• 締切済み

長文の和訳 お願いします

長文の和訳 お願いします a lot of young people became victims of the battle of ofokinawa. some of the most well known are the girls in the himeyuri student corps. their story has been told in movies and books. Student corps were units that the japanese army created for the battle of okinawa. the himeyuri corpy was made of students and teachers from the okinawa first girl's high school and the female division of the okinawa normal school. in decembar 1944, the japanese military felt that it was impossible to prevent the Americans from landing in okinawa. they organized some studebt corps to help wounded soldiers. at the end of march 1945, the himeyuri students were sent to the army field hospital in haebaru . this was just a few days before the americans landede. the himeyuri corps was formed of 240 members : 222 were students from ages 15 to 19 , and 18 were teachers. they were so busy taking care of wounded soldiers that they didn't even have time to sleep. the war situation got worse. in late may, the himeyuri corps retreated to the south. the last fierce battle of the battle of okinawa was fought in the southern part of okinawa island. when the japanese military knew they were losing he battle, they ordered the himeyuri corps to disband. on june 18 , the girls were thrown out onto the battlefield. more than one hundred of the himeyuri students sent to the battlefield lost their lives. the name "himeyuri" sounds peaceful , but the reality they had to face was far from peace. we must never forget the tragedy of the himeyuri student corps.


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)




  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The II Corps, on the left of the British line, occupied defensive positions along the Mons–Condé Canal, while I Corps was positioned almost at a right angle away from the canal, along the Mons–Beaumont road (see map). I Corps was deployed in this manner to protect the right flank of the BEF, in case the French were forced to retreat from their position at Charleroi. I Corps did not line the canal, which meant that it was little involved the battle and the German attack was faced mostly by II Corps. The dominant geographical feature of the battlefield, was a loop in the canal, jutting outwards from Mons towards the village of Nimy. This loop formed a small salient which was difficult to defend and formed the focus of the battle.

  • 英語 長文の和訳をお願いいたします。

    how we got here perry's display of american technology and weaponry was succesful in opening japan, and during the first three decades of the meiji period the U.S. served as a model for japanese modernization, but it was never an equal relationship. americans were the teachers and were more than happy in their role, teaching the japanese everything from english to baseball to military strategy. they believed that God had given them the best country and the best civiliza-tion in the word, and that their duty was to spread their culture to others.

  • 英語の長文の和訳をお願いします。

     長めですが、長文の和訳をお願いします。(A)(B)(C)には何か前置詞が入ります。  極端に意訳ではなく、文法、熟語など大事なところを押さえつつ自然な文に訳してもらえると助かります。回答お待ちしています。スペルミス等あったらすみません。 Univercities in Japan,like the students they seek to educate.appear Western,though in reality they differ markedly from their counterparts in Europe and America.For example,once a student enters a Japanese college,he or she is usually sure to graduate.This arrangement is sometimes referred(  A  )as an“escalator system”;if both feet are firmly placed on the bottom step,a student almost automatically progresses to graduation.Consequently,Japanese university students do not have to study as hard as American and British students.The escalator system suits the Japanese collegians well as it seems to compensate them for the long hours and hard work they were forced to undergo during their elementary and secondary schooling.The young men and women seen(  B  )the college campuses today had to study extraodinarily hard in high school,and in some cases,even for an extra year or two in intensive preparatory schools after graduating from high school,to pass the entrance exam for entry into university.Once they begin collage,passing courses is mostly a formality and lack of motivation for leaning is widespread.Thus,the prevailing attitude in society at large as well as among faculty members and students is that collage is a place for enjoyment,a“leisure land”.Many collage students do in fact devote far more hours and energy to part-time jobs,extra-curricular activities,or personal interests,than to study.  The difference between Japanese and western conceptions of a good student,and the difference in conversation styles between speakers or Japanese and speakers of English,also figure in the cultual contrast between Japan and West.Japanese tend to think quiet,passive,and obedient youths who perform well on tests are good students.Westerners,(  C  )the other hand,admire those who challenge teachers with original opinions.American teachers,for instance,tend to ask their students what they think and why they think so;Japanese teachers rarely do this.The group dynamics among stgudents and the active interaction between teachers and students so often seen in American classrooms seldom exist in Japanese classes.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    I started studying Japanese language in 1974, in a Tokyo university with many other foreign students. Although the tests and lessons were well-designed, I was soon quite frustrated and dissatisfied with my progress in that situation. Most of my classmates were also non-Japanese, so the dangerous tendency was to speak in English or French outside of classes. Except for the small number who wanted to "brush up their English," the normal Japanese students refused to associate with the illiterate foreigners. I soon found that I had gravitated to a small group of Koreans and Hawaiians, who agreed to speak only in Japanese. However, I felt that my Japanese was not likely to improve much without native speakers as models. I was depressed by the number of Americans concerned only with obtaining as much money, sex, marijuana, or media-coverage as they could obtain during their year in Japan, rather than really trying to appreciate the culture in which they were guests. So I began to look around for a more isolated university which would admit and teach Japanese to foreigners, but without the problems of Tokyo's "international set."

