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義務ありますね 法律に明記されてます 「幸せにする」の限度次第かもしれませんが、少なくとも見捨ててはいけません http://minnpou.blog81.fc2.com/blog-entry-49.html



ご回答のほど、 ありがとうございます。


  • 英作の添削お願いします

    Do you think that parents should pressure their children to compete ? Write a passage of 5 sentence in English. この問いに対する私の英作です。 I think that parents should not pressure there children to compete. Parhaps children began to compete something, provided children like it. But If parents gives exceeding pressure their children to compete, children come to dislike it. Even if they like it. The best way that parents only keep watch children. Therefore, children began to compete even whithout pressure. 私はよくないと思う。おそらく好きだったら自分で競争しはじめる。しかし、もし親が重圧をかけるぎると嫌いになってしまう。たとえそれが好きなことであっても。一番いいのは見守ることだ。それゆえ、プレッシャーをかけなくても・・・・ みたいな事が書きたかったのですが。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 質問サイトで毒親問題について色々と回答をしていたら

    質問サイトで毒親問題について色々と回答をしていたらば毒親の影響を仕事まで持ち込まれて話される方に出会ってしまったが、彼らに言いたいが少しきつい言葉になるかもしれませんが、毒親に育てられたからといってそのことを仕事 に持ち込むのはプロフェショナルとしてどうなのでしょうか? 普通の人に毒親に育てられたから、仕事で愚痴を零していると言われてもだれも納得しないでしょう。 私の状況の言葉はハラスメントでしょうか? 怒りを抑えられない場合はすぐにトイレに行くなどして吐かれるなどされるが、もしそれでも怒りが抑えられない場合はアンガーマネジメントなどの怒りを制御するための心理セミナー等を受けられることを推奨致したいが 皆さんは職場で部下から毒親の影響で仕事の進捗が遅れていると言われた場合どのような言葉を部下に言われますか? 職場カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 If you answered a variety of questions about poisonous parent problems at the question site, you have encountered someone who is being brought up to the work with the influence of poisonous parents, but you may want to tell them but it may be a bit tight words Just because you were raised by poisonous parents How about professionals bringing to you? Because ordinary people were raised as poisonous parents, no one would agree that even if it is said that they are complaining at work. Is the word of my situation harassment? If you can not suppress your anger, you will be vomited, such as by going to the bathroom immediately, but if anger can not be suppressed still, it is recommended to be able to receive psychology seminars etc. to control anger such as Anger management I would like to do If you are told that your progress is delayed due to the influence of poisonous parents at your work place what kind of words will you tell your subordinates? Work category Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.

  • 以下の英文についてお尋ねします。bully Syu

    I have a different viewpoint, but until now all of you white people have been in a position to bully for a long time , are not you? I think that it is good to stand in a position to be bullied occasionally. If it is not it can not stop bullying with pain. ここでの英文ではare not youでなくhaven't you,だと考えるのですが、またIf it is not it canの各itがどこを指しているのか掴みにくいのですが、ご説明いただければ幸いです。

  • 英語の和訳

    They need to remember that nobody does it alone, and that single parents use social networks. There is no denying the difficulties of single-parent home. With the support from friends, single parents and their children can reap the satisfying rewards of watching their children grow up to be happy and healthy. 英文の和訳をお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします

