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  • alqaadim
  • ベストアンサー率67% (39/58)

いくつか文法的な間違いはありますが、十分意味の通る文章です。以下の修正案はより英語らしい言い方、という程度に、参考にしていただけると嬉しいです。 また、基本的に英語の書き言葉で省略はタブーなので一切省略はしませんが、発表するときなど、話す時は可能な限り省略するようにしてもらって構いません。 The book I'll introduce is called The Sparrow with the cut tongue. I will introduce the tale of "The Sparrow with his tongue cut." (物語はtale、話はstory、具体的な本がbook、と整理します。) It's a book written in "Uzisyuuimonogatari" This tale was contained in a compilation book called "Uji Syuui Monogatari." (宇治拾遺物語など、日本の文学を熟知している人なら直接in the book of "Uji----"としても構いません。) The book is about the two boxes. The story tells about two boxes. (聞き手にとって新しい情報なので、theはつけられない。ものが主語でもtellなど使う方が自然です。) The Sparrow gave the elderly man a souvenir. He had to choose a big box or a small box. A sparrow gives a souvenir, which is the two boxes, to an elderly man, who can only choose one of the two. (説明が足りない部分はコンマで区切って関係節を挿入します。新たな登場人物、ものは全て非限定(a/an)、二回目以降は限定します。また、ストーリーを紹介するときは、日本語でも「スズメがおじいさんにお土産をあげますが、大きい箱か、小さい箱か、どちらか一つしか選べません・・・」と、現在形で話せるように、英語では過去形にしないことが多いです。) Then he choosed a small one and recieved a lot of money. The man, who thinks that he does not deserve the big box, modestly chooses the small one, and he finds a lot of money in it. (現在形なのは同上です(過去形ならchose)。どうしてそうしたのかも補足すると次に繋がります。二つの中の小さい方、というときも、既に聞き手に分かっているものなのでtheをつけます。) While reading this book,I learned that you must always be modest. Having read this story, I learned that you should be modest. (いつも慎み深くないといけない、は強すぎるので、いつもをはずし、~した方がいい、程度にします。最初の分詞構文は、while readingでは~を読みながら、~を読みつつ、という意味になり、結果として学んだという趣旨と結びつきにくいためです。) The elderly man choosed a small box and recieved happiness. It is because the elderly man receives happiness choosing the small box, while another man gets a catastrophe after he chooses the big one. (前の文とつながりが見えないと不安定なので、なぜかというと、などで文を始めます。また、説明不足になるので大きい箱のことにもここらで触れます。receiveは綴りに注意。) while reading this book I think what happens if the elderly man choosed a big one. However, I wonder what would have happened if the elderly man had chosen the big one. (いきなり話題が変わるので逆接の接続詞をつけます。I wonderは疑問詞をつづけて、~はどうなのだろうと考える、という便利な表現です。the big oneは同上です。) If he choosed it and specters appeared,what did kind elderly man think about sparrow. If he had chosen that, ghosts would have attacked him just as they did to the other man; then, what would he have thought about the sparrow? (過去の非現実を表現する場合は全てif + 過去完了とwould have + 過去分詞になります。補足部分は、別の男の人を襲ったように、幽霊がおじいさんを襲っていただろう、そのとき・・・という言葉です。spectersは相当の書き言葉で、普通は不安材料という意味なので、幽霊のghostsを使います。) 以上です。


