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iPhoneから送信 2014/04/03 9:45、Tapjoy Customer Service<mobilehelp@support.tapjoy.com> のメッセージ: Hello and thank you for reaching out to us! We appreciate you taking the time to let us know how we can help, and it will be my pleasure to assist you. I am sorry to hear of the trouble you've experienced in taking offers and not receiving your virtual currency quickly. In order to get that resolved for you, I just need a little help from you. We will need one of the following information (some may not apply): 1a) If you made a purchase or signed up for a service, we will need your confirmation email, billing invoice, or welcome email. 1b) When making a purchase or signing up for a service, you provided an email address when registering for this offer. Please provide us with that e-mail address. 2) If taking an offer that requires you to call for information, please provide the number you called FROM (your mobile number) as well as the date/time of your call. 3) If the offer you attempted was to download and run an app, please provide us with a screenshot of the app running on your device. Once we have this, we'll be able to get you credited right away. Again, thank you for reaching out to Tapjoy Customer Service. We look forward to your response so we can resolve this for you. Regards, Edwin Scott Tapjoy Customer Support mobilehelp@tapjoy.com www.tapjoy.com Ticket Details Ticket ID: 7532123


  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

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