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Pericles' Funeral Oration 431 BC: センセーショナルなタイトル

  • パラクリテスの葬儀式 431 BCの重要な一節
  • 戦闘中、彼らは命を救うために降参するよりも立ち向かい、死を受け入れることがより名誉であると考えました。
  • 彼らは人々の非難から逃れ、生命と肉体を賭けた戦いに耐え、その一瞬の間に、彼らの人生の頂点、栄光の結実、恐怖ではなく、私たちから一掃されました。


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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)




ありがとうございました。 さすがです。



  • 和訳お願いします。

    As they race down the highway of their life, like so many other characters in so many other movies, they are forced to come to grips with themselves, find out who they really are, and ultimately take responsibility for their lives and actions. Thelma & Louise is a road movie, yes, but it's really a journey of enlightenment, a journey of self-discovery. And it begins with the incident, the hub of the wheel of action. 考えてはみたものの、英語がかなり苦手で和訳できませんでした。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の得意な方、和訳お願いします!2

    What are the live of these refugee children like? Think about the case of the children in this photo. They are from Kosovo. Their village was attacked. Their father and older brother were in great danger and had to run away. These children and their mother were left behind. But they were in danger too. They had to leave. They became refugees. There are million of children like the. These children are refugees living in Africa,Asia and Europeーーーeverywhere.

  • 和訳してもらえませんか。

    英字のニュースでわからないところがありました。 もしおわかりでしたら、和訳していただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 In the past, the Foreign Ministry has helped dozens of Japanese spouses and former Korean residents of Japan who fled to China from North Korea return to Japan secretly with cooperation from Beijing.

  • 和訳困っています><

    Insight Ritirement was originally introduced to give people a couple of year's rest before death. But people died younger in those days:nowadays, we can expect a healthy 20 or 30 years of life after retirement. Using that time constructively is one of the personal challenges of modern society. DISENGAGEMENT THEORY The first psychological theories about retirement tended to take a rather negative position. Cummings and Henry(1961) saw retirement as a gradual process of separating off from society. Old people might be numerous, but they were less visible than younger people, and less involved in social activities. Cummings and Henry saw this as part of a natural mechanism, similar to a weakend animal withdrawing from its herd to die. Cummings and Henry put forward a biological explanation for this. They proposed that, as people grow older, there is a kind of inherited biological mechanism which encourages them, gradually, to withdraw from society. They have fulfilled their evolutionary function by bringing up families and helping their offspring to survive and now, Commings and Henry argued, evolution has no place for them. As a cosequence, they become less and less involved in social affairs, leaving decision-making and social organization to younger people and become increasingly withdrawn into their own lives.

