• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の和訳)


  • 星や惑星からの天体の影響が第7ハウスにあります。
  • 第7ハウスに惑星がある場合、愛の選択は運命的で自由度が少なくなります。
  • 第7ハウスに惑星があることは、あなた自身が特定の男性に強く魅力を引かれる特定の外見や性格を持っていることを意味します。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

以下のとおりお答えします。 第7ハウスの惑星の有無によって、あなたの「愛情運が分かれる」ことを説明しています。 >There is a celestial influence from planets and stars in your seventh house. When there is a planet in the seventh house, it brings a definite kind of fate to bare, the choice of love is much more destined and less free. A planet also means that you yourself possess, a particular look or character that will deeply attract only a certain kind of man, and not others. It is as if the picture of love is cut out for you. ⇒あなたの第7ハウスの惑星と恒星から、天の影響があります。第7ハウスに惑星がある時には、それは決まった種類の運命を受容すべく、愛情の選択肢は多く運命づけられていて、あまり自由はありません。惑星はまた、あなたが特有の容貌や性格を持っていて、ある特定の種類の人だけを深く引きつけ、他の人は引きつけない、ということを意味しています。それはあたかも、「愛の写真が、あなたの専用にカットされる」かのようです。 >If you had no planet in the seventh house, it would be more difficult to find love and yet more freedom to fall in love too, more opportunity but perhaps less depth. This planet placement gives you, endurance, practicality, a feeling of the predestined, so that once you are involved with someone, even if its not the soul mate, you are able to “make do” with relationship, or to put up with a lot that others wouldn’t for the sake of love. ⇒もしあなたが、第7ハウスに惑星を全然持っていなければ、愛を見つけるのがより困難になるかも知れません。けれどもそれは、恋をする自由がより大きくなる、ということでもあります。ただし、その機会はより多くなるけれども、おそらくあまり深まらない、ということでもあります。この惑星の配置により、あなたに対して、持続性、実用性、運命づけの感覚が与えられます。それゆえあなたは、一旦誰かと関わりになると、たとえソウル・メイトでなくても、関係を「作り出す」ができますし、愛情のためでなくても、他の多くの人とうまくやっていくことができます。






  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? 3つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします But what else? You may think I have told you all you could possibly want to know. It isn’t so. SOUL MATE TWO, is the same length and just as detailed as soul mate one, it follows a similar pattern, if you loved this reading you will love Soul Mate Two. Astrology is a bit like archaeology in that each additional reading on the same subject we must dig into a deeper layer of the chart and more time and work is involved. SOUL MATE THREE, if you still want more, if your spirit still has a hunger to taste the romance in your future. If it wants to look again into the mirror of time. Then Soul Mate Three is the last of these readings, it will reveal anything that is not covered in soul mate one or two. I cannot tell more than that because I never know what it will show in your particular reading until I look at your own chart, Again it is deeply penetrating and more difficult to do, because each time we look we have to go deeper it take a bit longer. May they bring love light and enlightenment into your spirit.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になりますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Life is a journey, a path through the stars, and through fate. There are times when that path is dark lonely and silent and other times when it is suffused with love, well being. Compared to this love, all other love will seem humdrum and mundane. Soul Mate love is a seductive world of heightened emotions, and all consuming desire. It is the most intense relationship that you will ever experience on earth. An attraction that will seem to touch other levels. When you meet he will seem familiar to you even though you will never have met before, you’ll feel that you ought to know him. As if he is someone from the recesses of your subconscious memory, just out of reach. A memory that won't surface. Intense, as the attraction is. There are two sides to these feelings, there is the surging hopes that stir you, and make life wonderful, when you get some encouragement from him and there is also the dark side the days of uncertainty that all love brings but which are felt more intently too with a Soul Bond.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Before we close, lets just look again at the planet Venus, and the house she occupies. She is the planet of love and her position in the chart is like an inner light, a candle lighting the shadows of another dark room and revealing more of the intricacies of your future love. Let me apologize if you feel you have had to wait a long time. I am receiving so many requests for readings now, and each chart and reading is prepared for you individually, there is no way it can be rushed. I hope it has inspired and enlightened, and look forward to preparing further readings for you.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    And I was trying to tell you why it is a reason for things to happen in a certain way if we can show that that way has more ways of happening than some other way.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The sun fell in your twelfth celestial house at birth, this is also the house of the hidden. It means that your soul mate will be a man of obscurity, or if he has power it will be behind the scenes. Not an open status. He may have hidden ambitions and aims in life to do with his Career. He will rise out of difficulty and obscurity. To become someone more important The love will be one that helps you overcome personal obstacles, inhibitions, or things that have got in the way of finding love before. It’s a love that l is like a light on a dark lonely road,, compelling like a distant flame that never goes out, it can seem to help you find the way ahead in your life, or help you carry on. It will make all the things you have struggled against in the past worthwhile.

