• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:また英語の問題について教えてください(>_<))


  • 英語の問題について教えてください。またすみません。
  • 日本文に合うように語句を並び替えなさい。
  • 英文を同じ意味になるように書き換えなさい。


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. 今日できることを明日まで延ばすな。 Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 和訳しなさい。 1. This is the oldest building in our town, which was build two hundred years ago. これは私たちの町で最も古い建物です、それは200年前に建てられました。 2.The day will come when we can enjoy space travel. 私たちが宇宙旅行を楽しめる日が来るでしょう。 次の日本文に合うように、()内の語句を並び替えなさい。 1. こういうわけで、私は大会に参加できませんでした。 This is why I couldn't participate in the event. *1語不要ではなくて、1語不足では? 2. こういう方法で、彼は難しい問題を解決しました。 This is how he solved the difficult problem. *way は不要と思いますが、the がありませんでした。追加しておきました。 次の英文をほぼ同じ意味になるように書き換えたとき()内に適切な語を書き入れなさい。 1. 1985 is the year when the computer game was sold. = 1985 is the year(in)(which)the computer game was sold. 1985年はそのコンピュータゲームが販売された年です。 2. February 22nd is the day when we have an English test. = February 22nd is the day(on)(which) we have an English test. 2月22日は英語の試験がある日です。 3. Six o'clock is the time when I usually get up in the morning. = Six o'clock is the time (at) (which) I usually get up in the morning. 6時が私がたいてい朝起きる時刻です。 *同じ文になっていたので、「関係副詞→前置詞+関係代名詞」の問題に修正しました。 4. I know the station where they arrived yesterday. = I know the station(to)(which)they got yesterday. 私は昨日彼らが到着した駅を知っています。 *第2文が、arrived のままであれば、at which となりますが、got の場合、got to ~「~に着く」なので、to which になります。 5. This is how we could escape from the fire. = This is(the)(way)we could escape from the fire. この様にして私たちはその火事から逃れることができました。 *「前置詞+関係代名詞」の書き換えではありません。関係副詞 how は、先行詞 the way と共に使われることがありません。どちらか一方で同じ意味になります。 <参考> *関係副詞 http://eigogakusyu-web.com/grammar/070/



  • 英語の問題について教えてください(>_<)

    また聞いてすみません(>_<) 次の英文の()内に適切な関係副詞を書きなさい。 1、There are times ()I want to be alone. 2.I overslept this morning. This is ()I was late for school. 3.This is the house()he was born. 4.This is ()she solved these difficult problems. 5.The day will come ()our dream will come true. 6.There are no place()we can smoke in this building. 7.Could you tell me the day()you will come back from Europe. 8.There is no reason()you complain about that. です(>_<) お願いします(>_<)