  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    下記の英文の添削をお願い致します。 When I got up in the morning,I felt srtange atomoshere. I noticed my oclock aram did not go off.I had to go now. but I wanted to have a breakfast.I asked by myself what sholud I do. I made a decition I have a breakfast puickly. If I skip a breakfast,I feel bad and somthing happen during a class. so I think my decition was correct. As a result,I could get to the school on time. Morning class I studied about a fairlytale especially little red riding hood . the fairytale is called AKAZUKINTOOOKAMI in Japan. first,I talked about the import of this story in own country. Among stories is a little different. Second,We listened to another story on youtube I tell you about the story of summary. When The wolf hanged on in forest,he finded one house which a grandmather live.He is hugrry so he tyied to eat her.He came into her house and eat her up!He knew a liitle girl is coming.He waited for her in the house. A littl girl came into the house and met him.She did not realized he is wolf.she said,What great big eyes you have.He replied,All the better to see you with. but she came up with idea he has cool fury so I want the fury. she has guns and shout him.He was dead. She made a fury coat out of wolf slkin. She said,Hell,and do please note my lovely furry coat. I finished made up a story. but I worked with classmate that she ignored to me. I could not stand over again but I can not be helped. I think I am the worst level in this class.I can not speak English very well. Evening class We talked about heart. I think It is difficult to explain heart.It is depend on person. but We couled talk about having heart ot heart. After school I went to the Oxford Circe which is famous for shopping road. I bought some underwear which is Small size and a T-shirts, I was filld up satisfaction. At dinner My host mother told me about a tommorow's dinner. A familly is going to come home at dinner time and have a dinner with us. I feel complax and better at the same time. I can talk person who is diffrent usual but I do not have confedence. I think I lose my confidence tomorrow.

  • 英文の添削

    自由な時間のすごし方について英文を書く問題です。 I often read books in my freetime. Reading books is very important and very interesting to me. Reading books give me a knowledge to be a scientist. と書きました。添削をよろしくお願いします。

  • この英文は何を言いたいのですか?

    以下の文ですが、老人は孤独だから、女よりも話し相手が欲しいのだ、と言いたいのですか? それが老人の知恵だと言いたいのでしょうか? どうも、何を言いたいのか、よく分かりません。外国のメル友が送ってくれました。メル友にとってはimpressiveな内容なんだろうと思います。 解説的に説明して頂けませんか。宜しくお願いします。 Here's a guy in his 70's who loves to fish. He was sitting in his boat the other day when he heard a voice say, 'Pick me up.' He looked around and couldn't see anyone. He thought he was dreaming when he heard the voice say again,'Pick me up.' He looked in the water and there, floating on the top, was a frog. The man said, 'Are you talking to me?' The frog said, 'Yes, I'm talking to you. Pick me up, then kiss me; and I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. I'll make sure that all your friends are envious and jealous, because I will be your bride!' The man looked at the frog for a short time, reached over, picked it up carefully and placed it in his shirt pocket. The frog said, 'What, are you nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said, "Kiss me, and I will be your beautiful bride."' He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said, 'Nah. At my age, I'd rather have a talking frog.' With age comes wisdom.

  • 英文を書いてみたのですが添削してもらえないでしょうか

    The Green Mile This movie was released in 1996, and it was nominated for four Academy Award. (Best Supporting Actor, Best Picture, Best Sound, and Best Adapted Screenplay ) The title means road to the electric chair. The scene of this story is on death row in the 1930. 1930 year was an age of serious great depression in the United States. One day, a new inmate arrives. His name is John Coffey who is 7-foot-tall , and black male. He convicted of raping and killing two young Girls. At first sight, John Coffey seems very ferocious, but actual John is gentle giant. Sometimes he cries, because he afraid of darkness. Surely most audience think he is not man who can murder young girls. However he was found by police holding corpse. In fact he has extraordinary healing powers, who reveals by healing warder’s urinary tract infection and resurrecting a mouse. When John is asked to explain his power, he merely says that he "took it back. On that day John defy to care girls. John is innocence. Regrettably, John was sentenced to death, so he can’t escape to death penalty. The director have much concern with John’s initial. John’s initial is the same Jesus Christ. John was modeled on god. He tried to save the human, but he was killed by human. His life resembles Jesus Christ. He had said I was tired before it died. Perhaps god thought so too.  This film picks up the problem of race, and false accusation. John’s lawyer conceive a prejudice against black man. The lawyer thought Black man is the same as dog. He said even if it is usually obedient, that might bite us suddenly. This idea was general in 1930. It is not an exaggeration to say that discrimination to the black executed John. In the last scene, a hero says everyone walks in a green mile of the life. He was 108 years old now, but there is no person who lives a long life in this age. He was helped his sick by John, but he couldn’t save John from electric chair. He probably received John’s life when he was helped. But he thinks his long life is visitation. The prisoner wants to live more, but warder who enforces the death sentence hopes for the death. It is the sarcastic one. 映画「グリーンマイル」についての文です。 わからないところはエキサイト翻訳を使ったので、変なところがあると思います・・・。 でも自分ではそれが変なのかわからなくて困っています。 添削お願いします!

