• ベストアンサー
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The Battle of the Somme: A Devastating Confrontation

  • During the Battle of the Somme, the German forces suffered significant casualties, with the French inflicting 338,011 losses and the British causing 199,908 losses.
  • The Entente, in turn, suffered 794,238 casualties at the hands of the German forces.
  • The British losses during this battle were estimated at approximately 420,000, while the French casualties exceeded 200,000, and the Germans suffered around 500,000 losses.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10102/12654)

>During the Battle of the Somme German forces suffered 537,919 casualties, of which 338,011 losses were inflicted by the French and 199,908 losses by the British. In turn German forces inflicted 794,238 casualties on the Entente. Doughty wrote that French losses on the Somme were "surprisingly high" at 202,567 men, 54% of the 377,231 casualties at Verdun. ⇒「ソンムの戦い」の間、ドイツ軍団は、537,919人の犠牲者を被り、そのうち338,011人の損失はフランス軍に、199,908人の損失は英国軍に負った。順に見てドイツ軍隊からは、協商国に対して794,238人の犠牲者を負わせた。ドーティは、フランス軍が202,567人の兵士を失ったソンムでの損失は、ヴェルダンでの犠牲者377,231人の損失の54%で、「驚くほど高い」と書いた。 >Prior and Wilson used Churchill's research and wrote that the British lost 432,000 soldiers from 1 July – mid-November (c. 3,600 per day) in inflicting c. 230,000 German casualties and offer no figures for French casualties or the losses they inflicted on the Germans. Sheldon wrote that the British lost "over 400,000" casualties. Harris wrote that total British losses were c. 420,000, French casualties were over 200,000 men and German losses were c. 500,000, according to the "best" German sources. ⇒プリオールとウィルソンは、チャーチルの調査研究を利用して、英国軍が7月1日から11月中旬までの間に432,000人(1日につき約3,600人)の兵士を失って、ドイツ軍に230,000人の犠牲者を負わせたと書いたが、フランスについては、被った犠牲者の数値もドイツ軍に加えた損失も提示していない。シェルドンは、英国軍が「400,000人以上」の犠牲者を失ったと書いた。ハリスは、英国軍の全損失は約420,000人、フランス軍の犠牲者は兵士200,000人以上で、ドイツ軍の損失は(「最高の」ドイツ情報源によると)約500,000人であった、と書いた。




