I have had it with you guys and your cancer
and your emphysema and your heart disease.
JOEY: Do you have any respect for your body?
ROSS: Don't you realise what you're-you're doing to yourself?
CHANDLER: Hey, y'know, I have had it with you guys and your cancer
and your emphysema and your heart disease. The bottom line
is, smoking is cool, and you know it.
文法的にどうこうという点はありません。"have had it with ~"=「~にはうんざりしている」という意味です。
"I have had it with you guys and your cancer and your emphysema and your heart disease."
"The bottom line is, smoking is cool, and you know it."
そのイディオム、てっきり頭から抜けてました...やっぱり文章の中でないと定着しないですね。 ありがとうございます。 できれば、こちらもお願いいたします。 http://questionbox.jp.msn.com/qa6974117.html