Writing Experience and Connecting Thoughts in a Paper

  • Through this class, I learned a lot about writing and wrote a paper for the first time. By reading articles related to my own thinking and connecting them to my paper, my thoughts became more understandable to my audience.
  • Discovering the Art of Writing: My First Paper Experience
  • Enhancing Understanding: Connecting Thoughts in a Paper
  • ベストアンサー


I learnt a lot of (various) things about writing through this class, and it is my first time to write paper that has so many pages. I read some articles that related with my own thinking, and I connected it with my paper. By doing this, my thinking became more understanding for my audience. 「このクラスを通して、”書く”ことについて様々なことを学び、このようなペーパーを書いたのは初めて(の経験)だ。自分の思考に関連するいくつ化の文献を読み、それをわたしのペーパーに結びつけました。そうすることで聴衆によりわたしの考えを理解してもらえるようになりました。」 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。

  • wxw
  • お礼率89% (1045/1166)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

以下のとおり、語句と添削文をお答えします。 (語句) *書くことについて様々なことを学びました:I learned/learnt a lot of various things about writing。learntはおもにイギリスで使われるそうです。 *このように長い(分量の多い)ペーパーを書けました:I could write long papers/papers of large quantity like this。(この前後を2文に分けるといいでしょう。) *これは私としては初めての経験でした:This was my first experience as me。 *自分の考え(テーマ)に関連するいくつかの文献:some articles/ documents related to my own thinking (theme)。articlesは「論文」、documentsは「文献」です。 *それを私のペーパーに結びつけました:I connected it with my paper/ I tied it to my paper。このどちらでもいいと思います。 *(ある程度)聴衆に自分の考えを理解してもらえるようになった(と思います):( think that) it became possible for the audience to understand my ideas (to a certain extent)。ちょっと謙遜して、「ある程度」はつけた方がいいと思います。 (添削文) I learned/learnt a lot of various things about writing through this class, and I could write long papers / papers of large quantity like this. This was my first experience as me. I read some articles/documents related to my own thinking (theme), and I connected it with my paper / tied it to my paper. By doing so, I think that it became possible for the audience to understand my ideas to a certain extent. 《私はこのクラスを通じて、書くことについて様々なことをたくさん学び、このように長い(分量の多い)ペーパーを書くことができました。これは私としては初めての経験でした。自分の考え(テーマ)に関連するいくつかの文献を読み、それを私のペーパーに結びつけました。そうすることで、ある程度聴衆に自分の考えを理解してもらえるようになったと思います。》

その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

*1. I learnt a lot of (various) things about writing through this class, → I've learnt a lot about writing in this class, *2. and it is my first time to write paper that has so many pages. → and it was the first time for me to write a paper of this magnitude. *3. I read some articles that related with my own thinking, and I connected it with my paper. → I read some articles that were related to the idea I had, and used them in my paper. *4. By doing this, my thinking became more understanding for my audience. → By doing so, my idea became easier to understand for the readers. ⇒ I've learnt a lot about writing in this class, and it was the first time for me to write a paper of this magnitude. I read some articles that were related to the idea I had, and used them in my paper. By doing so, my idea became easier to understand for the readers.


  • 添削おねがいします

    When I wrote this paper, I saw things such as advantage of study abroad and college from a different perspective. It made me expand my thinking. 「このペーパーを書くにあたり、様々な視点から留学や大学に行くことの利点を見た。そうすることにより、わたしはさらに考えを広げることができた。」 こちらの英文の添削をおねがいします。

  • 添削お願いします。

    It is important not only to tell the audience the correct information that I researched, but also how to tell the audience to understand my ideas, information and so on. By being conscious, it will be able to naturally have eye contact with the audience and intonation. 「研究した/調べた正しい情報を観客に伝えることはもちろん重要だが、どのように話せば自分の考え、情報などを理解してもらえるか、というのも大切である。それを意識することで(どのように話せば伝わるか)、自然にアイコンタクトや抑揚がつけられるでしょう」 *少し長くなってしまいすみません。 また英語で言いやすいように表現を少し変えているので日本語=英語になっていない箇所がいくつかあると思います。 大まかな内容が一致していれば、大丈夫です。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします

    *https://okwave.jp/qa/q9613046.html の続きです。 (スピーチをするときに何を話すかのアウトラインを意識しすぎた) It leads to look at my notecards, and it means I can not eye contact with the audience. I felt that I also could not eye contact enough in ◯◯ speech, but I told it slowly and was conscious of telling the audience. 「それは、ノートカードを見るように導く、つまり観客とアイコンタクトが取れなくする、ということです。わたしは◯◯スピーチでもアイコンタクトが十分にはできていなかったが、ゆっくり話し観客に伝える、ということを意識した。」 *ノートカードはメモ帳のようなものです。ノートカードを使用するようにと指示されていたので、その単語をそのまま使いました。 *また日本語と英語の表現が違うところがあると思います。英語で言いやすいように一部表現を変えています。 こちらの英文の添削をして欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします。m(。_。;))m ペコペコ

    <(_ _*)>いつもお世話になり、ありがとうございます。英文の添削、よろしくお願いします。 授業の前には、次の授業では何を話そうか、予習しなくちゃ!と思うのだけれど、無理に英文を詰め込んでも自分の実力はすぐ見抜かれてしまうだろう。 だから自分の実力のままでいいや。と思ってしまう。 I always feel that I should think about what to talk in next class and that I should study beforhand but on the other hand I also think that it is no use forcing myself to put things in my head since the teacher will notice it. Before taking lessons, I feel that I need a topic in the lesson and I have to prepare for the lesson. But I end up in thinking that it is no use in cramming English sentences into my head and that I would go with my current English ability.

