• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の訳をお願いします!!)


  • 南側の道路脇のパン屋の前に立っていました。スーパーマーケットから帰る途中、いつも立ち寄ります。彼らのパンを気に入っています。
  • 通常は、バリアが下りてからのギリギリのところを走って渡る人が少数います。彼らはしてはいけないのですが、理解できます。
  • 朝のその時間帯はたくさんの列車があります。長い時間そこに立ち往生することもあります。


  • ベストアンサー

文字抜けしている部分がありますので、正確でないかもしれません。 こんな感じでしょうか。 私はパン屋でトラックの南側に立っていました。 私はいつもスーパーから家に帰る途中、そこに止まり(立ち寄り)ます。 私はそこのロールパンが好きです。 カマス(barries)が降りてきて、いつものように少数の人たちが土壇場で走って(交差点を?)渡っていました。(これは坂道だと仮定しないと、自然な文にはなりません) (文字抜けの為、正確ではありませんが) 彼らはしないはずですが、それはbleと理解しています。 朝のその時間は、列車がたくさんあります。 あなたは長い間、それに夢中(?)になれます。(stuckは場面でいろいろ訳せる) とにかく、それはかなり広い交差点ですが、私の年齢のような人がちょうど待ってそうです。(soをどう訳すかで意味が変わります。私は「待ってそう」にしました) 私たちはゆっくりと歩いて、時間内に渡りきることは決してないでしょう!(交差点を) 私が驚いたのは、この老婦人が自転車を押して、交差(交差点を渡り)し始めたときです。 彼女が固まってしまったように見えた時、彼女は(交差点の)半分まで進んでいました。 なぜだか私は知りません。 摩訶不思議な文章ですが、意訳しないで字義訳すると、こういうことになります。 何かの問題文なのかもしれませんが、参考まで。





その他の回答 (2)




では訂正です。 >カマス(barries)が降りてきて、 これを 「壁が倒れてきて」  に訂正してください。 そんなにしょっちゅう壁が倒れるんですかね^^



  • 英語

    1:The day will soon come () everybody uses a computer. (1)the way (2)when (3)where (4)which 2:That story reminds me () l went to ltaly. (1)of where (2)where (3)when (4)of when 3:The people present were worried about Betty because no one was aware () she had gone. (1)of where (2)that the place to (3)that the place was (4)of the place to 4:We have a lot of holidays during the week from the end of April to she beginning of May. () we call it Golden Week. (1)That's why (2)That's because (3)It is the reason for (4)It is what 5:() you talk reminds me your father. He also had a good sense of humor. (1)The way (2)When (3)Which (4)Why 解答と和訳お願いします

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was in the cafe by the north entrance to the station, reading my paper and having a coffee .I had an appointment with a client nearby and I was killing time because I'd arrived half an hour early.I suddenly heard a terrible shout, and when I looked out of the window,I saw that a woman was in the middle of the crossing. I assumed she'd fallen off her bicycle because it was lying on the tracks and all her shopping had come out of her basket.People were calling out to her from the road.Some were telling her to stay put and others were telling her to get off the crossing. She didn't seem to know what to do.She just say there.One of the waiters in the cafe saw this and ran out to get her.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Maybe she panicked when she saw the barries were down on the other side. She dropped her bicycle and spilled all the groceries in her basket. People on both sides were calling to her, telling her to run because a train was coming, but she just stood there.Then suddenly a brave young man jumped over the barrier on the other side,ran to the woman, put her on his shoulder and carried her to safety.The train came in on the track closest to me, so she wouldn't have been injured, but still it was a scary moment.When the barriers came up again, some other people picked up the woman's bicycle and groceries for her.If the railway company doesn't make that crossing safer, it's only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured there.

  • 英語の訳がわかりません。 教えて下さい

    In the summer of 1944, when it was noting for trains from the provinces to be five or six hours late, I travelled to London on the night train from Edinburgh, which, at York, was already there hours late.There were ten people in the compartment, only two whom I remember well, and for good reason.

  • 英語訳

    There was a time when he was treated like a hero. 「彼が英雄のように扱われたときがあった。」 英文の「time when」はどこの訳にあたるのでしょうか。調べてるのですがどこにも見当たりません。 分かる人教えて下さい。

  • 英語のインタビューの内容を教えてください

    妊婦さんが旦那さんと一緒に初めてお腹の中の赤ちゃんの様子を見たときの印象です。But以下の訳を御指導いただけないでしょうか。特に「we were a part of it」のニュアンスがわかりません。「  」内はその前の文なので参考にしてください。 「I mean, you're looking at something that's black, white and various shades of grey, and it's not the easiest thing to make out. And I'm not even sure that, you know, we were looking, I was probably looking at an eye when I was supposed to be looking at a nose, things like that.」 But just the feeling that we weren't just happening to be there. You know, that we were actually, she made us feel like we were a part of it and that we had some sort of say, and that we had brains. I mean, it was nice to feel like you were a part of the process.