    周りに添削を頼める人がいないので添削をお願いします。 ネット上で添削するのは手間がかかるでしょうから、気づいた点などを挙げていただくだけでも結構です。 (問) 以下の事柄に関して自分の考えを120~150文字で述べなさい。 The power of words (答) I believe the power of words. Even if you think of something,you can't convey what you think without words. In Japan people sometimes prefer not using words to doing during communicating with others like parents or friends,which is called "Aun no kokyu". It is also important,but all people can't understand it.It is sure that you can convey information exactly if you use words. Also,words can move people's heart.If you want to show your passion in order to persuade someone,you should make use of words which can do.I think that person who control words control the world. You may think that it is easy to say,but not easy to act.It is true to some extent. However,you say what you think,and you can find what you really want to act. (日本語文) 私は言葉の力を信じます。 たとえあなたが何かを考えても、言葉なしではあなたの考えを伝えることはできません。 日本の人々は親や友達と意思疎通をするときに言葉を使わないことを好むときがあります。これを「阿吽の呼吸」と呼びます。 これも重要ではありますが、すべての人々が理解することはできません。もしあなたが言葉を使えば、正確に情報を伝えることができることは当然です。 また、言葉は人の心を動かすことができます。もし、あなたが誰かを説得するためにあなたの情熱を表したかったら、それができる言葉を利用すべきです。言葉を支配した人が世界を支配すると思います。 あなたは、言うのは簡単だが行動するのは難しいと思うかもしれません。 それはある程度正しいです。しかしながら、あなたが自分の考えることを言葉にして言うことで、自分の本当にやりたいことが分かることができます。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is no Uranus aspect to your house of soulmates A planet that lacks aspects also shows what the relationship lacks. This means the relationship will be more conventional than you think, or want it to be. It may also lack surprises, so that once it has begun there is nothing really unexpected or sudden in the love that develops or follows. This planet placement can also mean that there is less turbulence and no sudden interruptions or disruptions that spoil; or upset your romantic life, less inclination to break up. Your emotions may be strong but cautious at the same time. There will be consistency in the relationship and you will know how you stand as times goes on, a leveling out, rather than great mountains and swooping disappointments or valleys in the terrain of love. Your love life, or choice of soulmate will be temperate, and will not be, impulsive or dangerous or too unorthodox, however unique this love is, it will not be irregular.. or inconstant. This position of Uranus also means that you may meet the soulmate, the greatest of all your loves and will be happy with him, how he is, not wanting to change or reform him greatly.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Are you asking if it will fit in the back of a module? If yes no it will not fit and you could not put it there even if it did. @ 3.5A it must be sinked to your host sink or body otherwise it will overheat. Something like this.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分です。 抽象的な部分や変なところは意訳して いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is a celestial influence from planets and stars in your seventh house. When there is a planet in the seventh house, it brings a definite kind of fate to bare, the choice of love is much more destined and less free. A planet also means that you yourself possess, a particular look or character that will deeply attract only a certain kind of man, and not others. It is as if the picture of love is cut out for you. If you had no planet in the seventh house, it would be more difficult to find love and yet more freedom to fall in love too, more opportunity but perhaps less depth. This planet placement gives you, endurance, practicality, a feeling of the predestined, so that once you are involved with someone, even if its not the soul mate, you are able to “make do” with relationship, or to put up with a lot that others wouldn’t for the sake of love.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 All relationships have a beginning and all have an end. The end can come in many ways. It may be death and tragedy, divorce, or parting, the sad intervention of other people in ones life. Many things can happen. But only one will. Your chart shows the relationship will be a long one, a permanent one. It is possible to tell from the chart, which of you will outlive the other, or the circumstance surrounding the end of the relationship. But this is not always advisable so I do not automatically include such information. Once you know a thing you cannot unknown it, or easily forget it, even though things need not be so fatalistic. It may influence your attitude to the relationship. If you wish to know then ask when you order your next astrological reading..

  • 自民党二階氏の「この頃、子どもを産まない方が幸せじ

    自民党二階氏の「この頃、子どもを産まない方が幸せじゃないかと勝手なことを考える人がいる」や 「今は食べるのに困る家はない。こんなに素晴らしい幸せな国はない」の発言に対して皆さんは どの様に思われますか? 社会カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 https://www.google.co.jp/amp/s/www.zakzak.co.jp/soc/amp/180626/soc1806260015-a.html https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/二階俊博 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshihiro_Nikai https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/少子化 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-replacement_fertility Mr. Nikai Liberal Democratic Party of the LDP "At this time, there are people thinking that they are happy if they do not give birth to a child" "There is no house that is troubled to eat now, everyone is not supposed to have such a wonderful happy country" What do you think? Social Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.