Neptune Square Ascendant: Potential for Spiritual Bond or Illusion?

  • Neptune square your ascendant can create a spiritual bond and bring a future marriage into focus, but it also warns of the potential for illusion, deception, and false hopes.
  • This aspect makes it difficult to turn the desired future into reality, as circumstances and other people play a significant role.
  • While this aspect weakens things, other aspects in the chart suggest that things will improve over time, although it remains a negative and weakening influence in the relationship.
  • ベストアンサー


日本語に訳してもらえないでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。 Neptune square your ascendant, can make for a spiritual bond. But it also warns of illusion, deception, or false hopes that can build like a web around the future, but keep you waiting for much longer than you hope. You both want this future marriage, but it is difficult making it a reality, that is the central problem, so much may depends on circumstances changes and other people. This aspects weakens things, but it is only one aspects, others aspects strengthen the reality, so it balances thing, but doesn't make for an easy passage into the future. You confuse and delude one another without intending to do so, because there are so many impossible hopes and obstacles for this relationship you do not see each other clearly. The rest of the chart aspect do suggests it will get better as times goes on, some of the impossible will become possible, but this aspect is still what I would call a negative influence, a weakening influence over time.. His Chiron sextiles your Saturn. When you first met, you experienced a deep-seated feeling that you have met before. There is a sense in which you both know that you are meeting in order to help each other learn more about their life's journey. Perhaps they have met in order to settle past scores or so that they can each leave behind painful relationship memories and build a new and more meaningful union. Although a certain feeling of discomfort can underlay this relationship, on the whole it is a positive one in which both of you will steadily grow more emotional secure. You are able to build firm foundations in this relationship, which augurs well for other areas of your lives.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。(未知の世界を体験するような興味を抱きました。) 海王星広場のあなたの上昇宮は、精神的な絆に役立つかもしれません。しかし、それはまたあなたの将来をクモの巣のように蔽う幻想、偽装、偽りの希望について警告し、あなたが望むより長くあなたを待たせ続けます。あなた方お二人はこの将来の結婚を望みますが、実現するのは難しく、中心問題は状況変化や他の人に依存します。このアスペクトは事柄を弱めますが、1つのアスペクトだけであって、それ以外のアスペクトは現実を強化します。ということで、それはバランスをとる役を果たしますが、将来に向かう通路を簡単なものとはしません。 あなた方は、混乱から、意図せずにお互いをあざむいてしまうことがあります。というのも、この関係にとってはそれほど多くの不可能な望みや障害があるので、お互いを明確に分かりきれないのです。チャート上の残りのアスペクトは、時間の経過とともに状況がよくなること、不可能が可能になっていくことを示唆しています。しかし、あえて申しあげますが、このアスペクトは依然、そして終始、否定的な影響、事柄の成就を弱める影響を及ぼします…。 彼の小惑星ケイロンは、あなたの土星に対して6分位の変位置にあります。あなた方が初めて会ったとき、あなたは以前会ったことがあるという深在性の感覚を経験しました。お二人とも、お互いの人生の旅についてさらに多く学ぶのを助け合うために会ったのだ、と認識しているという感覚があります。そういう人は、おそらく、過去の傷跡に決着をつけるために、すなわち、各々が痛みを伴う関係の記憶から去って、新しく、かつ、より意味のある連繋を構築することができるようにするために出会ったのです。 不快に関する特定の感覚が、この関係の下敷きとなる可能性がありますが、それは概して、あなた方の両方とも、感情的な安定感を着実に増加させていく、ポジティブなものです。あなた方は、この関係の中に確固とした基礎を構築することができます。そして、それは、あなた方の人生の他の領域のためにもよい、という占いが出ています。



回答ありがとうございました。 未知の世界ですか( *´艸`) 確かに生まれた時の惑星の配置によって色んな出来事があるのには不思議です。(当たっているかは別として)私には魅力的な世界です。英語が苦手な私なので訳していただいて、いつもありがとうございます。


