• 締切済み



  • yasuppie
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/1)

私も、全く同じメールを受け取りました。 rmdr さんが訳されているとおりです。 このようなメールが最近増えている気がします。 内容は、 ・高額収入の口がある ・ガンになって困っているので寄付 メールでやり取りしているうちに、最終的には金銭を要求してきます。 どうするか? -> 即、削除です。 トップドメインを見ると、 .com .net .ru などのことが多いです。 プロバイダーにもよりますが、ふつう、メールフィルターが備わっています。 .ru などは、ロシアからメールが来ることがなければ、フィルターで削除できます。


  • これは何のメールですか?

    Hi. I work as an HR managerin the large company. We offer you to become a Director of our enterprise in your city. You are recommended as a quick-witted, energetic and decent person. I am writing to you not for the first time. My messages most likely do not reach you. The information would be 100% useful to you. The test period is for (20 days). During this period you will be busy for 2-3 hours a day. After the test period you may repudiate the offer or conclude a long-termcontract. Your salary will be 2,300,000 YEN per month + percentage. During the training period you will be able to earn at least 1,100,000 YEN. This is a very interesting offer that we do not make to everyone. If you are interested in a promising partnership, please inform us as soon as possible ●●●●●●69@yahoo.co.jp --- Это сообщение свободно от вирусов и вредоносного ПО благодаря защите от вирусов avast! http://www.avast.com メールの末尾が.ruとなっており、ロシアからのメールだとおもわれます。しかし、連絡先はヤフーメールであやしいです。そしてヤフーメールも数字の69となっており、なんかありそうです。 このメールはなんでしょうか?教えてください。

  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    英文の解説をお願いします。 As was announced in November, our pay period will change from this month. というような文で使われるasの用法を教えて下さい。 雰囲気で訳せますが正確な文法が知りたいです。

  • 英文メールのことなのですが、、、

    実はヨーローッパのマネーブッカーズというところにつくった口座が使っていないうちにクローズされてしまったので、そこに使用再開のお願いのメールを送りたくて、先日ここで質問して親切に英文メールをつくっていただきました。そして、メールを送信しましたが We would like to kindly inform you that we will be able to re-activate your account with our service. For this purpose, we will only need a written confirmation of this request, sent from the e-mail address registered with the account. というメールがマネーブッカーズから来ました。 そこで、私は a written confirmation of this requestの意味が<手書きのリクエストを送れ>という意味だと思ったので、もう一度同じ内容の英文を一生懸命手書きで紙に書いてスキャナで読み取ってPDFにして再度メールに添付して送ったのですが、一週間以上たっても何の連絡もなく、口座もクローズされたままです。 a written confirmation of this requestというのはどういう意味なんでしょうか???

  • 【大至急】英文メールのご添削

    下記のビジネス上の英文メールについて、おかしな箇所や丁寧にした方が良い部分がありましたら訂正を宜しくお願い申し上げますm(_ _)m (日本語) 12/19から貴社の東京支社でお世話になっている弊社からの派遣社員田中さんについて、請求書の送付先の確認で連絡しました。 弊社では月末締めの翌月払いでお願いしてます。 ついては月末締め翌月第5営業日以降に請求書原本を貴社へお送りしたく、送付先住所とご担当者名をお教えください。 I am in touch with you on Ms. Tanaka who has been a temporary employee at your Tokyo branch office from Dec 19th from our company to confirm invoice sender and person in charge. Regarding the billing of the fee, we have decided that you pay the following month from the end of the month. We will send you the original of the invoice from the department in charge of our company to your company after the 5 business day of the month following the end of the month. Therefore, please tell us your shipping address and the person in charge.

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。とても安くて小さいものなのでまとめ売りらしいです。 発送ができるか質問を相手にしていたのですが返事がきました。すみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 We are in receipt of your below mail and thank you very much for your interest in our articles. Of course we would be pleased to welcome you as our new customer and we could deliver our articles directly from LA to your address in Japan. Please kindly note that we have quite a few customers in Japan and it is absolutely no problems to import our goods. Since you have not clarified which articles you would like to purchase we suggest to have a look at our homepage 11111 and choose the requested items. Once you will let us know which items you would like to purchase we can send you our best offer. Since most of our articles are packed in boxes containing 2 or 3 pieces we normally request a minimum order quantity of a complete box. In case of orders for less than a complete box our prices get increased by 30 %. If the order is for more than 5 pieces of one article our prices will get decreased. Hoping to have been of assistance to you and awaiting your detailed inquiry.