  • 英語の問題の添削をお願いします。

    1.次の各文の( )内から適する語句を選びなさい。 (1)Jim was born on the day (アwhich イwhen ウwhere) his father went to Paris. (2)We live (アwhich イthat ウwhere) our aunt used to live. (3)He went to Osaka, (アwhich イwhere ウthere) he met a friend of his. (4)Do you know the exact time (アwhich イwhom ウwhere エwhen) the accident occurred? (5)Keep on with your studies, (アhowever イno matter what ウso エwhatever) hard it sometimes seems. (6)"Are you going somewhere during the vacation?"-"Yes,I've found a nice beach (アhow イwhen ウwhere エwhich) I can enjoy swimming even in February." (7)It's not only her friends that Ms.Kinoshita is kind to. She helps (アthose イwhatever ウwhoever エwhom) needs her help. 2.次の各文の_に適する関係副詞を書きなさい。 (1)Tell me the reason _ she refused my offers. (2)Kumi wanted to live in a place _ she could see the ocean. (3)I remember the day _ my grandmother left Japan. (4)Kathy was taken _ she had never been before. (5)The day was very windly _ we visited our teacher. (6)I was going to shopping,_ Tom called me up. (7)He returned to his native land,_ he spent the last few years of his life. 3.次の各文の誤りを正して全文を書きなえなさい。 (1)You may invite whomever wants to come. (2)Please call on me whatever you want to. (3)This is the house which I lived in my early days. (4)They come to a large lake, that they took a rest for a while. (5)She didn't tell me the reason, why she would not work. (6)How careful he was, he couldn't avoid the accident. 4.次の文を関係副詞を使って書き変えなさい。 (1)This is the way in which they ran out of the burning house. (2)This is the village that I first met him in. (3)The day on which we arrived in New York was Sunday. 5.次の2つの文を関係副詞を使って1つの文にしなさい。 (1)August is the month. We have no school then. (2)Last week I visited the town. You used to live there. (3)We walked to the park. And there we played tennis for an hour. (4)I went to see Bill last Saturday. And then it was raining. 6.次の日本文に合うように、( )内の語句を並べ変えなさい。(4)は( )内の語を並び替えて_に入れ、英文を完成させなさい。 (1)私たちはこうして友だちになりました。(became/friends/how/is/this/we/.) (2)私はロイが早起きをしたわけを知っています。(early/got up/I/know/Roy/the reason/why/.) (3)意志があるところには道がある。(a/there's/where/will),there's a way. (4)Unfortunately,_ _ _ _, _ was one step ahead of us. (fast/he/however/ran/we) 7.次の英文を日本文に直しなさい。 (1)Dinner is ready whenever you may come back. (2)Wherever you may go, always be kind to others. 1.(1)イ (2)ウ (3)イ (4)エ (5)ア (6)エ (7)ウ 2.(1)why (2)where (3)when (4)where (5)when (6)when (7)where 3.(1)You may invite whoever wants to come. (2)Please call on me whenever you want to. (3)This is the house where I lived in my early days. (4)They came to a laege lake, where they took a rest for a while. (5)She didn't tell me the reason why she would not work. (6)However careful he was, he couldn't avoid the accident. 4.(1)This is how they ran out of the burning house. (2)This is the village where I first met him. (3)The day when we arrived in New York was Sunday. 5.(1)August is the month when we have no school. (2)Last week I visited the town where you used to live. (3)We walked to the park, where we played tennis for an hour. (4)I went to see Bill last Sunday, when it was raining. 6.(1)This is how we became friends. (2)I know the reason why Roy got up early. (3)Where there's a will, there's a way. (4)Unfortunately, [however we ran fast, he] was one step ahead of us. 7.(1)あなたがいつ戻ってきても、夕食の準備はできています。 (2)どこへ行っても、他人にはいつも親切にしなさい。 多いですが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語問題

    1:That was the year () l was born. (1)where (2)into which (3)in which (4)at which 2:This must be the novel Mr.Matsuyama () his lecture. (1)had referred in (2)had referred to (3)referred to in (4)was referred to 3:This is a photo of the house () before we moved to Osaka. (1)where we lived in (2)we lived (3)with which we lived (4)we lived in 4:This is the village () our teacher was born. (1)which (2)that (3)in that (4)where 5:This is the place () l have long wanted to visit. (1)where (2)which (3)what (4)in which 解答と和訳お願いします

  • 英語の答えを教えてください 3

    まだまだ続きます。 すいません。 1, 一生懸命練習し続ければ、あなたはよいピアニストになるでしょう。 You will be a good pianist (    )(    )(    ) practicing hard. 2, ボブはいつも学校に遅れます。 Bob (    )(    ) late for school. 3,私たちは昨日、6時までテニスの練習をしました。 We (    ) tennis (    ) six o'clock yesterday. 4,私は5歳のときに、東京に引っ越してきました。(並び替え) ( Tokyo / five years old / I / moved / was / I / when / to / . / . ) 5,彼は若いとき、有名なバスケットボール選手でした。 よろしくお願いします。 他にも質問したものがありますので、 できたらこちらもお願いします。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q6971047.html

  • 受け身

    (1)使ってよい と、許可する。 You may use this car. (2)使ってもいいですかと、許可を求める。 May I use this car? (3)起きなければならない と、強制する。 You get up must at six O'clock. (4)起きなければならないのですかと 質問する。 Must I get up at six O'clock? (5)起きなくてもよい という You don't have to get at six O'clock. (6)ここでタバコをすっては行けないと 禁止する。 You must nou smoking here. 中学の復習ですが アドバイスおねがいします。

