• 締切済み


1.日本ではニートが家庭に入れば、すぐに感情的に捨てるしかないや価値がないなどの罵詈雑言を人格否定につながることをいう人たちが多いが、ニートに対してなぜ誰も自分でビジネスや起こしては個人事業主になっては ?ネットで副業やらない?それらがダメならば親が自宅の家事をお金を出してやらせる等で就業させる方法などもあると思うが、なぜ自宅にいながらお金を稼ぐ発想を教える人がいないのか不思議なのだが、? 2.世間的からの罵詈雑言に晒されているニートの自信や自己評価(エフェカシィー)、自尊心(セルフエスティーム)をあげるために我々は具体的に何をすればよいのだろうか? 社会、哲学カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEET https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ニート 1. In Japan, there are many people who say that if they go into their homes in Japan, they immediately lead to embarrassing abandoned words such as not being valuable or not worthy to lead to personality denial, but why nobody knows why anyone Why do businesses and wake up become individual business owners? Do not you have a side job on the net? If they do not do it, I think that there is a way to let the parents get work done by having their housework done at home etc, but it is strange why there is no one who teaches the idea of earning money while staying at home. 2. What should we do specifically to give Neet's confidence, self-evaluation (self-evaluation), self-esteem (self esteem) that is being exposed to abusive phrases from the public? Society, Philosophy Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.


  • catpow
  • ベストアンサー率24% (620/2527)

>>ニートに対してなぜ誰も自分でビジネスや起こしては個人事業主になっては?ネットで副業やらない? それらがダメならば親が自宅の家事をお金を出してやらせる等で就業させる方法などもあると思うが、なぜ自宅にいながらお金を稼ぐ発想を教える人がいないのか不思議なのだが、? 統計的に、新規ビジネスで成功するのは1000に3つなんていいます。 つまりは、ベンチャー事業ってほとんど失敗するって知っているから、親も資金は出さない。 さらにニートって能力的には、そうじゃあない人より劣ることが多いと考えられているからね。 また、自宅にいながらお金を稼ぐ方法って、なかなか無いから誰も教えるネタを持っていない。 >>2.世間的からの罵詈雑言に晒されているニートの自信や自己評価(エフェカシィー)、自尊心(セルフエスティーム)をあげるために我々は具体的に何をすればよいのだろうか? ほとんど何もできない。



ご回答のほど、 ありがとうございます。

  • Osric
  • ベストアンサー率17% (280/1578)

1.はおっしゃる通りで、自分でビジネスを始めれば、自宅でできるものもあるし、もっと周りの人も勧めて良いと思います。ただ、世間を知らずに自宅でビジネスとなると、特殊技能がないと、なかなか高収入とはいかないのが悩みどころです。でも何もしないよりはましでしょう。 2.ですが、自信や自己評価などは、あくまでも他人と比較して、自分に自信を持つことですので、例えば、上記の1で自分でビジネスを起こし、成功したのであれば、特に他人に評価される必要はないと思います。



ご回答のほど、 ありがとうございます。


  • 他人に貶められ馬鹿にされ蔑まれた場合の自己評価(エ

    他人に貶められ馬鹿にされ蔑まれた場合の自己評価(エフカシィー)と自信・自尊心(セルフェスティーム)の上げ方とは? 罵詈雑言に対しての心理的な対処の仕方とは? 社会カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 What is the way to raise self-evaluation (Efcatie) and confidence / self-esteem (cell festival) in case of being defamed and stupid by others? What is the way of dealing psychologically against abusive words? Social Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.

  • 2つ翻訳お願いします><

    2つ翻訳お願いします>< It was tired from love not fulfilled. There is a my present self because there are feelings to think of the other party. Is the love that dose to the point of telling a lie me? What do you want to do, and how do you want to be loved by you?

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Responders who reject small offers show that even when dealing with a complete stranger, they would rather punish unfairness than gain money. Why would people act in ways that seem contrary to their own interest? The most reasonable answer is that moral intuitions like fairness developed because they improved the reproductive fitness of those who had them and the groups to which they belonged. Among social animals, those who form cooperative relationships tend to do much better than those who do not. By making a fair offer, you signal that you are the kind of person who would make a good partner for cooperating. On the other hand, by rejecting an unfair offer, you show that you are not going to put up with being treated unfairly, and thus you discourage others from trying to take advantage of you. There are also social advantages to such intuitions. A society in which most people act fairly will generally do better than one in which everyone is always seeking to take unfair advantage, because people will be better able to trust each other and form cooperative relationships.