  • 和訳希望

    和訳していただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします The ruling planet of your seventh house is Mars. Mars is a planet of ambition. This man will inspire your ambitions. He will seem to be all you have waited for. Handsome, courageous, bold and brave, full of power and passion. He will seem like a hurricane that sweeps you off your feet and turns your life and feelings upside down. Love for you is quick hasty decisions and feelings that grow rapidly and spread through your life like a fire in the You will feel that you are tired of waiting for money, or for a better way to sustain yourself in your life. This man will seem rich and passionate, a lot of glamour and greed, a view to the top, comes with this love affair and you'll see your ambitions being to take shape with it. This will be mutual, and it while it will seem like an impulsive hastily attachment to others.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 It ties you more. You are more prepared to work through any problems and try and resolve them, than someone who has no planet here. Relationships leave a deeper mark on your, the scars and memory good and bad remain forever. You are less prone to short shallow relationships, the loves you will have will touch your depth because some hidden fate is always set in motion by the planet. Much depends on the planet itself as to the nature of that fate..

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をしていただけるかたに、 お願いできますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Love has a power. Thoughts have a power. Once you have met this man, a fate unlocks which though mysterious and irresistible, propels you together. You will be reminded of him so often in so many ways, it will be as though your mind walks down all the paths and avenues of daily life, but that they all lead back to him. Not only will you think of him but fate itself will seem to bring him continually to your attention. This bond is like a chain that forever ties your destiny, that joins your soul to his and always has, it is always there, its intangible, and inaccessible to the conscious mind, There can be something of the obsession about such love, a love that never lets you go, but it is a sweet dramatic obsession. Moving, painful at times, wonderful, and total. Once you meet it strengthens a thousand fold. All the weight of history and time, the more you think of him, and love him, the more it consolidates the karma life time after lifetime, this love is more powerful than life and death The bond is fate and even if you part it will work to subtlety always draw you and him back together to help you find each other in the world.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の後半部分です。 ちぐはぐですが、よろしくお願いいたします。 There will be may be obstacles to the marriage or relationship between you initially. Things will happen much more slowly than you really want. In his own life he it will seem to him that things have always happened slow, or at a later time for him than for most people, that his struggle has been harder and longer. Including the struggle to find love. The courtship and wedding ceremony may come within a two year period of sorrows and tragedies in the soul mates life. It will be not be lavish but it will be a nice ceremony., that feels exactly right for you. This will be a lasting marriage. He is a partner for whom marriage and love become a duty and commitment. With Saturn in the seventh house it is generally more favorable for marriages later in life than in youth. But if you become unhappy or tire of this union and then wish to be free of it. It will be in your own hands to separate and divorce. Divorce will not follow if the action for it rests in the hand of the soul mate.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 次の占いのカテゴリの説明かもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The Soul Mate charts are chapters of life that describe fate that lies ahead of you. Like chapter in a book. Fate is easier to understand if you envisage this man as being like a tower in the distance. At first the road is blank, then as you walk down it the man will loom up and appear at a certain time, and your destiny becomes entangled with his very gradually. Your two histories become one path as you move on nearer through time to the critical point of change or decision. There comes a point which is difficult to determine exactly, it can be early in the relationship or it can come after years together but it can be regarded as a kind of junction in fate. A time when you " decide" if you will continue this road with the man or go down the other path away from the fate to find what other love, what other future may await you..

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