  • 長文の和訳 お願いします

    長文の和訳 お願いします a lot of young people became victims of the battle of ofokinawa. some of the most well known are the girls in the himeyuri student corps. their story has been told in movies and books. Student corps were units that the japanese army created for the battle of okinawa. the himeyuri corpy was made of students and teachers from the okinawa first girl's high school and the female division of the okinawa normal school. in decembar 1944, the japanese military felt that it was impossible to prevent the Americans from landing in okinawa. they organized some studebt corps to help wounded soldiers. at the end of march 1945, the himeyuri students were sent to the army field hospital in haebaru . this was just a few days before the americans landede. the himeyuri corps was formed of 240 members : 222 were students from ages 15 to 19 , and 18 were teachers. they were so busy taking care of wounded soldiers that they didn't even have time to sleep. the war situation got worse. in late may, the himeyuri corps retreated to the south. the last fierce battle of the battle of okinawa was fought in the southern part of okinawa island. when the japanese military knew they were losing he battle, they ordered the himeyuri corps to disband. on june 18 , the girls were thrown out onto the battlefield. more than one hundred of the himeyuri students sent to the battlefield lost their lives. the name "himeyuri" sounds peaceful , but the reality they had to face was far from peace. we must never forget the tragedy of the himeyuri student corps.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    For planets to grow in size from their humble beginnings ,they must be continually bombarded by smaller bodies for tens to hundreds of millions of years. すみません、お願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    Salmon are essential resource for bears because the survival of these large mammals depends on the amount of fat they can deposit in the late summer and fall.Onece bears enter their dens in the early winter, they neither eat nor drink for up to seven months.Yet bears are not true hibernators so they must produce body heat to survive throughout the cold months.In addition, females give birth and milk their young during this time. Because the bears' the survival is closely tied to their physical condition in the autumn, natural selection favors those that get the most nourishment out of the fish they eat.And bears exhibit two types of behavior to this end.First, to avoid interference from othe bears, they often carry captured salmon to the riverbank or into the forest before eating.Bears are relatively solitary for most of their adult lives, expect when finding partners in spring and summer.When they gather in reverside areas to feed on salmon, they become aggressive.These confrontations can be either relatively harmless, resulting in one bear stealing a fish from another, or violent, ending in serious injury or death to one of the bears.Carrying the carcass into the forest out of sight of other bears isis a way to prevent confrontation. The second important behavior is that the bears often eat only the most nourishing part of the salmon.If the salmon densities are high, it takes less than a minute to capture a fish in a small river, and under these conditions of plenty, the bears rarely eat the whole fish.An analysis of more than 20,000 carcasses revealed that bears consume about 25 percent of each captured salmon, selectively eating only the parts highest in fat content, such as the eggs. After consuming the tastiest parts, bears abandon the carcass and return to the river to catch another fish.Thus, bears kill far more salmon than they eat. Why is this unusual feeding behavior important for the vitality of the ecosystem?After all, in the absence of bears, the salmon would still die after laying their eggs, and their carcasses would be eaten by birds, fish and insects in the river, and flushed out to the ocean.By killing many of the fatter salmon, carrying the fish to the forest, and then abandoning the carcass with most of the body remaining, bears make a tremendous amount of food and nourishment available to riverside plants and animals that would not otherwise have access to this resource.The bears are truly ecosystem engineers.

  • 和訳 お願いします><!

    The mid-life crisis One of the more popular ideas in recent years is that of the mid-life crisis. In many societies, adults simply work from the time that they are grown (or in some cases before) until they become too old. But in modern Western societies, it is no longer the case that we stay doing the same job throughout our woking lives. Temporary work, redundancies, adult re-training schemes and a greater emphasis on job satisfaction mean that many people hit a period in their 40s or 50s when they being to re-evaluate their lives, and decide that they want to do something which is more personally meaningful for them. Sometimes, this crisis simply takes the form of the person looking for different job. But in the modern world, such decisions usually mean re-training, and some people go back into full-time education to achieve this. Universities have growing numbers of numbers of adult students, as do colleges and training schemes, and even people who left school feeling that they were too 'thick' to gain qualifications find that this is not so, and that they can learn as effectively as anyone else.

  • 和訳お願いします

    いつも答えていただきありがとうございます^^ 本当に助かっています。 自分の訳の答え合わせのような感じで使わせてもらってます。 Women in Amazon villages in Peru can weave fibers from the branch of the palm tree into anything they need-fishing nets,hammocks,purses,skirts and dental floss.However,for the last year,they have put their hopes in baskets,weaving hundreds to export to other countries.

  • 和訳教えてください。

    When you vacation, do you go as a tourist or as a travelar? I dare say that most people have never asked themselves this question. But for me, there is a definite distinction between the two. When one considers travel as a possible means of bridging cultural gaps in our shrinking global village, the nuances behind these words become important. In my opinion (based on years of observing visitors to my adopted home, Paris), tourists are more likely to maintain a distance between themselves and the places that they visit. Their purpose in traveling is to "see the sights", take photos and have their photos taken in front of famous sights. They often travel in tour groups, which offer the advantage of obtaining cursory information about the sights visited, but also have the disadvantage of discouraging individual discovery. In contrast, travelers interact much more with the people and places found at their travel destinations. They enjoy not only the main sights, but also the back streets and hidden neighborhoods in and around their destinations. They seek out the things that distinguish the places visited from their home territory. They observe the local culture and inhabitants, and seek to understand them. And in the process,they share information about their own culture. When I moved to France, I did so as a traveler. Not only was I determined to learn about the various peoples who live there, why they came and how they live, but I also made up my mind to visit other countries with the same perspective. As a result, my voyages have been much fuller and richer, and my understanding and appreciation of my own American culture has deepened. よろしくお願いします。

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