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思うんだけど, なんでそんなに外国の論文の訳について質問し続けてるの?


  • 外国論文の和訳

    The proncipal problem is the photochromic mechanism a symmetric, diketo tautomer, or does only the single proton transfer take place, to produce a colored transient form? この一文なんですが、うまく和訳できません。orはどのように訳したらいいのでしょうか?どなたかアドバイスお願いします。

  • 外国論文の和訳

    The observed Stokes shifts upon irradiation of the "enol-forms" are indicative that an excited state rearrangement is taking place, since the values are larger as compared with normal Stokes shifts of vibrational origin which correspond to irradiating "keto-forms". この一文なんですが、that以下をどのように訳したらいいのかわかりません。state arrangement is taking placeとは一体どういうことなんでしょうか。アドバイスお願いします。

  • 外国論文の和訳

    次の英文(塩基配位子を持つカリックス[4]アレーンに関する)を和訳したのですが、自分で和訳した日本語の文を読んでもイマイチ何が言いたいのかがよくわかりません(自分が薄学なせいもありますが・・・) わかりやすい日本語の文にするにはどのように訳したらよいでしょうか。アドバイスお願いします。 またSingle arm、Double armが何を意味するかを教授頂ければ幸いです。 In the single arm-host both phototautomeric fluorescene and transient absorption are much stronger than that in the double arm-host molecule.  It is clear that in double arm-host the excited molecule only occurred the single proton transfer reaction and preserves one internal H-bond 'untouched' whitch providing an efficient channel for radiationless deactivation. Single armを有する互変異性蛍光や遷移吸収蛍光は,Double armを有する分子よりも強い.Double armを持つ励起分子では単一のプロトン移動のみが生じ,熱的失活へのEfficient channelの影響を受けない分子内の単一水素結合の保護が明らかである.従って,両分子の大部分のStokes shiftによる蛍光だけでなく,遷移吸収スペクトルの位置が同一であることは,光互変異性体合成のための単一のプロトン移動機構の根拠となる.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The 500,000 Russian casualties during the offensive, culminating in the battle of Kowel "finished Russia as an active participant in the war" with its consumption of men and resources. The battle also had a far reaching impact on Austria, as it illustrated the country's reliance on Germany as well as deprived the nation of large numbers of fighting men. Romania, relying on a Russian success during the conflict, was overrun by Austria-Hungary, Germany and Bulgaria shortly after Russia's defeat. With the armed forces of both Germany and Austria-Hungary losing confidence in their monarchs as a result of the engagement, and with its effective removal of Russia from the war, the battle of Kowel remains one of the most influential of the war.

  • 日本語訳を! 8-(1)

    お願いします。 (1) The First Intermediate Period began with blood. With each passing year of Pepi II's reign, which began in 2278 BCE, the aging king's power slipped a little more. The governors of the outlying provinces who all had once lived in the capital city with Pepi II moved out o the rural lands they governed. Until then, whatever each province produced, such as grain, had gone to the capital to be handed out by the great and powerful King Pepi II. Now goods remained in the province to be distributed by the governor. Poweq shifted. It shifted, bit by bit, from the capital to the provinces―from the king to the governors. (2) The governors, accustomed to palace life, began to build their own luxurious houses. They financed their rich lifestyle by keeping more and more of the local goods. Soon they needed artists to decorate their homes and their tombs. Rural Egypt changed. Wealth and culture shifted, bit by bit, from the capital to the provinces―from the control of the king to the control of the governors. (3) A papyrus known as the Admonitions of Ipuwer tells how wealth moved from royalty to ragamuffin: "poor men have become owners of wealth, and he who could not make sandals for himself is now a possessor of riches...noblemen are in distress while the poor man is full of joy...the land turns around as does a potter's wheel." (4) One typical governor, Ankhtyfy, ruled two provinces. Inscribed on the pillars of his tomb are the details of his life. He begins his autobiography by bragging, "I was the beginning and the end of mankind, since nobody like myself existed before, nor will he exist...I surpassed the feats of the ancestors, and coming generations will not be able to equal me...." This man did not suffer from low self-esteem.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