  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文ですが、難しくて訳せませんでした・・。 どなたか翻訳していただけるかた、 お願いできますか? よろしくお願いします。 The cross aspects are like links in the web of fate that can have an immense effect for either good or evil. They can cause changes in your life, that are wonderful or utterly destructive. You and he have so many aspects like links into the past and future, karmic aspects and new aspects, that this relationship is significant. In the charts of intimate friends and lovers some people may only have one or two cross aspects with each other. The more tied aspects there are between a persons chart and yours the more complex compelling and involved the resulting relationship or friendship will become. This relationship has a long and tangled fate. Even now you are only just on the threshold of its future.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかたに、 お願いできますでしょうか? 誤植があるかもしれませんが、 意訳でもかまいませんし、そのまま訳していただいてもいいです。 なにとぞよろしくお願いします。 You each feel the other has a kind of perfection, fills a gap that nothing else can, as tough the cracks in your life are cemented and hell together, and the life made bearable, because of this escape. so you wear the relationship like a beautiful but insubstantial cloth that buffers you and protects you from life's harshness. The relationship is set a few degrees away from the harder emptier world, like a cloth of dreams that makes everything better. This permits you to worship from afar., from memories, from promises, from potentials. But in the end if nothing is made solid, you experience disillusionment and disappointment. Neptune is like water in which you can see beautiful images, reflections of love, it can ease your thirst, clean your wounds, but like water it can drain away and leave no trace, nothing. The to end the dream, is to see the other person, and the situation as they are, however flawed or hopeless it may all be, and not as you'd like them to be For so long as you look at them as you'd like them to be the dream exists. But it crumbles gets harder in the cold light of reality and in the effort of making it work and making it real.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    長文ですみません どうか翻訳をお願いします There is also uncertainty, There is often a hasty relationship or engagement with this aspects that leads later on in life to sudden stress and separation. Then reunion. Uranus brings excitement at the meeting, hasty. It was in the past unexpected or in some ways against the odds. The sort of relationship where the fascination always remains and the relationship never becomes common place. The marriage is one that could shock others, or turn friends into enemies. I am not so certain that marriage can come of this. It depends on the karma. He wasn't the sort of person you'd envisaged, or that others wanted to see you with. but he was and exciting and wonderful. Different. He may even have looked or dressed different, but in a handsome or beautiful or bizarre and artistic way. You will have liked his looks, liked his voice His power to change your world.. It was and will be again a very exciting relationship, that can suddenly turn everything upside down in both your lives. But a disturbing or unstable relationship too. Where you may go through periods of feeling unappreciated or a though he has no real understanding of what you have given up for him Feeling that you give too much, gain too little. That you want more than the relationship in the end offers. It as though he has strong obligations to other people other things and cannot commit to you very easily, you can improve and change his prospects of being successful but he gives up too soon., a laziness or lack of effort, a wastefulness creeps in, this can make you feel undervalued neglected.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    長文ですが、翻訳していただける方、 お願いできますか? どうぞよろしくお願いします。 Your Neptune squares his moon. Squares can be negative aspects, they create anxiety and obstacles. This means that subconscious emotional conflicts will be activated and brought out by the relationship, can cause dyspepsia, sensitivity of the stomach, These subconscious issues may be to do with emotional security. But rather than face issues you could revert to escapism, dreams or delusions of what might have been, or might be, without being strong or secure enough within the self to take the steps necessary bring those dreams about in reality. One or other of you may begin to feed off the relationship emotionally. Or idealize the other to a point where disappointment is inevitable. You will confuse each other, so that you cannot always see the relationship or each other intentions clearly but will also stimulate each others weakness and neurosis, unhealthy introversion or feelings of insecurity and self destructive tendencies. This aspect is common where a relationship is secret, or where elements of it are hidden, or where it would be deemed socially or morally, ethically unsuitable. In the charts if young people there is often family disapproval. Or ii one person is married, and so has to be silent. But where the relationship or the things it promises acts like an escape from the every day world. A secret relationship that you both can withdraw into, and which may have something of a compulsion about it. It ties you both but sets you free from the wounds of every day life. It can be an escape, or a relationship apart.

  • どなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    長文だった為、二つにわけました。前半の文章になります。 日本語に訳していただける方、宜しくお願いします。 Venus was in your eighth house at birth in Aries, this means that around the time when you meet him, you will be involved in deep thoughts and reflections about life and death. There is a karmic ellement about the whole relationship, and also something final, as though this man is the eternal love you have unknowingly search for in other things, other people, other places and finally found. Everything that you invest in this relationship will pay off but the results of your investment may not show as quickly as you want them too. Though inwardly for you the love begins on meeting and is or was always there, You will feel at the time that you grip on him is not firm or stable that so much is set aside for the future rather than the present..

