anglo-French Casualties in the Battle of the Somme

  • In the Battle of the Somme, German casualties were estimated to be between 660,000 and 680,000, while Anglo-French casualties were fewer than 630,000.
  • Winston Churchill's statistical tables indicate that the Germans suffered 270,000 casualties between February and June 1916, and 390,000 between July and the end of the year.
  • However, the casualties at Verdun were estimated to be around 278,000, indicating that some losses may have been inflicted by the French at the Somme.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10093/12643)

>In the second 1916 volume of the British Official History (1938), Miles wrote that total German casualties in the battle were 660,000–680,000, against Anglo-French casualties of fewer than 630,000, using "fresh data" from the French and German official accounts. ⇒マイルスは、フランスとドイツの公式報告書からの「新しいデータ」を使用して、この戦いでの犠牲者は、630,000人足らずという英仏に対して、全ドイツの犠牲者は660,000人–680,000人であった、と「英国公報の歴史編(1938年)」の1916年第2巻に書いた。 >In 1938, Churchill wrote that the Germans had suffered 270,000 casualties against the French, between February and June 1916 and 390,000 between July and the end of the year (see statistical tables in Appendix J of Churchill's World Crisis) with 278,000 casualties at Verdun. ⇒チャーチルは、1938年に、フランス人に対抗したドイツ人は1916年2月から6月までの間に270,000人の犠牲者を被り、7月から年末までの間に、ヴェルダンでの犠牲者278,000人を含めて、390,000人の犠牲者を被った、と書いた(チャーチルの「世界危機の付録J」にある統計表を参照されたい)。 >Some losses must have been in quieter sectors but many must have been inflicted by the French at the Somme. Churchill wrote that Franco-German losses at the Somme, were "much less unequal" than the Anglo-German ratio. ⇒より平穏だった地区でも若干の損失はあるに違いないが、(ドイツの犠牲者の)多くはソンムでの対フランス戦で負ったに相違ない。チャーチルは、ソンム戦における仏独間の損失比率は、英独間のそれより「不釣合いなほどに少ない」と書いた。