     英語の訳を練習しています。…が英語がすごく苦手なもので、グチャグチャになってしまいます。お手本をよろしくお願いします。 1) Astonished visitors to the big cities of China can see proof that these wise words of Chinese philosophy apply as much today as they did 2500 years ago. 2) No less impressive is the fact that this host city of Expo 2010 has become a model metropolis where green technologies are gaining ground. 3) Already there are more than 300 cities with over a million inhabitants. The proportion of people who live in cities in China has grown from 19 to almost 50 per cent over the last 30 years.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    On the night of 27 August, three Romanian armies crossed the largely undefended Carpathian passes, meeting only sporadic resistance by Austro-Hungarian border units. The Romanian plan (Hypothesis Z) called for a rapid advance to the strategically important Mureş River with Budapest as the ultimate target.The main advance was carried on by the Second Army, with the First and Fourth on its flanks. The second Army crossed the border on the night of 27–28 August and advanced into Transylvania. In the first phase of the offensive (27 August-2 September), the Second Army conquered the Lepșa, Putna, Năruja and Zăbala Vallyes and advanced towards Covasna.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    This was followed by the arrival on the front of general Otto von Below and the establishment of Army Group Below on 16 of October that included both the Eleventh and First armies. On 30 September after 18 days of heavy fighting the Serbian Drina Division finally captured Kajmakcalan from the exhausted 1st infantry brigade of the 3rd Balkan Infantry Division and achieved a breakthrough in the Bulgarian defensive line. The loss of the position and seven artillery guns was regarded by the German and Bulgarian command as irreversible due to the lack of strong artillery reserve.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The Lone Pine battlefield was named for a solitary Turkish pine that stood there at the start of the fighting; The tree was also known by the Anzac soldiers as the "Lonesome Pine", and both names are likely to have been inspired by the popular song "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine". The battlefield was situated near the centre of the eastern line of the Australian and New Zealand trenches around Anzac Cove on a rise known as "400 Plateau" that joined "Bolton's Ridge" to the south with the ridge along the east side of "Monash Valley" to the north. Being towards the southern end of the area around Anzac Cove, the terrain in the Lone Pine region was comparatively gentle and the opposing trenches were separated some distance with a flat no-man's land intervening. Due to its location relative to the beachhead and the shape of the intervening ground, Lone Pine's importance lay in the fact that its position provided a commanding view of the Australian and New Zealand rear areas. From the 400 Plateau it was possible to observe as far south as Gaba Tepe and its possession would have afforded the Ottomans the ability to place the approaches to the Second Ridge under fire, preventing the flow of reinforcements and supplies from the beachhead to the forward trenches. The main part of the Australian position at Lone Pine was centred on a feature known as "The Pimple", where a salient had developed at the point where the Australians' position was closest to the Ottoman line. To the east of the salient, opposite The Pimple, the Ottoman line extended from the head of a gully—known as "Owen's Gulley" by the Australians—south for 400 yards (370 m) towards the neck of Bolton's Ridge and continued south along a spur called "Sniper's Ridge". Because of the salient around The Pimple, the Ottomans had focused on developing the trenches along the flanks of the position more than the centre, and had placed the firing positions in the centre in depth in order to gain the advantage of being able to pour enfilade fire upon any attacking force. At the rear of the Ottoman line, near Owen's Gully, was a depression called "The Cup" that was not visible from the Australians' position on The Pimple. Despite overflights of the area by British reconnaissance aircraft in June, the Australians were unaware of The Cup's existence, and at the time of the attack they believed this area to be flat and to consist of further trench lines. In reality it was actually a reserve area where the Ottomans had established a regimental headquarters and sited a series of bivouacs in terraces and at the time of the attack there were large numbers of reinforcements camped there.

  • いい日本語訳が見つかりません

    和訳をする上で、下記の英文をどう訳したらいいのか分かりません。 一文ずつで全体が見えないため、最適な訳は難しいかと思いますが、分かる文章だけでもかまいませんので、教えていただけると助かります。 (1)The message conventions for the Activity Monitor are identical to those for the IEEE-488 Debug Window. ※“message convention”の意味がどう訳せばいいのか分かりません。 (2)AAA is the ASCII value of the character as a decimal number. (3)In the lower-right corner of the window is a size box. ※"a size box"をどう訳せばいいのか分かりません。 (4)An industry standard storage media designed to be a rugged replacement for floppy disks. ※"rugged replacement"をどう訳せばいいのか分かりません。 (5)Press the release button and gently rock the card to work it out of its slot. ※"to work it"をどう訳せばいいのか分かりません。 (6)Thease batteries are widely available. ※いまいちうまい訳が見つかりません。 すべてではなくて良いので、回答いただけると大変ありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。