"Somebody must listen and I like to do all the talking myself."
"Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everybody in good society holds exactly the same opinions."
"You are a very irritating person, and very ill-bred."
"Somebody must listen ," answered the Frog, " and I like to do all the talking myself. It saves time, and prevents arguments."
"But I like arguments," said the Rocket.
"I hope not," said the Frog complacently. "Arguments are extremely vulgar, for everybody in good society holds exactly the same opinions. Good-bye a second time; I see my daughters in the distance;" and the little Frog swam away.
"You are a very irritating person," said the Rocket, "and very ill-bred. I hate people who talk about themselves, as you do, when one wants to talk about oneself, as I do. It is what I call selfishness, and selfishness is a most detestable thing, especially to anyone of my temperament, for I am well known for my sympathetic nature.
In fact, you should take example by me ; you could not possibly have a better model. Now that you have the chance you had better avail yourself of it, for I am going back to Court almost immediately. I am a great favourite at Court; in fact , the Prince and Princess were married yesterday in my honour. Of course you know nothing of these matters, for you are a provincial."
ありがとうございます!!! 自分の訳を見直したいと思います!!