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m4

    Another group involved in mammoth research was an international team headed by Dr. Goto Kazufumi. There were 33 scientists on this team. They were Japanese, Russian, and British. In August 1997, they went on their first expedition to look for a mammoth. At that time, they were only able to find mammoth bones. They said, "If there were also piece of skin, we could get some mammoth DNA." In August 1999, Dr. Goto tried again to find a mammoth with a second team made up of 26 Japanese and Russian scientists. This time they found a piece of mammoth skin, but it was not in good enough condition to use the DNA. The Japanese project is now led by Dr. Iritani Akira, and they keep trying to find mammoths. In 2002, they found another frozen mammoth in Siberia. A piece of flesh taken from it was brought to Japan in July 2003. its DNA was also not well preserved, but the team didn't give up the project.

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    There was a progressive improvement in horsemanship during the summer and autumn of 1916 indicated by the small number of animals evacuated from the Anzac Mounted Division after the strenuous marching and fighting from August following the Battle of Romani and during the capture of El Arish and the Battle of Magdaba. This improvement was augmented by regular inspections by administrative veterinary officers when the advice offered was followed by regimental commanders. During the year the average loss of sick horses and mules from the Sinai front was approximately 640 per week. They were transported in train loads of thirty trucks, each holding eight horses. Animals which died or were destroyed while on active service were buried 2 miles (3.2 km) from the nearest camp unless this was not practicable. In this case the carcasses were transported to suitable sites away from troops, where they were disembowelled and left to disintegrate in the dry desert air and high temperatures. Animals which died or were destroyed in veterinary units at Kantara, Ismalia, Bilbeis, and Quesna were dealt with in this way and after four days’ drying in the sun, the carcases were stuffed with straw and burnt, after the skins were salved. These were sold to local contractors.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    This was the most significant factor in the Battle of Beersheba, forcing Chauvel to commit his reserve - the Australian Mounted Division. In a preliminary operation, the British Infantry of XX Corps were to secure positions to the south-west astride the Khalasa-Beersheba Road.   At Asluj and Khalasa the men of the Desert Mounted Corps watered; they carried three days rations. Despite great loads, the horses were touched with excitement. Smoking was forbidden and talking subdued. The bare hills of Sinai sounded with the beat of thousands of shod horses. They rode 30 kilometres through the night.30th October 1917   1800: Asluj and Khalasa were cleared. 31st October 1917   0555: 100 British guns opened in support of the preliminary operation.   0700: The Desert Mounted Corps halted, and patrols were pushed forward. Beersheba with its mosque was clearly in view; it offered no prize in rations or quarters, but something more coveted were the ancient wells to water those parched men and their Waler mounts. A large pool could be seen shimmering in the Wadi; there had been a storm on the 27th.   0830: The British rushed forward and captured their objectives to the south-west and brought forward their guns.   0900: The ANZAC's were ready to seize the road and the Tel. The enemy was observed reinforcing the Tel.   0930: The 2nd Brigade moved into artillery formation, advanced through a Bedouin camp, and thundered to the Hebron Road Sakati without slackening. Turkish batteries fired, but formation and ground gave them protection. With this task accomplished, they remained in a Wadi for the day.   1000: The Somerset Battery opened up on Tel El Saba from 3000 metres to cover the ANZAC assault. The 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment was ordered to attack from the south-east. A spirited gallop under heavy fire brought the 3rd to within     1500 metres of the enemy. They dismounted. The Auckland Regiment conformed to the north. The Inverness Battery gave covering fire to the Somersets as they galloped to within 1000 metres of the Tel.  