  • 教えてください

    意味を教えてください。 They have higher, more stable self-esteem that is less dependent on external factors. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳よろしくお願いします。

    One of main factors differentiating humans from other animals is the awareness of self: the ability to form an identity and then a value to it. In other words, you have the capacity to define who you are and then decide if you like that identity or not. The problem of self-esteem is this human capacity for judgment. It’s one thing to dislike certain colors, noises, shapes, or sensations. But when you reject parts of yourself, you greatly damage the psychological structures that literally keep you alive.  There are basically two kinds of self-esteem problems: situational and characterological. Low self-esteem that is situational tends to show up only in specific areas. For example, a person might have confidence in himself as a parent, a conversationalist, and asexual partner, but expect to fail in work situations. Low self-esteem that is characterological usually had roots in early experiences of abuse or abandonment. The sense of “wrongness” in this case is more global and tends to affect many areas of life. Situational low self-esteem is a problem ideally suited for cognitive restructuring techniques. The focus is on confronting cognitive distortions, emphasizing strengths over weaknesses, and developing specific skills for handling mistakes and criticism. Since the client is not rejecting himself or herself globally, you will find that changing maladaptive thinking patterns will significantly increase a sense of confidence and worth. Since characterological low self-esteem derives from a basic identity statement, a feeling of being bad, changing a client’s thoughts is not enough. Identifying and beginning to control the internal critical voice will help, but will not entirely undo the negative identity that gives rise to negative thoughts. The focus should be reinforced through visualization and hypnotic techniques.

  • 日本語訳が分かりません。

    以下の英文を日本語に訳し、さらに英語で返事をしないといけないのですが意味がよく理解できません。 どなたか教えてください。 By the way do you know that in the capital city of Japan they do a kind of experiment with a mouse (which they excise some genes) so that the mouse it not afraid or scared anymore of cats. Which this the scientists want and proved that the fear of the mouse is inborn or naturaly. And that when you just "removed" that gene it will not try to escape. So what do you think about it?is it not incredible. I mean if they can do this also with us human beings then they can "remove" all the fear that we have on certainly or particulary things. 私が分かる範囲では、 「By the way do you know that in the capital city of Japan they do a kind of experiment with a mouse (which they excise some genes) so that the mouse it not afraid or scared anymore of cats.」 ・・・ところであなたは日本の首都を知っていますか。彼らはexperimentの一種でねずみと一緒です。そしてそのねずみは猫のそんなに怖い物ではなかった。 「Which this the scientists want and proved that the fear of the mouse is inborn or naturaly.」 ・・・どの科学者はそれが欲しく、供給したかったのか....? 「And that when you just "removed" that gene it will not try to escape.」 ・・・...? 「So what do you think about it?is it not incredible.」 ・・・あなたはこれについてどう思いますか? 「I mean if they can do this also with us human beings then they can "remove" all the fear that we have on certainly or particulary things.」 ・・・もし彼らがこれをまた人間の初めとしてできたのなら...? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 簡単な和訳をお願いします。

    In america they do not sharpen razors at a hardware store. If you prefer not to sharpen it that is fine, thank you.

  • 高校英語で3つ質問

    1.以下の2文を同じ意味にする問題です。 He was so foolish that he missed the point. He was too foolish () () miss the point. 2.「君はそこでただ待っていればいい。」は、どちらが正しいですか。 There is nothing but to do wait for you. There is nothing but for you to do wait. 3.I went to the new shop to buy a sweater, but they had so many to choose from that I was completely at a loss. でなぜtheyという複数形になるんですかね。 この3つをどうか教えてください。

  • 教えて下さい! 日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    下記の英文を日本語に翻訳をお願いします。 J am happy to welcome you in my apartment in August. It is very clear, comfortable and you have a splendid view on Paris You said to me that you do not speak french (also I do not speak japonese) and english. However you write me in english and may be you read english language. Myself I do not speak fluent english. J suppose that you come to visit Paris. J can to help you to indicate which is to be visited. Do not hesitate to question about which is important for you. J will be happy to read you again よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈です

    この文章はアメリカのある修道女の中絶反対運動に関する発言ですが、中程にある And why would I think that you don’t? はどういう意味に取ったらいいでしょうか? don't の後の動詞が省略されていると考えば、どんな動詞くるのでしょうか? I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion, that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking if all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed. And why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.