  • 【かなり急いでおります】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    一個前の質問の続きなのですが、 英文メール(1)に対する返信として(2)の英文メールを考えたのですが、おかしな箇所や丁寧にした方が良い部分がありましたら訂正をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m ※(1)は弊社から人材を派遣している企業からきた英文メールです。 (1)We are thinking to give TANAKA JPY10,000yen worth of spot award in near future. He led one of our big project early this year and worked hard to lead my team to complete the tasks. As a result, we want to give him spot award and recognize his great work. Is it possible to give him its amount via your paycheck and charge through invoice to us? We want to make sure He receives exact amount in his pocket, without your commission fee. (It is ok to charge your fee to us, but not to him please) (I will let you know when spot award will be available) 我々は田中君に特別な賞与として近日中に1万円支払いたい。 彼は今年初めにビックプロジェクトを牽引しチームが業務を遂行するために大変良く働いてくれた。 この成果に対し彼に特別賞与を与え、偉大な仕事ぶりを賞賛したい。 そこで、御社から給与を通じて彼に総額を支払っていただき,請求書を通じて我々にその分を請求してもらうことは可能か? 我々は諸経費を差し引くこと無く,彼に総額一万円を渡したい。(彼には諸経費を請求せず,経費については私どもに請求してほしい) (賞与の準備が整ったら改めてお知らせする) (2) Thank you for your patronage. We appreciate that you have appraued our staff Tanaka. Regarding the spot award, I have understand . Also, regarding your question, it is possible that you give him amount via our paycheck and charge through invoice to you. We will charge our fee to only you. We are hearing from you again when spot award will be available. Best regards,

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。助けて!

    Dear Taku, Pls see the attachment for the Specs received from the Supplier and refer to our email correspondence with them below. They have confirmed that they will work with us and supply, no problem. As discussed on phone, pls advise how we will be able to secure our interest from your side as we will be introducing to the manufacturer directly whereby you will be able to negotiate on prices and shipments. We will advise you the mode of payment for this transaction, TT preferably or LC ( Letter Of Credit ). We will advise the travel plans once we secure firm offer from our manufacturer. Best Regards, Goldy As discussed on phone, pls advise how will we be bale t

  • 英文翻訳。至急お願いします!

    There is a misunderstanding. We did not book any amount from your account. We just had to check the validity your credit card. The amount of 70,- will probably remain frozen for the period of 30 days (starting 22.11.) but has not been transferred to our account. Our policy is that our guests pay on site before they leave. You still have to pay the amount of 70,- at our hotel (with cash or credit card). 以上、お願いします!!

  • 【かなり急いでおります】ビジネス英文メールのご添削

    前の質問の続きなのですが、 英文メール(3)に対する返信を(4)に書いたのですが、おかしいでしょうか。 丁寧にしたほうが良いなどありましたら ご添削の程、どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げますm(_ _)m ※(1)と(3)は弊社から人材を派遣している企業からきた英文メールです。 (1)We are thinking to give TANAKA JPY10,000yen worth of spot award in near future. He led one of our big project early this year and worked hard to lead my team to complete the tasks. As a result, we want to give him spot award and recognize his great work. Is it possible to give him its amount via your paycheck and charge through invoice to us? We want to make sure He receives exact amount in his pocket, without your commission fee. (It is ok to charge your fee to us, but not to him please) (I will let you know when spot award will be available) 我々は田中君に特別な賞与として近日中に1万円支払いたい。 彼は今年初めにビックプロジェクトを牽引しチームが業務を遂行するために大変良く働いてくれた。 この成果に対し彼に特別賞与を与え、偉大な仕事ぶりを賞賛したい。 そこで、御社から給与を通じて彼に総額を支払っていただき,請求書を通じて我々にその分を請求してもらうことは可能か? 我々は諸経費を差し引くこと無く,彼に総額一万円を渡したい。(彼には諸経費を請求せず,経費については私どもに請求してほしい) (賞与の準備が整ったら改めてお知らせする) (2) Thank you for your email. We appreciate that you have appraved our staff Tanaka. Regarding the spot award, I have understand . Also, regarding your question, it is possible that you give him the amount via our paycheck and charge through invoice to you. We will charge our fee only to you. we will appreciate if you let us know when the spot award is available. (3)How much will your fee in your invoice? (4)We will charge our fee JPN35,000. This money include social insurance premium. Best regards,

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    仕事の取引先から会社に連絡がありました。どうやら本社に来てください!ってメールなんですがちょっと大事なメールですので正確な意味が知りたいです。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 We’re having our 2nd Annual AAA Distributor’s Conference next month. Since you showed interest, we’re extending this invite to you, so if you’re still interested in becoming a distributor for Japan this will be a good time to discuss all matters. This meeting will take place here at our corporate office in Los Angeles, you will need plan for two days for the week of October 6~10th but preferably October 7th, if possible. All AAA distributors will be coming in this week to discuss the current/future of AAA and address all questions that you may have with our CEO and upper management. For this conference we will be extending your accommodations for 2 night stay at a hotel nearby our corporate office so please let me know if you’re interested and I will arrange the details with you. Thanks and look forward to hear from you.