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The IX Corps were at Sarikamish. The X Corps were threatening to pierce the Russian front along the Kars railway to the east. The Stange regiment was descending upon Ardahan 60 miles to the northeast. Enver's operational plan was looking successful on paper. However, the Ottoman forces were worn out, half starved, and short of guns and ammunition. They had no hope of reaching their objective on time. Enver thought that the Russians were retreating to Kars. It was actually an encircling movement. Assault at Sarikamish, December 29 Russian trenches in the forests of Sarikamish On December 29, the assault took place. The IX and XI Corps, totaling 12,000 men, began to attack Sarikamish. During bayonet fighting, only 300 men succeeded in breaking into the city. They were driven off, losing 6,000 troops. Enver received information that Russians were preparing to encircle his forces with a force of five regiments. On December 31, the IX Corps was bogged down in the woods outside Sarikamish and had been reduced to some 2,500 men and 14 artillery guns and machine guns. On the same night news arrived to headquarters from Bardız: The 32nd Division had abandoned its positions to the Russians. This meant that the Barduz and Kızılkilise roads were now in Russian hands. The Ottoman forces were inside a semicircle. Enver refused to lose momentum, and ordered his units to continue with the plan. On January 1, the commander of the XI Corps pressed a frontal attack on Sarikamish that lasted for the next four days; after that the fighting began to lose momentum. Snow hindered advancing forces which were supposed to bring relief. The IX Corps melted away on the way to Sarikamish. One of the divisions lost 40% of its strength in a snowstorm. The X Corps never came to the rescue. 90% of X Corps was left on the slopes of the Allahüekber Mountains. The XI Corps was fighting in the Aras region. A regiment entered Çerkezköy, only to be taken prisoner. While the Stange regiment entered Ardahan on schedule, the troops were exhausted. The Russians were poised to encircle the remaining forces. Entrapped in a semicircle, January 2–3 On January 2, Russian artillery fire caused severe casualties. Enver received two reports; one was from the chief of staff of the IX Corps, Lieutenant Colonel Şerif, and the other from Colonel Hafız Hakkı. Both reports said that they were too weak to launch another attack. Enver responded to the units: "The offensive is to go on at full strength." Later Enver focused on securing routes for the retreat instead of insisting on new attacks to take Sarikamish. He combined the two corps and renamed it the "Left Wing Army." He promoted Colonel Hafız Hakkı to Brigadier General and gave him command of the Left wing Army.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The German IX Corps relieved IV Corps and the commander cancelled the planned counter-attack, choosing to concentrate on the defence of the O.G. Lines, which were the next objective of the British. The bombardment reached a climax on 26 July and by 5:00 p.m. the Australians, believing an attack was imminent, appealed for a counter-barrage. The artillery of I Anzac Corps, II Corps and the guns of the two neighbouring British corps replied. This in turn led the Germans to believe the Australians were preparing to attack and so they increased their fire yet again. It was not until midnight that the shelling subsided.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Pericles' Funeral Oration 431 BC: "...In the fighting, they thought it more honourable to stand their ground and suffer death than to give in and save their lives. So they fled from the reproaches of men, abiding with life and limb the brunt of battle, and in a small moment of time, the climax of their lives, a culmination of glory, not of fear, were swept away from us." 後半が分かりません。 よろしくお願い致します。

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