LEYLAND監督の回答の2段目のNobody knew it would play out this wayのitはCoke投手を抑えで
使ったことをさすのでしょうか。そうするとplay outはどう解釈するのが適当でしょうか。
また Obviously a lot of people...の文のsave with Cokeの意味がこの文脈でよくわかりません。
Q. Jimmy, could you talk a little bit about Coke and what he did for you this series, coming through as an emergency closer when I am sure he wasn't expecting to be in that role?
JIM LEYLAND: No, he wasn't. That is probably the good thing about it, he didn't expect it. He didn't have a lot of time to think about things and reacted and pitched.
Nobody knew it would play out this way. You know, I don't know what's going to happen from this point on. Obviously a lot of people are going to saying save with Coke now, but we will play it by ear.