• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:訳お願いします)

He's mad, but he's not stupid.

  • He's mad, but he's not stupid. I'll leave him now, and send my daughter to him.
  • My Lord, I must go now. Goodbye. Stupid old man!
  • During the last few days, I've felt very strange. The world has lost all meaning. Nothing seems beautiful. Men can't please me and women can't either. My Lord, we didn't know.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

彼は狂っていますが、彼はばかではありません。 今、私は彼のもとを去って、娘を彼の元に行かせます。 閣下、私はもう行かなければなりません。 さようなら。 愚かな老人! 最愛の閣下! 私の親愛なる友人、お二人はお元気ですか? どうしてあなた方はエルシノアに来るのですか? 我々は、あなたを訪ねに来ました、閣下。 これはあなたの考えでしたか、それとも、誰かがあなたに来るよう頼んだのですか? どういう意味ですか、閣下? 国王と女王は、あなたに手紙を書きましたね? 書きましたとも、閣下。 そして、私は理由をあなたに話すことができます。 この数日間、私は非常に奇妙に感じました。 世界は、すべての意味を失いました。 何も、美しいと思えません。 男性は私を喜ばせることができません、そして、女性もまたできません。 閣下、我々は知らなかったのです。 *こちらの文も文脈不明です。



  • 訳お願いします

    I have,my Lord.She must stay out of the sun.It's dangerous for her health. He's completely mad. But when I was young, I also suffered for love. I was almost as mad as he is now. I'll speak to him again. What are you reading, my Lord? Words, worlds, worlds. What are they about? Lies. The writer says here that old men have grey beards, small minds and weak legs. It is, of course, all true. But it's wrong to write about it. お願いします。

  • 訳助けてくださいm(__)m

    I would like to use this if we need to e-mail, becouse in this mailbox I can save my writings. これを使いたいです。もし私たちが必要なら。なぜならこのメールボックスは私が書くのを保存できるからです。 I can't do that in the 〇. 私は〇の中はできません(保存する事が) (〇は相手のアドレスです) com I don't know why, and I don't remember what things I have already asked you and which not. なぜかわかりません。そして思い出せない、それはなにかというとあなたに尋ねたものを・・・ (訳ギブアップです) Like now I don't remember did I send you my home address! But here it is again, if I didn't send i Ok, now you know for sure my address. 私は思い出せない、あなたに送った私の家のアドレス しかし・・・・・ もし私が送ってないなら、私はOK・・?? 今私のアドレスからしる・・ Bye now, I would like to write to you first okey? じゃね。私はあなたに書きたい(手紙??) 初めていい? よろしくお願いします

  • 訳をお願いします。

    I'm just surging with anger right now. I can't help it. I think what he did is wrong. why could't he just once give in and not be so controlling. It helps to write these feelings down. I can't talk to him. He overpowers me with his words in no time.then there's the fact that I cant' put what I'm trying to say in the right way. What I want to say never comes out the way I envision it in my head. why is that? I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself, then again maybe he would have told me the same things. If I told him any of my feelings he would immediately tell me "the angels are controlling you."I need him to give me the freedom to talk to him, but right now that's not going to happen. So I will only let these feelings flow through me and out this pencil. It's weird, but I already feel the tension leaving me and soon I will only be left with the memory of this night to think about and analyze, rethink, and come to a conclusion about what to do. Maybe the tension is leaving me because I'm no longer around him; I'm out here in my own space. I love my tent! It's my own space to do with as I wish. As soon as I see him again, all I want to do is tell him how wrong he was to do that. But he will never take responsibility for what he does. It''always someone else's fault,the angels now mostly. If I confronted him, he would jut think I'm being controlled to say these things by the angels and that would get me nowhere. 上の英文の訳をお願いします。文の中で、下の文ところがよくわかりませんでした。ご助力をお願いします。 ◎I can't help it ◎I wonder If I could have prevented the fight by going out there myself ◎and out this pencil ◎I'm out here in my own space. ◎how wrong he was to do that ◎that would get me nowhere.

  • 和訳お願い致します;

    You were wrong to believe me.I didn't love you. Then I was wrong. Give your life to God. You mustn't mix with men or be the mother of their children. Men lie. Believe none of us. Give your life to Gnd and work for the Church. Where's your father? At home,my Lord. Look him in. Then no one will see how stupid he is Goodbye. Oh,help him,dear,sweet Heaven!Go to a church!Go now! Or if you have to marry, marry a stupi man. Wise men understand too well how women can lie to them.To the churchーgo now! Please,God,make him well! お願い致します

  • 訳をみてください。とてもわかりづらいです!

    訳を見てください。とてもわかりづらいです。ちなみに男友達の話をしていたのですが、、、、 Now i lost my friend thinking he was she but i think was a mistake now my friend think horrible things about me, it was only my fault and she delete me to all messenger i think, and facebook and i think she will delete me to her space. im soo stupid 私は友達をなくしたと思った、、、、、、、、でも私は間違いを犯した、彼女はめッセンジャーやFecabookから私を消した わかりません

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I met in college and have been married now for six years. I love him and can't imagine living my life without him. The problem is that we are taking each other for granted and becoming increasingly harsh with the words we say. It's the tiny things that set us on edge these days. I know we are toughest on those we love the most because we expect so much from them. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • Why can't we ~

    Why can't we just have what we have now? がわかりません。 why not と続いているのでしょうか? できれば文法的な説明も含めお願いいたします。 CHANDLER: C'mon, we're great together, why not? AURORA: Why can't we just have what we have now? Why can't we just talk, and laugh, and make love, without feeling obligated to one another... and up until tonight I thought that's what you wanted too. http://www.reocities.com/Hollywood/9151/106.htm

  • 英語やくしてください

    my husband is very gentle,kind and intelligent man.we are considerate to each other.i feel calm when I'm with him. my bf. he is all curiosty. he said you inspire my lifestyle. because we need motivation i am an artist and he is journalist こちらの2文は先翻訳頼んだ人より相当のろけていると 感じますが、どうなんでしょ。 翻訳よろしくお願いします。

  • save him from himself

    My five year-old son is starting kindergarten and wants to dress himself. None of his clothing matches and I’m worried his friends and others will make fun of him for the way he looks. He is insisting on picking out his own clothes. My husband and I are torn over what to do. Do we allow him to pick his own clothes OR do we save him from himself and demand he wear what we tell him to? save him from himself はどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 訳を教えてください

    Two weeks ago I attended a holiday party with my boyfriend and his family. We’ve been together for three years, and since we moved to his hometown, I’ve gotten to know his parents and sisters better. I forgot about new medication I was taking, had a few drinks, and became drunker than I have ever been in my life. (Counting this event, I’ve only been drunk three times, so it’s extremely out of character for me.) I now know that I did something so horrible at the party that my boyfriend broke up with me via text and told me he has no interest in speaking to me ever again. I’m devastated. My now ex-boyfriend is the sweetest man I know, so I had to have done something cruel for him to do this. I had to have done something cruel for him to do thisの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • アモルファス変圧器はコイルの変圧器とは異なり、アモルファス素材を使用しています。
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