• ベストアンサー


In those days, no one expected to see children so involved and happy , especially not children from poor families 最近では、子供達、特に貧困層の子供達がここまで幸せそうに夢中になるのを誰も予想していなかった。 especially not children from poor familiesの“not”とはつまり、did not expectですか? 特に貧困層の子供たちではなく、と訳してしまったので混乱してました。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー

そうですね,「特に貧困層の子供たちの場合には誰も予想しない」であって,「特に貧困層の子供たちの場合には誰も予想しないのでなく」のようにもう一度 not の意味で「~でなく」と訳すとおかしくなります。 主語が no one のまま,no one did not expect ~とするとおかしな英語になってしまいますが,代名詞を用いると They did not expect ~のようになります。 これで,「特に貧困層の子供たちの場合には予想しない」ということになります。 no one の one の意味だけを they は踏襲し,no の意味は not の方に移ります。





  • 英語で「妻や子供たち」と言うとき

    問題 「妻や子供たちがいなければ、私は満足のいく人生を歩むことはできないだろう」 解答 I could not lead a satisfying life if I did not have a wife and children. 質問 「妻や子供たち」というのは当然「私の妻や子供たち」という意味なのに、なぜwifeは不定冠詞で、childrenは無冠詞なのですか?my wife and my childrenではダメなのですか?

  • センター英語の問題にわからないところがあります。

    こんばんは。試験問題から一部抜粋し、載せます。 長文の問題です。 「本文」Mr.chico Mendes is one of my role models. He was born in the Amazon region in 1944 to a poor Brazilian family that had farmed rubber from rubber trees for many generations. They loved rainforest and ・・・ However,mining companies and cattle ranchers started destroying the Amazon rainforest which is more than 180million years old. 「問題文」・・・に入れるのにもっとも適当なものはどれか。 1、did not tell outsiders the location of their trees 2、did not want strangers living anywhere near them 3、protected the indigenous tribes from being killed 4、used its resouces in a way that did not destroy it 私は日本語訳は把握しました。 この問題は参考書の解説によると、代名詞に注目すれば解けるそうですが、解説が少なくよくわかりませんでした。 この問題の解説をどなたかお願いいたします。

  • 英語→日本語をお願いします

    日本語訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m Consider the conversations that we overhere as if we were invisibule, not really there, standing beside someone using a cell phone in a public plac e. The "it" factor is all around us. Earlier this year, at the lical post office, I overheard a man standing that he and his spouse really shouldn't be punching the children because one day the kids might tell their teachers. Observe parents with children in baby carriages or in parks. Many no longer interact with those children, introducing them to the community. Instead, parents are on cell phones, ignoring their public. They are "it's", too. When many of us were being raised, parents who did not interact with us in public were either alcoholic or dysfunctional. And even those thought us three words that saved many of us from injury or death: Look both ways. Children reared by cell phone parents do not look both ways when they step off the curb. Nobody has informed them of the danger.

  • 英語の文章に対する質問の解答についてです。

    Lost Luggage Report Name Hiroshi Takahashi Flight no. JAL0054 Airports New York (JFK) to Tokyo (NRT) Date May14, 2011 Email address hirotaka337@tnt.net Description of bag Large red suitcase, about 5 years old. Secured with black strap around it. Not in good condition. Slight tear in fabric in top righthand corner. Name and address witten on leather tag attached to handle. Contents Clothing, toiletries. E-mail To Todd Samson From:Hiroshi Tanaka Subject: Thank you! Dear Todd, Thank you so much for your hospitality in New York. Emiko and I really enjoyed meeting you and Rosemary, and your staff, and we especially enjoyed your wonderful party. We’re now back home safely in Tokyo. It was a comfortable flight back, but when we arrived at Narita airport, one of our suitcases was missing! It was the one that contained all the gifts we had bought for our kids. I thought the bag would probably be arriving on the next flight from New York, but in fact, the airline had sent my bag to London by mistake! Anyway, everything was fine in the end. The airline delivered the suitcase to my house two days later. The kids were very happy to finally get their presents. I look forward to seeing you and Rosemary in Tokyo one day. Best wishes, Hiroshi 1. What does the Lost Luggage Report tell us about Hiroshi’s suitcase? (A)It is new. (B)It contains gifts. (C)It is slightly damaged. (D)It has a black handle. 2. What did Hiroshi expect to happen with his bag? (A)It would be badly damaged. (B)It would arrive very soon. (C)It would not be returned. (D)It would arrive in a few days. 3. Why were the children likely disappointed when their parents came home? (A)Their parents did not have any presents for them. (B)They had lost the children’s favorite bag. (C)They arrived home later than expected. (D)Their parents had not bought presents for them. 4. Which word is closest in meaning to ‘’tag’’ in passage 1, line 10? (A)damage (B)decoration (C)cover (D)label この英文に対する質問の解答として適切なものは、 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D で正しいでしょうか?それとも、2番目はBではなく、Dでしょうか?