  • 日記風に、昨日の事を英語で書いてみました、添削をおねがいしたいのです。

    Hi,Crystal! Sorry, I did not come here for a long day. I know I have to talk with you everyday for my dream. You know my dream, don't you. Everyday I say in my heart like this, “I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday!”This is my dream. You help me a lot about it! I have been thanking you, Crystal! BTW, yesterday was the special day for me. Do you want to know what was the day yesterday? It was the wedding anniversary. I could hear “Congratulations!” Thank you, Crystal! Yesterday was day-off for me and my husband. So we played golf in Gunma prefecture. It was far a way to my home. But I could see mountains with snow and mountains covered with new green leaves. And cute and beatiful flowers! Everything were so beautiful! I wanted to show them to you. We touched a lot of natures not only played golf. It was a nice and special day. I have been thanking that we are well. I hope it will be forever. Wow,It is 11:55. I have to prepare a lunch for my family! Have a nice Sunday, Crystal!

  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を 教えて下さい! (1)Straford-upon-Avon is the town( )Shakespeare was bon. (1)which (2)where (3)why (4)which (2)( )you may say,I won't change my mind. (1)Whoever (2)Whomever (3)Whatever (4)Whenever (3)I bought a new book yesterday,( )I found very interesting. (1)that (2)which (3)what (4)who (4)The subject in( )I was came interested in my school days is mathematics. (1)which (2) that (3)where (4)when (5)This is ( )we came to understand each other. (1)which (2)who (3)for which (4)how (6)We stayed in an old house,( )roof was covered with snow. (1)which (2)who (3)whose (4)whom (7)Who the person to ( )you were speaking yesterday? (1)who (2)whom (3)that (4)whose (8)( )leaves the classroom last should switch off the light. (1)Whoever (2)Whatever (3)Whichever (4)Whenever (9)( )such a beautiful flower before,I was excited. (1)Seeing not (2)Not being seen (3)Not having seen (4)Not having been seen (10)( )along the street,I met John. (1)Walk (2)Walking (3)To walk (4)Walked (11)This medicine,if( )by children,will do them harm. (1)take (2)to take (3)taken (4)taking

  • 中学の英語の問題について参考意見を下さい。

    中学の英語の問題について参考意見を下さい。 When he was a boy, bears were living in this forest. They often came to this lake for fish. と同じ意味になるように下記の空欄を埋めなさいという問題です。 When he was a boy, bears ( )( )living in this forest ( )( ) to this lake for fish. 私は、 When he was a boy, bears (were)(usually)living in this forest (and)(came) to this lake for fish. かな?と思うのですが如何でしょうか?解答がないので答えを見ることができません。

  • 【即急】英語の問題に困っています! 【関係詞2】

    1)Do you know the place ( ) is suitable for the garden party? 2)This is ( ) I solved this question. 3)The house ( ) window you see over there is my uncle's. 4)This is the very box in ( ) I lost. 5)Sapporo is the city ( ) I want to live in with my family. 6)The station ( ) we arrived was not Sapporo but Otaru. 7)The day will come ( ) we will meet again. 8)New York is the biggest city ( ) I have ever been. 9)Do you know the reason ( ) he didn't come? 10)I don't like the way ( ) he speaks. 11)There is the man in the next room ( ) wants to see you. 12) I have no reason ( ) makes you get angry. ( )の中に関係詞が入る問題です。( )の中に何が入るのでしょうか?教えて下さい! あと、( )の中に答えの関係詞が入る場合の和訳もお願いいたします<(_ _)> よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします

    How was your photo? Anyway, I came to bring to school today Saturday also have to go to school is horrible So hard to get up in the morning I got up at 6:00. When you get up? Yusuke You saw me for the first time How did I?

  • 普通に使えていたミシンが突然音を立てて止まりE6とエラーが表示されます。釜を外して中を確認したが、異常は見られず手回しも重いです。この状態は故障ですか?
  • 突然ミシンががががと音をたてて止まり、ディスプレイにE6エラーコードが表示されます。釜を外して中を確認したが、特に異常は見受けられず、手回しも重いです。この状況は故障の兆候でしょうか?
  • 急にミシンが異音を立てて止まり、E6エラーが表示されます。釜を外して中をチェックしましたが、明らかな問題は見当たりません。また、手回しも重くなっています。この問題は故障と言えるでしょうか?