
  • 渋谷へ久しぶりに行って、混雑したクラブAに行きました。たくさんの人がいて、少しイライラしました。
  • 渋谷で久々に遊びました。混雑したクラブAに行ったけれど、人が多くて少し不快でした。
  • 渋谷に久しぶりに行って、混雑したクラブAに行きました。人が多すぎて少しイライラしましたが、それ以外は楽しかったです。
  • ベストアンサー

and actually kinda annoying cause of the amount of people that were there.

正しい訳をおしえてください。 メールをもらいました i actually went to shibuya cause i havent been there in a loooong time. it was ok. i went to a club called A. it was very crowded, and actually kinda annoying cause of the amount of people that were there. but anyway i was just checkin in to see how you were doing. cya 実はずっといったことがなかったから渋谷へいったんだ。よかったよ。Aというクラブへいったけど混んでたよ。あと・・・・・でも わかりませんでした。教えてください。 あとこの文のようにいわれたとき Aいったんだ。楽しそうだね とか、いいね とかはどういえばいいのですか? 教えてください

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー






  • 英文解釈について:That there was 〜

    添付ファイル文章: That there was no law of nature that man should love mankind, and that, if there had been any love on earth hitherto, it was not owing to a natural law, but simply because men have believed in immortality. Ivan Fyodorovitch added in parenthesis that the whole natural law lies in that faith, and that if you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, not only love but every living force maintaining the life of the world would at once be dried up. に関する質問です。 1. That there was no law of のThat は接続詞として、 前文から引き継いで、「要するに」 という使われた方をしているという理解で合っているのか自信がないです。 2 and that, if there hadとand that if you were のthat はand that で、「しかも、その上」 という使われ方をしているという理解で合っているのか自信がないです。 3. if you were to destroy in mankind the belief in immortality, 「もし、我々が不滅/永遠への信仰を捨て去るようなことがあれば、」と in mankind をどのように解釈すればいいのか分かりません。位置的に変なところにあるように感じ、どこを修飾している語なのかよくわからないです。 belief の後にin mankind とすると 「人類への信仰、信念」となって 理解しづらい表現を解消するための並びなのかな?と疑問です。 この見立てが合っているのかも自信がないです。 「人類において、/人類における永遠への信仰を捨て去るなことがあれば」 のように理解してあっているのか自信がないです。

  • Ttribes of sea people were already

    Ttribes of sea people were already organized into a sort of confederation in this region, so that the people living at the western end of Shikoku could be brought to Akashi. 海の部族(海人族)がこの地方で、既にある種の同盟を結んでいた。 四国西岸に住む人々が明石までbrought to できるよう brought toがわかりません。ご教示ください。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    There's been a lot of times though in the band situation where there's been some deep wounds. Like that press conference they put together in 1996, after canceling three shows. The same stuff was going on with certain members of the band, that I was doing at that time. That was that time, I'm not making an excuse for it, it was a horrible time in my life. As well there were a lot of great things going on in my life, but that part of it was miserable. But I don't think at all that there needed to be a press conference to out me publicly, that was my own business.

  • see what there is to be seen of ...のof...は何を修飾?

    ある大学入試対策用の文法・語法問題集に次の問題があります。 次の日本文の意味になるように( )内の語を並べかえて英文を完成させなさい。 その国で見られるものすべてをぜひ見たいと思っています。 I am ( be / is / anxious / see / seen / there / to / to / what ) of the country. 期待される答えとしては I am ( anxious to see what there is to be seen )of the country. しかないと思います。英和活用大辞典(研究社)のseeの項目にIt is quiet little town and you can see what there is to be seen of it in a couple of hours.(ここは静かな町で、2時間もあれば見るべきものをみんな見ることができる。)がありました。ここで質問ですが、 このwhat there is to be seen of...の部分はどういう結びつきになっているのでしょうか?特に、whatとof...は意味的に直接結びついているのでしょうか?googleでhear what there is to be heard ofやfind what there is to be found ofで検索してみましたがヒットしませんでした。ということは (be) seen of ...という結びつきが強いということでしょうか?

  • 英語を直して下さい!