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    何度もすみません。どなたか日本語に直していただけたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願いします。 The ascendant is in Virgo and there are no close conjunctions from his chart But he will have a strong influence over your every day life, your thoughts, your feelings. Discrete like daylight in a room, this aspect causes sexual attraction and the potential for a marriage that will also advance your position in life. The unknown frightens you, you like to have some connection, some knowledge of the man first, and you like to know exactly where you stand in any relationship. This is a rational relationship. During the course of the relationship you may become fretful, anxious, but well groomed, may dress better look neater, but it will affect you health, you may not sleep so well, forgetful, your face will take on a tranquil aspect, your skin will become more pure. The eyes more expressive. You may feel inwardly anxious but will look outwardly serene and modest. Your. eating patterns may alter., hygiene and nerves, especially when there are tensions or difficulties in the relationship. This is likely to show in anxiety, nerves, colds. shortness of breath, a change in bowl habits, cramps in the feet, absent mindedness and inability to concentrate. Corns and calluses on the feet. There can be psychosomatic or psychic effects in this relationship. always ailing, full of maladies Virgo is an earth sign and in many ways this makes it a very practical and logical aspect because of that. A marriage that if it comes about, wont be rushed, passions and infatuation wont run away from practicalities This can make for a tight and rigid pattern, or fairly traditional roles and routines. It may not be a modern marriage.. Such a marriage is usually financially reasonable. Though money may have to be accounted for. Sometimes with this combination the finances and material side of the marriage are run frugally, as there is a mutual dislike of waste.. But it will be a loving partnership if marriage comes about. We cannot tell from this part of the chart if it will come about or not, but if it does it will be a whole heartedly commitment. Virgo is about work and about health, both things will dominate the relationship like a theme, or thread running through the future pattern of your personal life with him. knitting the relationship together.

  • 翻訳希望します

    翻訳をお願いします 長文ですので、途中まででもいいです よろしくお願いします If you were to marry or live with this man, the aspect Show you would live in a traditional house, that is old, and has a lot of dark wood work, and lamps. It will have a light outside the door. It may be an apartment or all on one level, but in the other half of the building, or in a building not far away there would be close relative of his. This would be due to financial arrangements, but the relative would not always be there would come back and forth between this house and a place of study in another town or city. The house would be close to new houses that will have been built in the same style as to look like the old or original one that you and he will occupy. It will be a nice house but cold, needs a lot of heating. Yet this house for both of you would not be a first choice or ideal choice, you would both have some misgivings and doubts about it, but your happiness there would improve with time. This is a slow aspect so I rather think that things will remain as they are between you for a long time, the relationship will seem to get colder, and warmer, but it will continue Times when he is hardly there, times when he is always there, these things will fluctuate, so will your emotions and feelings about the future, and the things you really want from this relationship.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    翻訳していただけるかた、 どうかお願いいたします。 You will also attach great significance to fairness, justice and freedom. You will more than anything want justice in this relationship, in your life. The physical effects of this relationship are that he can make you tense and nervous, you might strain your back, or twist the spine accidentally. Nothing permanent but painfull and distracting. there can be an inflammation of the kidneys, ovary or urinary tract, acid urine. The kidneys may under work due to stress of this relationship and so you may retain water in the tissues.. The blood sugar may become imbalanced.. Flatulence and a distended abdomen, water retention. There will be increasing insomnia you may feel as though you cannot keep your legs or feet still when seated but must move round. In this aspect there is often a deep feeling that if you cannot have this man, or if it never resumes after one of its endings, you withdraw from love and its pain, and don't want anyone else. The relationship has aspects of magic and wonder, but also a hidden grief and unfairness as part of its karma

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を翻訳していただけるかた、 お願いできますでしょうか? 自分で頑張ってみましたが、難しすぎてだめでした・・。 どうか、よろしくお願いします Chiron is the planet of wounding and healing. His Chiron falls in your seventh house, this can bring an unfair or unjust situation to do with marriage. Usualy with Chiron there is some situation that you feel you cannot change or alter as it is not within your power to do so. It may be in fates power, or other peoples hands, but an unjust situation you can do nothing about, but which can seem so unfair and hurtful that you can cannot accept it either. There is struggle with this planet. Chiron can be tear people apart and cause a wound, but when the karma is worked through it can mean some part of the future is not how you visualized or hoped. Something is denied to you that is not denied to other people. But it is also be a healing aspect, that makes the relationship stronger for its inner struggle. Healing comes when you find the thing that's denied to you, in a different way.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 One of the things that can be important in a relationship are the kind of hobby and social life that the other person is used to and likes. If he is a stay at home character, contented to potter round the house in his free time, or if he is wild extravagant and always socializing and wants an independent life outside the relationship to do so. If he will shut you out of his leisure. Or if you’ll socialize and become in involved in thing together as a couple. These things can be important within the structure of a relationship and can help draw the bond closer, or change it. So this is what I will come to now.