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  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします!

    Add to this the astonishing fact that citizens of Selfish Capitalist, English-speaking nations (which tend to be one and the same) are twice as likely to suffer mental illness as those from mainland western Europe, which is largely Unselfish Capitalist in its political economy. An average 23% of Americans, Britons, Australians, New Zealanders and Canadians suffered in the last 12 months, but only 11.5% of Germans, Italians, French, Belgians, Spaniards and Dutch.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 再投稿ですが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Shyness with the opposite sex. Restraint in expressing your emotional, personal feelings and needs. You have much physical love to give and share and are not prudish. But the dictates of the heart are often suppressed by a fear of making demands or seeming too weak and needy for love. You area giver not a taker in love and you like your love affairs to be emotionally tidy. O have their own place in his life, you don’t let your emotions or dream spill over messily into his life. You keep things tidy you make no demands you are enchanted by the dream of love but are also, a realist in matters of love, The idealism and dream is just the coating you put on the reality. Inside yourself you are a hard task master and the soul mate has to meet to many special requirements, and has to be a unique man to win your heart. He needs to shine out or he is not good enough for you. Unless you can have your mate or ideal partner, you tend to sacrifice happiness, or prefer a life of freedom and inwardly reconcile yourself to spinsterhood. This is preferable to you, to being tied to someone in a marriage that is less than love; or who is not him.. Having tasted paradise, nothing else is good enough.

  • 英語の訳について

    With chance, there's also the idea of something "unknown, unpredictable, a risk." 訳をお願いします。 ちなみに、前の文章は、 Many Japanese people tend to think of chance as being only a good thing, maybe because of the way it is used in Japanese.In fact, it's just the opposite. です。 また、chanceはイタリック体です。

  • 英文についての質問です。

    I cannot imagine a Got who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own --a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature.(What I Believe by A. Einstein)  わからない点について教えてください。 1)I cannot imagine a Got who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own --a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. ここの内容を掴むのが難しいです。 whose purposes are modeled after our own・・・whoseの先行詞はa Godですか? a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty・・・人間の弱さの反射である神?とはどういう意味ですか? a God、とaがなぜGodの前についているのでしょうか? 2)Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. 前文(I cannot imagine~)を受けてI cannot believe that~という理解でよいでしょうか? the individual survives the death of his body・・・個人は肉体の死を生き残る although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism・・・弱い魂はそんな考えを、恐れや馬鹿げた自己中心主義を通して抱くけれども ここで筆者が言おうとしている主旨はどういうことになるのでしょうか? 死んだあとも魂は生きる(?)という考え方はなぜ恐れや馬鹿げた自己中心主義を通していると見なされるのでしょうか? 3)It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive, and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in nature. この英文の構造は、 It is enough for me to contemplate~ , to reflect upon ~, to try humbly~ と、三つのto不定詞がIt is enough for meである、という捉え方でよいでしょうか? この最後の部分が筆者の一番言いたかったことのように思うのですが、 It is enough for me to~の捉え方として、"~だけで十分だ"、といった解釈にしてもよいでしょうか?(通常、"~は十分だ"、になると思うのですが) 質問がいつも大変多くなってしまって申し訳ありません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語和訳

    1:They mentioned two famous tourist spots, neither of which we have visited as yet. 2:We tend to feel uncomfortable with people whose behavior is radically different from our own. 3:This is a game the rules of which I am quite ignorant of. 4:His portrait,which the painter claimed was based on memory,does not really resemble the poet. 5:There are few places downtown for parking which is really a problem. 訳をお願いします

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。。

    But are such techniques in fact helpful to patients? It is of course important to assess any form of treatment, and given that patients vary enormously in their problems and their capabilities, group studies of mnemonic techniques are unlikely to be very satisfactory. Fortunately, there are techniques that were specially devised to investigate the effects of treatment on a single patient. Most of these originated in the operant conditioning laboratory; they have been adapted for clinical purposes by behaviorally minded clinicians, and are now being used to assess the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. They tend not to be well known to cognitive psychologists, who are generally much more familiar with large group designs, or in the case of neuropsychology to single case studies that are concerned with assessing and describing the patient’s deficits, rather than evaluating treatment. お願いします。。

