Hi 私の名前,
Sorry I did not write to you earlier, it was a busy weekend...
I am waiting few more hours to find out how much it will cost me
To fix the sleeves length in New York, if not cost too much money and they
can find same match Color of 商品名, then I will keep the coat,
if cost too much,or cannot find exactly match color of 商品名, then I will ask
for refund. Okay?
My schedule to Japan is in the week of 2/25, I will let you know when I
Have confirm daily schedule... So we can talk about when I visit you.
Later today I will let you know, if it is possible to fix sleeves in New York??
Thank you, have a good day. Take care..
お早いご回答ありがとうございました。 非常に助かりました!!