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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文を訳して下さい。)

German Raid Forces British Response

  • The German infantry launched a raid on the British front line, triggering a response from the British forces.
  • A gas cloud was released during the raid, causing confusion and engagement between the German and British troops.
  • Despite unfavorable winds, the gas slowly moved towards the British third line, where the German raiders were engaged in small-arms fire.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10057/12592)

>Since the "Lone How" was only 40 yards (37 m) behind the British front line, orders had been given to destroy it, in the event of a German raid and a demolition charge had been left on the gun with a lit fuze. On 29 April, the German infantry sent up a green then a red flare and at 3:45 a.m., German artillery began to bombard the reserve and communication trenches of the 16th Division. ⇒「ローン・ハウ」は、英国軍前線の後ろわずか40ヤード(37m)のところにあったので、ドイツ軍の急襲の際にそれを破壊するようにという命令が出されていて、爆破攻撃の銃砲が向けられていた。4月29日、ドイツ歩兵連隊が緑とそれに次いで赤の照明弾を打ち上げ、午前3時45分にドイツ軍砲兵隊が第16師団の予備壕と通信壕を砲撃し始めた。 >A gas cloud was released, followed by white smoke from Chalk Pit Wood to Hulluch, after Bavarian Infantry Regiment 9 had been ordered to discharge the gas by higher authority, despite unfavourable winds. German raiding parties advanced, as the gas moved very slowly and then veered about, as it reached the British third line; the German raiders were then engaged by British infantry with small-arms fire. ⇒逆風にもかかわらず、上位高官当局によってバヴァリア歩兵連隊9に毒ガスの放出が命じられたので、ガス雲が排出され、チョーク・ピット・ウッドからユルーシまで覆う白煙が続いた。ガスが非常にゆっくり動いて、向きを変えて英国軍の第3戦線に達したので、ドイツ急襲隊が進み出た。ドイツ軍の侵略者は、迎え撃つ小銃砲火の英国歩兵連隊と交戦した。