  • 英文訳おしえてください泣

    早急に訳がしりたいです。 どうかご協力おねがいします。 And life more abundantly lived is what we seek. So, even at the same time as we yearn for place, we also yearn for the pro blematic. Explorers, sportspersons, gamblers, children playing hide-and-seek, teenage boys choosing up sides for a game of baseball, spectators cheering in a stadium - we all, in fact, seek out or create problematic situations of greater or lesser intensity. Such situations give us a sense of heightened energy, a storonger sense of life. And fiction, too, gives us that heightened awareness of life, with all the fresh opportunity to release the rich and emotional charge -tears, laughter, tenderness, sympathy, hate, love, and irory -that is stored up in us and can make us feel bored with the accustomed. Furthermore, the heightened awareness can be more fully enjoyed in fiction, because what in actuality would be the threat of the problematic is here restricted to more imagination, and because some kind of resolution of the problem is promised. The story promises us a resolution, and we wait in suspense to learn how h things will come out. We are in suspense, not only about what will happen, but even more about what the event will mean. We are in suspense about the story we are reading because we are in suspense abouy another story far closer and more important to us-the story of our own lives as we live them. 長々とすみませんが 翻訳にまかせてもうまく訳せません。 皆さんのお力をかしてください。

  • (264)But they who ……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか

    (264) (ll. 225-237) But they who give straight judgements to strangers and to the men of the land, and go not aside from what is just, their city flourishes, and the people prosper in it: Peace, the nurse of children, is abroad in their land, and all-seeing Zeus never decrees cruel war against them. Neither famine nor disaster ever haunt men who do true justice; but light-heartedly they tend the fields which are all their care. The earth bears them victual in plenty, and on the mountains the oak bears acorns upon the top and bees in the midst. 試し訳 (ll. 225-237) しかし、強者たちと領国の人々に公正な審判を下し、公正であることから脇道にそれない彼ら、彼らの都市は栄え、人々はその中で健やかに育つ。 平和、子供の世話が(彼らの)国中に広まり、全てお見通しのゼウスは彼らに対し、過酷な戦争を布告したことは一度もない。 飢饉や災難が真実の裁判を行う人々に襲ったことはかって一度もなく、 それから、のんきに、彼らは心配する全てのことである野良の仕事をする。 大地は彼らに多量の食料を提供し、山上では、樫の木が天上にドングリの実をつけ、その真ん中にミツバチが(いる) 質問 (1)light-heartedly they tend the fields which are all their care. について 直訳は表現が紛らわしい。 意味は<彼らの心配事といえば野良仕事だけで、のんきに行う>で よいでしょうか。 意味さえ、しっかり捉えればよいと思います。 (2) bees in the midstについて    beesは名詞複数か三人称単数かは曖昧です。    樫の木にミツバチが群がるかどうかも、明確ではない。      ミツバチ(名詞複数)とすると、動詞がない。    ここは、「真ん中にミツバチが!」なら、納得できます。    bee;Yafoo辞書:「ミツバチがいる(群がる)」は定義していない。         試し訳でいかがでしょうか。 (3)Neither famine nor disaster ever haunt menについて    either or文の全部否定で訳しました。これでよいでしょうか。

  • 下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    Besides the size of homes, ideas about newness are another difference. In Japan, a house or apartment building that is older than about 30 years is considered old. This is partly because the traditional material for building Japanese houses is wood, which has a short life span. Another reason is that Japanese tend to put a greater emphasis on new things compared to North Americans. This need for new things may come from the Buddhist idea that nothing is permanent, or perhaps it originated with Shinto ideas about purity. As a result, homes more than about 30 years old are usually destroyed and replaced by new ones. North Americans are less concerned about the age of their homes. This is because they are often made of more solid materials such as brick, which lasts a long time. In fact, older homes are often made of better quality materials than new homes. Naturally, the interior goes out of date, so many owners renovate the inside of their homes. In this way, some houses last for more than 100 or 200 years. Another major difference involves the behavior of people towards their homes. Japanese have had a long tradition of cleanliness. IN the third century, Chinese travelers to Japan commented on the cleanliness of the Japanese. Early European travelers made similar comments. In the home, Japanese have some rather unique characteristics related to cleanliness. For instance, no one wears shoes inside, an important part of Japanese culture related to group identity. On the other hand, North Americans often wear shoes in the house, even in the bathroom and bedroom. Another difference that shows the cleanliness of Japanese is the separation of the toilet and the bathroom. In North America, they are usually in the same room. ※renovate「更新する」 make a distinction 「~を区別する」

  • 英文の邦訳の添削を願います。

    As noted in Haberly (2011), this state-led global alliance capitalism is a characteristic compromise within industries under tension between the pressure for global integration and consolidation, and the desire of multiple governments to assert sovereignty over a sector seen as strategically important. 以上の英文の以下の試訳の添削をお願いします。 「Haberly (2011)が述べたように,この国家主導的なグローバルな連携で結ばれた資本主義は,グローバルな融合と統合への圧力と,戦略上重要視されている部門に対する支配権を主張する複数の政府の欲求との間の緊張関係下,産業内部での固有の妥協点である。」尚出典は,Daniel Haberly, Dariusz Wójcik (2017), “Earth Incorporated: Centralization and Variegation in the Global Company Network,” Economic Geography, Volume 93, Number 3, pp.240-266.です。