  • 英語の訳を教えてください。

    When I think back I can see we were just pretending. Pretending everything was okey. Pretending that is was nomal for me not to be driving. 訳をお願いします。特に、Pretending that is や driving のところがよくわかりません。また、pretendingは動名詞と言うよりは、分詞構文なんですか、宜しくお願いします。

  • この英語を日本語に訳してください。

    この英語を日本語に訳してください。 Last Sunday, when I was waiting for a friend in front of tha atation, I met my elderly neighbor. She had a big bag with her, and she was going to walk across the street. When the light turned green, I helped her with her bag, and we walked across the busy street together. She said ''Thank you'' many times to me. That made me very happy.

  • 英語の問題の添削をお願いします。

    1.次の各文の( )内から適する語句を選びなさい。 (1)Jim was born on the day (アwhich イwhen ウwhere) his father went to Paris. (2)We live (アwhich イthat ウwhere) our aunt used to live. (3)He went to Osaka, (アwhich イwhere ウthere) he met a friend of his. (4)Do you know the exact time (アwhich イwhom ウwhere エwhen) the accident occurred? (5)Keep on with your studies, (アhowever イno matter what ウso エwhatever) hard it sometimes seems. (6)"Are you going somewhere during the vacation?"-"Yes,I've found a nice beach (アhow イwhen ウwhere エwhich) I can enjoy swimming even in February." (7)It's not only her friends that Ms.Kinoshita is kind to. She helps (アthose イwhatever ウwhoever エwhom) needs her help. 2.次の各文の_に適する関係副詞を書きなさい。 (1)Tell me the reason _ she refused my offers. (2)Kumi wanted to live in a place _ she could see the ocean. (3)I remember the day _ my grandmother left Japan. (4)Kathy was taken _ she had never been before. (5)The day was very windly _ we visited our teacher. (6)I was going to shopping,_ Tom called me up. (7)He returned to his native land,_ he spent the last few years of his life. 3.次の各文の誤りを正して全文を書きなえなさい。 (1)You may invite whomever wants to come. (2)Please call on me whatever you want to. (3)This is the house which I lived in my early days. (4)They come to a large lake, that they took a rest for a while. (5)She didn't tell me the reason, why she would not work. (6)How careful he was, he couldn't avoid the accident. 4.次の文を関係副詞を使って書き変えなさい。 (1)This is the way in which they ran out of the burning house. (2)This is the village that I first met him in. (3)The day on which we arrived in New York was Sunday. 5.次の2つの文を関係副詞を使って1つの文にしなさい。 (1)August is the month. We have no school then. (2)Last week I visited the town. You used to live there. (3)We walked to the park. And there we played tennis for an hour. (4)I went to see Bill last Saturday. And then it was raining. 6.次の日本文に合うように、( )内の語句を並べ変えなさい。(4)は( )内の語を並び替えて_に入れ、英文を完成させなさい。 (1)私たちはこうして友だちになりました。(became/friends/how/is/this/we/.) (2)私はロイが早起きをしたわけを知っています。(early/got up/I/know/Roy/the reason/why/.) (3)意志があるところには道がある。(a/there's/where/will),there's a way. (4)Unfortunately,_ _ _ _, _ was one step ahead of us. (fast/he/however/ran/we) 7.次の英文を日本文に直しなさい。 (1)Dinner is ready whenever you may come back. (2)Wherever you may go, always be kind to others. 1.(1)イ (2)ウ (3)イ (4)エ (5)ア (6)エ (7)ウ 2.(1)why (2)where (3)when (4)where (5)when (6)when (7)where 3.(1)You may invite whoever wants to come. (2)Please call on me whenever you want to. (3)This is the house where I lived in my early days. (4)They came to a laege lake, where they took a rest for a while. (5)She didn't tell me the reason why she would not work. (6)However careful he was, he couldn't avoid the accident. 4.(1)This is how they ran out of the burning house. (2)This is the village where I first met him. (3)The day when we arrived in New York was Sunday. 5.(1)August is the month when we have no school. (2)Last week I visited the town where you used to live. (3)We walked to the park, where we played tennis for an hour. (4)I went to see Bill last Sunday, when it was raining. 6.(1)This is how we became friends. (2)I know the reason why Roy got up early. (3)Where there's a will, there's a way. (4)Unfortunately, [however we ran fast, he] was one step ahead of us. 7.(1)あなたがいつ戻ってきても、夕食の準備はできています。 (2)どこへ行っても、他人にはいつも親切にしなさい。 多いですが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    So you can see why I believe that Americans are obsessed with time. All of the Americans I know have wristwatches, but many of my Latino friends don't regularly wear one.I don't, Americans are always setting their watches, making sure the time is 'exact.' I once heard two American students arguing about what time it was.One said, 'It's 3:45.' The other said,'No,It's not! It's 3:48, you idiot!'That's how Americans think about time.It's the most important thing in their lives. People do think about time differently after all.It seems to me,thought, that the American and Latino students do everything they're supposed to do.They work and study about the same amount. But the Latinos don't feel as pressured by time as the Americans do. It's no wonder that Americans are so stressed out.

  • 印刷する時に空の用紙が何枚も出てくるというトラブルについて相談です。
  • 印刷はできるが空の用紙が何枚も出て、その後での印刷になるというトラブルについての相談です。
  • 印刷する時に何枚もの空の用紙が出てきてしまうという問題について教えてください。