    先々週の日曜日、私は友達と遊びに行きました。 I went to the play with my friend on? 最初、私達は海に行きました。 First, we went to the sea. 人は少なかったです。 There were few peoples. 私達は靴を脱いで、足だけ海に浸かりました。 (ここの訳は出来ませんでした。(泣)) とても寒かったです。 It was very cold. 友達は、スマホを海に落として壊してしまいました。砂浜では、凧揚げをしている人もいました。(ここも出来ませんでした。(泣)) その後○○にいきました。 Next, I went to the ○○. そこで、遅い昼食を摂りました。とても美味しかったです。 We had lunch.It was so delicious. その後、プリクラも撮りました。 We took some photo booth pictures. とても楽しかったです。 It was a lot of fun. 訳ができてない所と、おかしいところを直して頂きたいです。宜しくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 関係代名詞と関係副詞について

    関係代名詞と関係副詞の書き換え問題ってよくありますよね。 そこで、 I went to NY in which he lives. I went to NY where he lives. という基本的な書き換えは理解できるんですが、 継続用法の場合の、 I went to NY, where it was as warm as I had expected. はどうして関係副詞になるのでしょうか? これは、関係副詞を使わない文章にすると、 I went to NY, and it as warm as I had expected in NY(there). という文章になるのでしょうか? 前置詞があるから(thereに変われるから)関係副詞になるのかな っていう理解の仕方でいいのでしょうか。 すると、 I went to NY, in which it was as warm as I had expexted. とういう風に書き換えられるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 旅プレゼン(英語)NO3

    旅のプレゼンをするのですが、アドバイス& 添削をお願いします。 Day 3 We went Yosemite National Park CA again. I think it’s big park. They can’t watch a day. We watched “ big tree” aun Yosemite full. And then we return to Santa monica. However, came back there midd night. I was very very tired.but Thank you for your driving. Day 4 I’ve wanted to go the J. Paul Getty Museum. I took big blue bus at St,transfer to talk the No bus and took Tram. I took part in the guide tour in pavilion. This museum is what Paul Getty who was the king known oil manage it. There are a lot of café and garden, it’s very nice! I love museum. I went to The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, LACMA,too. I went out for dinner with my friend who like in down town. She is very cute. I want to talk more with her. Day 5 I visited to watch Hollywood sign in Hollywood. I took one station by subway. So,I went to Universal studio. I was surprised because there are a lot of moves studios. I took part in studio tour. I enjoyed a lot of attractions. The Special Effets attraction is how the special effects for Universal’s biggest movies were made! The Mummy the ride is rollercoaster. Back draft,Terminator,Back to the future, Shrek and Water world are the same as Japan. I felt uneasy because I had go to home late.But it was Ok. There were a lot of people in the bus more than I thought it.

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 On October Second ‘10 I had a holiday and went to car dealer. First, I went to Toyota to see Estima. As soon as I went there, I did test-drive one. It was comfortable, but it wasn’t more comfortable Alfard and Velfire. When all of salesman find I decided to buy a car, they surve me with the greatest survice. After Toyota, I went to Honda. But there was not a car I wanted. When I was about to leave the shop, the salesman tried to prevent me from leaving there by this way and that. When I was feeling an awkward situation, my mobile phone rang at a good timing. It called from Toyota and told me to leave my bag. I left there at once and came back Toyota to receive it. As soon as I arrived at there, the salesman brought my bag to me. I felt I was lucky, as I left the shop. If I left it another place, it wouldn’t come back me.

  • シカゴの感想を添削

    お願いいたします I visited to Chicago. It's a sister city Osaka. There are a lot of museum I like it. I went for sightseeing to Frank Lloyd Wright House in Okupeak. Also,I went Museum of Sciene and Industry where we watch Apollo 8 and take the U -505 submarine on board tour. There is Sue in Field Museum of Natural HIstory is very famous. It's Tyranno saurus rex fossil remains that is biggest and complete in the world. I took part in guided tour there it was intersting but I listened it difficult becouse it's English. I alway go to the are museum. Of coures visited the art of Institue of Chicago. It's 3 biggest Museum if US. I had enjoying a long time there. There are a lot of events in Chicago becouse many country people live in . Oh , I love most pake is lincoln park. Zoo in there is free therefor many animals so enjoying. I recomed there and tell me what you think if you go there.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    美味しいものを食べると気持ちが明るくなるのはどうしてだろう?この前友達と居酒屋に行った時、なんと900円の玉子焼きがお品書きにあった。900円?高すぎると思いつつも興味本意だろうかあるいは休日だったためにお金の手放しが良かったのであろうか、つい頼んでしまった。それは高くても文句は言えない程の美味しさだったと思う。 When you eat delicious foods, why are you happy? Several days ago,I went to Japanese style bar with a friend of mine. There were Japanese omlette in a menu, which was priced at 900 yen . …… 900 yen ? I thought that was so expensive, but I was interested in that,and I could afford to order it, so I ordered it. That was delicious,and I thought, it was worth paying at high prices. ついの表現がよく分からず、また日本語相当の訳ができていないところもありますが、ご指導の程宜しくお願いいたします。