• 締切済み



  • Nebusoku3
  • ベストアンサー率38% (1459/3802)

Hi I have a canon camera I need to be sure that I can find the right zoom line between 75-300 meter . こんにちは。私はキヤノンのカメラを持っていますが、75-300 メーター間の正しいズームラインの探し方を知りたいです。 This mail include the attachment of the model that I need an I need a flash too . このメールには私が必要とするモデルの付属品を含み、そのことに関してもお教えください。 If you have any question let me know. Thanks (このメールの質問内容に)もし何か疑問点がありましたらその点をお教え願います。 よろしくお願いします。





  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 海外の方にカメラを販売して、来たメールです。 I have appreciated dealing with you all in the past. I have a three concerns about this item, as it was described in near-mint condition. The light meter is non-functional. It cannot be repaired (selenium cell). I had expected it was a working light meter, as it was included in the picture that was described in "near mint" condition. I expected a light meter. I got nothing. The hood "CdS Chimney finder" has some kind of fungus growing on the lens (see pic). It also goes into the metering area, so not sure if it has killed the meter, and not sure how successful I will be in rooting this out. If anyone had taken a look at this, they would have seen this is not "near mint." The 127mm lens has some kind of black gunk stuck on the back lens element that I am not sure if I can remove safely. I will see. The camera is in good working order, and the included lenses, chimney-finder and grip are deeply appreciated, I am a little let down that some of the other things were not as described. Regards 長文ですけど、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ネットでカメラを販売しているのですが、海外の方から来たメールです。 I'm sorry. I wish you knew for sure. I need to buy this today. Let me know if for sure it has no stickiness. Same with the other f100 you're selling. I'll send you a separate message to keep it tied to each unit. Some sellers do have them with no stickiness, but I wish I could buy this one with the battery holder. However the stickiness, even if almost no, would be a deal braker. Thanks again for your time. どうか、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I will print off the photographs that you sent and send them to the Customs House. What does the receipt say that it written in Japanese related to the price paid of $70? I wanted to find out before it I mail it to the Customs House because the handbag would not be a “gift” if the receipt says that $70 was paid to you. I also wanted to be sure that the receipt does not include EBay. Many thanks for your help with translation.

  • どのように解釈したらよいのかわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願い致します

    どのように解釈したらよいのかわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願い致します。 I think i will find that special lady, she will be asian, a woman not a girl, i hope she will be beautiful inside too. i think you have all of these qualities, and i hope i can convince you, that im a serious guy, who is serious about you. I hope i have not shocked you, please forgive me, im not sure how you feel about a younger guy.Maybe i have said too much. メル友(イギリス人男性 年下)から”ソウルメイトがなかなか見つからない”という内容のメールに対して、”あなたなら素敵な人が見つかるから大丈夫”と返信しました。 その後、このメールを受け取りました。”serious about you ”をどのように解釈したらよいのでしょうか? 英語圏で生活経験のある方、ご存知でしたら教えて下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    海外の友達からメールをいただいたのですが 分からない表現がいくつかあるので 翻訳をお願いします。 Ah, I see, Thanks for that... Oh really?, Wow I am surprised I thought you would have already started your Christmas Holiday already So How Long will your break be?? Do you have a plan for your holiday?? :)

  • 英語の翻訳

    and I don’t want you to lose too I wish you will be winner for every I dont know I have that feeling you are a ver これの日本語の意味を教えて下さい!お願いします。

  • 英語が分からないので教えてください。

    カーペンターズ「I NEED TO BE IN LOVE」より 1~5とa~eの正しい組み合わせはどれだと思いますか? 1.The most difficult problem for me is.... 2.I could easily miss the right person.... 3.It is very easy for people to leave each other.... 4.I know now that I have expected too much.... 5.Although I know what I should do.... a)because nobody stays around. b)and so I must find love before it is too late. c)I am still without someone now. d)when there are no strong ties. e)believing that I can find a loving partner.

  • ebay英語を教えて下さい

    落札者の方から以下のメールが届きました。ご教授お願いいたします。 I left feedback thinking that I had already received the item. It was a different doll that I thought was doll. I know my feedback will still be positive, however, I just wanted to let you know that I haven't received it yet. Estimated arrival is between Dec 21-Dec 30. Thanks!

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    I'm not sure about my trip in Japan this year... I have a serious question : shall you wait for me if I don't come this summer ?    上記の英語訳をお願いします。   「私は今年日本への旅行は確信していない。   私は深刻な質問があります。    もし私が今年の夏来なかったら、   あなたは私を待っているのでしょうか?」  こんな感じの翻訳でよろしいですか?  Shall のニュアンスがよくわかりません。  相手は、どのような意味合いで私に質問しているのか、  どうが教えて下さい。    ちなみに、  相手の方は私が好意を持っていることを知っていますし、  メールの返事は「待っている」、にしたいと思っています。  よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    That image is a picture of the LPM amplifier circuit. Are you interesting in buying the board only? Or with all the components? The other things you would need is a thermopile sensor and volt meter display. Those I can't supply to you only the LPM amplifier circuit. Let me know!