  • 添削お願いします

    1)よりわたしのエッセイの内容を理解してもらうためにオーディエンスを明確にしました。 「I clarified the audience due to make them more understand my essay. 」 *~してもらうために をどのように英語にすれば良いかわからずmakeで表して観ました。 2)わたしはエッセイの書き方をこのクラスで教えてもらうまで詳しく学んだことがなく、エッセイに関する関連記事を探したり自分のエッセイのその記事の引用文を用いたりしてエッセイを書いたのはこれが初めての経験です。 I have never learned the detail how to write essays until I took this class, and this experience such as I looked for some articles related my essay and I used these quotations in my essay is the first time for me. こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削してください!

    添削してください! テーマ:タイムマシンでどこに行き何をしたいか I would go back to the time when I was in elementary school and master various things. One reason is that a talent is important:it would enable me to express my personality more easily. Another reason is that I could have special experiences in many ways:It would make my life more enjoyable.

  • 【英語】作文の添削お願いします 

    テーマ:印象に残っている贈り物 Most impressing present in my life is a watch that my father gave me when I passed the exam to enter the high school. My father used the watch before I was born, and he wouldn't put away it even though he was given a new watch by my mother and sister. I think the watch will have been very important for my father. So, I was very surprised when he gave it to me. At first, I hesitated to receive it, but I received it in the end because my father said with smiling that "I use this new watch". The watch was what my mother and sister gave him. My watch and my father's watch is very different because mine is very old and father's is new. However both of them are filled with love of my family. 文法や構成について指摘してください。

  • 長いのですが、添削お願いします!

    留学するためにホストファミリーに手紙を書かなければならないのですが、自信がないので少し長いのですが添削お願いします。 I am from Japan. My hometown is Shimane but now I’m living in Kanagawa near Tokyo with my younger brother. My hometown is a country side in Japan. I have many fond memories of there. There are many natures. So, I played outside with my friends. I often went to sea and mountain with my family. So, now I like play outside! I like watching autumn leaves and taking walks in mountain. And other hobbies are playing sports, particularly basketball, watching movies and reading books and comics. I also like going out drinking and shopping with my friends. I think I am outgoing, cheerful and mild. I like enjoying and doing something new. So, I think I can be used to new environment soon. I have 8 members of family and two cats. My older brother studies to become an accountant in Osaka. My younger brother goes to university in Tokyo. My family is so great and interesting. When I come back my home, I go out various places with my family. I respect my parents. My parents met a foreign country. So, they recommend me to go other country while I am young. And I love children and America before. So, I decide to join this program!! I took care of my cousin’s son that he was 1 years old a day in two weeks. And I learned English from my cousin. She went to study Britain before. Now, I work for nursery school as a volunteer every day. I help teacher’s works, For example taking walk, eating ranch and changing cloths, especially 1-2 years old class. I like spending children. Because children’s smile is so cute and they have many things I forgot. They make me smile naturally. I look forward to know about your family, and hope to have a good relationship. And I like cooking. So, I will help willingly. Maybe it has many differences between Japan and America, for example rules, meals, of course language! So, I want to talk anything each time with your family. Now, I can not say my English is very good, but I study English hard every day. I like to try to speak in English. So, I will be able to speak English soon. And I want to enjoy conversation! I will study and experience various things in America. It will broadens my horizons. It has been getting excited since now. I hope to spend feeling happier with your family. And I look forward to see your family. わからないなりに、頑張ったのですがもしもっと良い表現などがありましたら教えてください!

  • 添削お願いします。

    先日,茶道の心構えのひとつの一期一会について質問していたものです。 「私達の学校の生徒会の今年度のスローガンは「一期一会」です。 一期一会という言葉は,日本の伝統文化の茶道の心構えのひとつで,「この出会いはもう二度とないのかもしれない。だからその出会いに感謝しその時を大切に過ごそう。」という意味です。それを,茶道を体験した時に学び,感動しました。 だから私達もこの茶道の心構えを見習い,仲間と共に過ごせるこの時を大切に過ごそうと思い,このスローガンを掲げました。 私達の学校は,そういった一つ一つの出会いを大切にしていこう,と考えています。」 という文を自分なりに+翻訳機を使って英文にしてみました。 絶対わけわかんない文になってると思います。。 どこを直したらいいのか教えてください。 宜しくお願いします。 The slogan of the student government of our school at current year is "Ichigoichie." "Ichigoichie." of the word is one of the attitudes of the tea ceremony of the tradition culture of Japan. 「This meeting might not exist with two another degrees. Therefore, let's importantly spend that time in appreciation for the meeting. 」It is a meaning. It was learnt when the tea ceremony was experienced, and it was impressed. Therefore, it was thought that we also learnt the attitude of this tea ceremony, and this time that was able to be spent with the companion was spent importantly, and this slogan hung. Our school thinks that they will value such an individual meeting.

  • 添削お願いします。

    こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 This is XX. I checked my XX and it shows that my fall semester tuition is XX now. When will it reflect the scholarship and financial aid? わたしはXXです。わたしのXX(学校のHPから入れる私専用のページのことです。)を見ましたが秋学期の学費がxxでした。 奨学金やfinancial aidはいつ反映されるのでしょうか? こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。