• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:長文ですが・・・・・)

Working with Difficult Managers: Tips for Dealing with Challenging Situations

  • Learn effective strategies for dealing with difficult managers. Discover how to navigate challenging situations at work and maintain your sanity.
  • Find out how to handle communication issues with managers who lack people skills. Learn how to respond professionally and avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  • Explore the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and building resilience when facing difficult managers. Discover ways to protect your mental well-being in stressful work environments.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3506/7251)

B:James got no people skills, just the way he talks; he really gets on my nerves.  Jは人の扱い方を知らない。あいつの言い方は神経にさわるぜ。 L: Oh never mind him, all managers go nuts and lose it when their asses are on the line. (go nuts 気が狂う、かっとなる on the line 危険に曝されて)  気にすんな。管理者なんて、自分の身がヤバクなりゃ、なりふり構わんのさ。 B: Yeah but you don't talk down to your employees like that! monkeying around! Who does he think he's talking to? We're not slaves! (talk down to ... ~を見下した態度で話す monkeying around 馬鹿にする)  そうかもしれんが、あの言い方はないぜ! 人を馬鹿にしくさって! 誰に口きいてると思ってんだろう。おれたちゃ奴隷じゃねぇぜ。 L: Oh, just don't let it get under your skin, just grin and bear it. (get under your skin 気に障る、イライラさせる)  まぁ、そんなにイラつくなって。適当に相手しときゃいいんだよ。 B: I wish he were like you, you're a people person, with you, it's like give and take , with him , it's like a one way street.  あいつがお前みたいな奴だったらいいんだけどな。お前は話が分る。対等に付き合える。ところが奴さんときたら、一方通行だ。 L: You've got to learn how to brush it all off, and not let it get to you, just keep your head down, do your work and go home. (brush off はねつける get to 堪える keep one's head down 静かにしておく)  気にせんこった。気を静めて、おとなしくしといて、自分の仕事だけして家に帰りゃいいのさ。 B: I don't know how you can put up with it though! (put up with 耐える)  お前、よく我慢できるもんだなぁ。 L: I've been in the fast lane for a long time; I think I've got a thick skin now. (in the fast lane 競争の激しい生活を送る)  修羅場をくぐってきたもんな。少々のことじゃこたえんさ。 B: if I weren't completely tapped out, I would've thrown in the towel. (tap out 金欠の)  俺ぁ、金回りが良けりゃ、とっくに辞めてるな。 L: We're all working our fingers to the bone to working our fingers to the bone to make ends meet. (work one's fingers to the bone あくせくと働く)  みんな帳尻合わせるために、汗水流して働いてるのさ。 B: Did you hear how Joe was kissing up to James in the meeting? He's such a bootlickeer! I like Simon he shoots from the hip, he always says the first thing that pops into his head!  ジョーがミーティングでジェームズにお世辞言ったの聞いたかい? おべっか使い野郎め! 俺はサイモンが好きだな。奴は思いつきで行動する。あいつの頭に浮かんだ最初のことだって、いつも言ってる。[ここの部分、やや意味不明] L: yeah, Simon doesn't take a shine to Joe, you can say that! (take a shine to ... ~を気に入る)  そうだ、サイモンはジョーを嫌ってる、そりゃ確かさ。



長文にもかかわらず丁寧に訳していただき感謝です。 ほぼ、私の訳した内容と同じでした。 ただ、この文だけ今ひとつしっくりこないのですが asses are on the line この他の例文をいただけないでしょうか?