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)

    またまた英文日記を書いてみました。文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)ネイティブならこんな表現をするなど、指摘してくださると,なおうれしいです(^^) Tomorrow is the St. Valentine's day, so I thought that I would buy my husband a box of chocolate. At the same time, I remembered that I didn't buy him any presents these years. This morning I asked him what he wants except chocolate, and he answered he wanted the lighter. I went to the shopping mall and found the lighter that he will probably like it. I hope he will be pleased to see it.

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    英語の再勉強中です。 英文を作成しましたので添削をお願いします。 There was also an affair today. Of course, that result was our big boss. After our boss reported his work to him, he took a joke, ‘the man who gave me this info told me that this is so expensive.’ This word aroused him and yelled. Then he himself called on the man who said it and clamed about it like child in the presence of us. It was really unbelievable scene. There is a problem wherever he is.

  • 英文翻訳お願いします。

    A lonely, old fisherman sets out daily in his small boat to fish in the Gulf Stream off Cuba. He has gone 84 days without catching anything. Around noon, his fishing line is tugged in his hand. The weight of the fish is incredible. The huge fish dives deep, and pulls the boat further and further from land. The old fisherman begins to talk to the fish he cannot see. " I really like you. I respect you. " The fish keeps swimming deep in the water. On the second day since hooking the fish, the old fisherman eats his fill of raw tuna. Suddenly, in front of the boat, the fish surfaces. It has a long, pointed upper jaw...it's a gigantic marlin. " This fish is my friend. But I must kill it. " The old man's happiness is to kill the fish that has become as close as a brother to him. On the third day, the sun rises. The old man is practically dizzy with exhaustion. With his remaining strength, he harpoons the fish, which seems to weigh more than 1500 pounds. He ropes the dead fish to the side of his small boat, and begins his trip home. Sharks attack his fish all along the route home. At last, he manages to get back to port that night. Nothing remains of the gigantic marlin but the skeleton and tail. So runs the story of Ernest Hemingway's (1899-1961) classic tale, The Old Man and The Sea.

  • 英文 ”お気に入りの本” を添削していただけますか

    My favorite book is Memoirs of a geisha. I saw a movie Sayuri with my wife on the second of January. I was quite impressed by the movie. I came back home and I looked for the information about Sayuri. I knew the book Memoirs of a geisha at Amazon in America and there were a lot of spotlight reviews. I bought it at Amazon in Japan. So I've been reading the book because I wanted to know Japanese culture in English. I sometimes felt tears come to my eyes to read the sad story of her life. 私のお気に入りの本は memoirs of a geisha です 1月2日にさゆりを見て 感激しました 家に帰り調べたらたくさんのコメントが アメリカアマゾンに書いてありました さっそく買い読んでますが 時々彼女の悲しい人生に涙します。 

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 30th September ‘10 The first half of fiscal year will be over at today. I feel that time run out before I finish anything. But I will go writing my diary in English. I wonder how much this diary make my English ability improve? My defect is what I want a result. So I just enjoy reading, writing and hearing English now. But I spent a lot of time to write this diary.

  • 英文の添削をお願いします

    ならべく使用している単語をそのままに訂正して欲しいです。 1.その子猫をこれから見捨てることになることを考えると、僕は気分が悪かった I feel so bad consider that i will abandon the small cat. 2.彼女を抱きしめたとき、彼女の匂いにうっとりした When i embraced her , i feel her scent. 3.これを妥協したくないのは僕の良心や信念が許さないからだ I can't compromise it to not permit my conscience and beliefe. 4.gloom(暗くなる)とbloom(咲く)は全く反対の意味の自動詞だ The gloom and bloom is antonym completely.