  • 英語の質問です。

    少し長いですが、日本語に訳してもらえませんか? よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m Talk is cheap. Trump said to stop Muslims from coming here temporarily until we can sort things out first. That is not grounds for disqualification to run as president. We need to do this because many Jihadists are infiltrating to the USA because of this there needs to be stricter screening. Mohammed is the cause of this in his teachings why else would Muslims be killing Muslims? Did not the prophet command to kill those who turn from Allah? You want to get factual look it up, google the history of Mohammed. Find the truth and the truth will set you free. This is to protect all Americans

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    Q次の英文のうち、誤っている箇所を1つ選びなさい。また、なぜまちがっているのか教えていただけたら幸いです。 1.Turning to the right, you will see a very old building was built in 1785. (1)Turning to (2)the right (3)will see a very old (4)was built in 1785. 2.Most of the people attended the recent seminar on effective teaching were high school teachers. (1)Most of the people (2)attended (3)on effective teaching   (4)were high school teachers. 3.There are many things those we would throw away, if we were not afraid that others might pick them up. (1)those we would throw   (2)away, if we   (3)were not afraid that others   (4)might pick them up. 4.The days have long gone how we fed our families from our own gardens. (1)The days   (2)have long gone   (3)how we fed our families   (4)from our own gardens

  • 英語の得意な方、和訳お願いします!4

    At the UN,Ogata worked for refugees. She did this not because she felt sorry for them. She did this because she believe that every person has basic human rights. She believes in the dignity of every person. Let's think about the words she has said about the human rights of children. All the children in the word have the same basic human rights. They have the right to live with their families,the right to go to school in peace,and the right to grow up in safety.

  • expected no less fromについて

    添付ファイル文章: “I’m extremely obliged to you, and expected no less from your goodness.” に関する質問です。 I’m extremely obliged to you, and までは理解できるのですが、 expected no less from your goodness.” の文法についての理解に自信がないです。 expected は自動詞、 no less が副詞として、 non the less, not the less, と同じ意味として、「それでもなお、やはり」 この見方か、 expect を他動詞として、 目的語no less 「同じようなこと」 と捉えらばいいのか判別つかないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語 合ってますか?

    自分なりにちょっと変えてみました。 When it heard that the leading role changes from the 4th work, it was surprised truly. (4作目から主役が変わると聞いた時は本当にびっくりしました。) But it did not change and it was really good. (でも、それが変わらなくて本当に良かったです。) I expect the 3rd work. (私は3作目には期待しています。) I think all fans considered. (私が思うに、このことはファン全員が思ったことです。) T ruly surprised when I heard that the three leading roles change from the 4th work. (主役の三人が4作目から変わると私が聞いた時は本当に驚きました。) But you did not change and truly good. (でも、変わらなくて本当に良かったです。) You were sorry in the 2nd work for you have not performance much (あなたが2作目ではあまり出てこなくて残念でした。) Your whenever it sees grow up. (あなたは見るたびに成長されていきますね。) You who were a dear girl are now already a beautiful adult's woman. (それまでは可愛い少女だったあなたが今ではもう美しい大人の女性になってます。) 今度はどうでしょう。あってますか? 間違っているところを教えてください。 これでも通じますか。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Dependency Poverty is not common in old age, but it is far from rare, especially among nonwhite old people. In 1973, about one out of seven (14.4 percent) old whites were below the low-income level used to define poverty, while more than one-third (35.5 percent) of old nonwhites were poor. お願いします。