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それぞれの から後は、 それぞれの子供の能力を最大限まで開発することであり、また ・・・ となります。  to the utmost の to は ~~~まで と訳しましょう。 develop one's abilities は 能力開発 ですね。 (^^ その後に続く however great or small these may be の these はabilities を指しており、この挿入句は abilities に係ります。 なので 最初の訳にその部分をつけ足して それぞれの子供の能力を【その大小に関わらず】最大限まで開発することであり、また ・・・ と to give 以降に繋げます。 to develop と to give は並列して 目標は ~~~~すること と ~~~~~ することです。 という文章構成になっています。


  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    For example, one of the major differences between the American educational system and systems in a majority of other countries is that education in the United States is intended for everyone-not just for a privileged few. Schools are expected to meet the needs of every child,regardless of his or her ability,and also the needs of society itself. This means that tax-supported public schools offer more than academic subjects. It surprises many people when they come here to find high schools offering such courses as typing, sewing, radio repair, computer programming, or driver training, along with traditional academic subjects such as mathematics,history, and language. Students can choose among a great variety of subjects depending on their interests, future plans, and level of ability. The primary purposes of American education are to develop every child's abilities, however great or small these may be, and to give each child a sense of citizenship.

  • 和訳をお願いします!!!

     Everyone was to be given an equal chance to rise or fall on the social ladder according to individual abilities. This meant that everyone would be given an equal chance to run the social race---- not that everyone would have equal income or social status. Second, equally of opportunity was considered good for the individual because it allowed a person to find the best place in the economic system in which to develop personal interests and abilities.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 Data from clinical studies and from basic research laboratories, made possible by the use of sophisticated instruments that detect and record neuronal activity, have given us a complex if still rudimentary understanding of the myriad processes that give rise to consciousness.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    Now in this necessarily ejective method of enquiry, what is the kind of activities that we are entitled to regard as indicative of mind ? I certainly do not so regard the flowing of a river or the blowing of a wind. Why ? First, because the subjects are too remote in kind from my own organism to admit of my drawing any reasonable analogy between them and it; and, secondly, because the activities which they present are invariably of the same kind under the same circumstances : they therefore offer no evidence of that which I deem the distinctive character of my own mind as such — Consciousness. In other words, two conditions require to he satisfied before we even begin to imagine that observable activities are indicative of mind ; the activities must be dis played by a living organism, and they must be of a kind to suggest the presence of consciousness. What then is to be taken as the criterion of consciousness ? Subjectively, no criterion is either needful or possible ; for to me, individually, nothing can be more ultimate than my own consciousness, and, therefore, my consciousness cannot admit of any criterion having a claim to a higher certainty. But, ejectively, some such criterion is required, and as my consciousness cannot come within the territory of a foreign consciousness, I can only appreciate the latter through the agency of ambassadors — these ambassadors being, as I have now so frequently said, the observable activities of an organism. The next question, therefore, is, What activities of an organism are to be taken as indicative of consciousness ? The answer that comes most readily is, — All activities that are indicative of Choice; wherever wo see a living organism apparently exerting inten tional choice, we may infer that it is conscious choice, and, therefore, that the organism has a mind. But physiology shows that this answer will not do ; for, while not disputing whether there is any mind without the power of conscious choice, physiology, as we shall see in the next chapter, is very firm in denying that all apparent choice is due to mind.

  • 下記の英文についてです。

    下記の英文についてです。 This book presented and defended what were to remain the chief underlying tenets of the philosophy of education he originated. underlyingは直前のchiefを修飾しているのでしょうか。 またこのような型の場合、前のwhatにunderlyingがかかるということはあるのでしょうか? どなたか教えていただければと思います。

  • 和訳して欲しいです。 年齢差別についてです。

    However, there have been few attemps to compare quantitatively the relative importance of these three kinds of prejudice and discrimination. We have analyzed the race, sex and age inequalities shown by the U.S. census statistics using the method of the Equality Index. We compared inequalities in terms of income, education, occupation, and number of weeks worked. The Equality Index summarizes the amount of similarity between the percentage distributions of two groups, such as the aged and non aged, on a given dimensions, such as income or years of education. We found that age inequality was greater than race and sex inequality in the number of years of education completed and in the number of weeks worked; that is, there was more discrepancy between the aged and non aged in their education and weeks worked, than there was between the whites and nonwhites, and between males and females. However, in terms of occupation, age inequality was less than racial and sex inequality. Age inequality was also greater than racial inequality in terms of income. When comparisons were made combining two of the factors, the joint effects were generally additive. The combination of all three factors produced the lowest quality in both income and occupation. Changes since 1950 show nonwhites and the aged gaining substantially more equality in income, occupation, and education; while women were barely maintaining their generally inferior status. The extent to which these inequalities are directly due to racism, sexism, and ageism, as opposed to biological or cohort differences, is difficult to determine. However, it is clear that the relative amounts of race, sex, and age inequality vary depending ono which inequality is being mesured.

  • 和訳をお願いします...(><

    今長文を訳しているのですが、難しくてサッパリです(涙) どなたか、和訳をお願い致します...... Earlier in this chapter,it was noted that her theory of creative drama was derived from and nurtured by the progressive education movement,whose main goal was to educate the whole child,with the idea that the child could achieve an understanding of self and society. お願いします。

  • 和訳してください(>_<)

    Poverty means not having enough resources to get basic things and services such as food, water, health care and education. There are many factors that cause poverty. Economic inequality, a dry climate, and low levels of education are some of the main factors. It is a big problem around the world. Every day, about 25000 people die of hunger or diseases caused by hunger. Many developed nations give financial aid or food to developing nations to help them fight poverty. For years, this has been the standard type of help given to them. But these developing nations haven't really gotten rid of poverty. The reason is because such assistance is short-term and not very effective. Once the money or food runs out, developing nations go back to the same poor conditions they were in before they received the help. What is necessary, therefore, is to teach these people how to survice in the long term.

  • 和訳例お願いします。

    ・Sometimes a creative work can be so profound that it acquires a level of expression exceeding our own consciousness, not only conveying an image or a conc ept, but also having the ability to touch the viewer's soul. ・We see new programs and software being produced every day, which allow artists to create images and objects that have, up until now, been either dreams or beyond comprehension.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    洋服のデザイナーさんの説明を訳しているのですが、 少し分かりにくい部分がありましたので、教えて下さい。 本文:I have had a marvelous chance to study and develop a wide and growing array of ways to treat and alter fabrics and materials and add new layers of dimensions to our design concepts, starting with established masters working in Italy, and then on my own in our studios at Cavarzere. add new layers of dimensions to our design conceptの部分なのですが、 私たちのデザインコンセプトを新しい次元に導いてくれた、 の様な訳し方でいいのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。