
  • 日本と北米の住宅には、サイズだけでなく新しさに関する考え方の違いがあります。
  • 日本では、約30年以上経った家やマンションは古いと考えられています。
  • 一方、北米では、家の材料が木ではなく、レンガなどのより丈夫な材料で作られているため、家の年齢にあまり気を使いません。
  • ベストアンサー


Besides the size of homes, ideas about newness are another difference. In Japan, a house or apartment building that is older than about 30 years is considered old. This is partly because the traditional material for building Japanese houses is wood, which has a short life span. Another reason is that Japanese tend to put a greater emphasis on new things compared to North Americans. This need for new things may come from the Buddhist idea that nothing is permanent, or perhaps it originated with Shinto ideas about purity. As a result, homes more than about 30 years old are usually destroyed and replaced by new ones. North Americans are less concerned about the age of their homes. This is because they are often made of more solid materials such as brick, which lasts a long time. In fact, older homes are often made of better quality materials than new homes. Naturally, the interior goes out of date, so many owners renovate the inside of their homes. In this way, some houses last for more than 100 or 200 years. Another major difference involves the behavior of people towards their homes. Japanese have had a long tradition of cleanliness. IN the third century, Chinese travelers to Japan commented on the cleanliness of the Japanese. Early European travelers made similar comments. In the home, Japanese have some rather unique characteristics related to cleanliness. For instance, no one wears shoes inside, an important part of Japanese culture related to group identity. On the other hand, North Americans often wear shoes in the house, even in the bathroom and bedroom. Another difference that shows the cleanliness of Japanese is the separation of the toilet and the bathroom. In North America, they are usually in the same room. ※renovate「更新する」 make a distinction 「~を区別する」

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<和訳例> 家の規模以外に、新しさについての考え方も、もう一つの違いです。日本では、築後約30年以上の古い家やアパートは、老朽化している思われます。これは一つには、日本の家を建築するための伝統的な材料が木材であって、その寿命が短いためです。もう一つの理由は、日本人が北米人と比べて新しいものをより尊重する傾向があるということです。この新しいものに対する需要は、永遠に変わらぬものは何もない(諸行無常)という仏教の思想から来ているのかもしれません、あるいは、もしかすると、不浄感(穢れの無さ)についての神道の考えに始まったのかもしれません。その結果、築後約30年以上の家は、通常、取り壊され、新しい家に建て替えられるのです。北米人は、彼らの家の築年数にはあまり関心を持ちません。これは、それらが、より長持ちのする、レンガのようなより頑丈な材料でしばしば作られているからです。実際、古い家の方が、新しい家より上質の材料でしばしばできています。当然、内装は古くなるので、多くの所有者は、彼らの家の内部を改装します。このようにして、100年、200年以上の間長持ちのする家もあるのです。 もう一つの大きな相違は、人々の自分の家に対する態度に関わっています。日本人は、綺麗好きの長い伝統を持ってきました。3世紀に日本を訪れた中国の旅行者は、日本人の綺麗好きに言及しました。初期のヨーロッパからの旅行者も、類似した言及をしています。家屋内で、日本人は、清潔さに関わるいくつかのかなり独特の特徴を持っています。たとえば、誰も屋内では靴を履きません。このことは、集団としてのアイデンティティに関して日本文化の重要な一部となっています。他方、北米人は、家の中でしばしば靴を履いています、浴室や寝室でさえ履いている場合があります。日本人の綺麗好きを示すもう一つの違いは、トイレと浴室を分けていることです。北米では、それらは、通常、同じ部屋にあります。



本当にありがとうございました。 すごく助かりました。 また、機会があればお願いします!!

その他の回答 (1)

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

sayshe です。訂正です。第1段落中ほどの この新しいものに対する需要は、永遠に変わらぬものは何もない(諸行無常)という仏教の思想から来ているのかもしれません、あるいは、もしかすると、【不浄感 ⇒ 清浄感】(穢れの無さ)についての神道の考えに始まったのかもしれません。 を【 】内を変更して下さい。失礼しました。


  • 英文と日本語訳があります。翻訳は正しいですか?

    Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 日本語訳 重要な地位にあるアメリカ人は、別の理由もあって車内でどこに座るかについて大げさに騒ぐようなことはしないでしょう。アメリカ人は、理想としての平等を強く信じています。高い地位にいる人は、自身の重要度を抑えた振る舞いをすることが期待されるのです。彼の周りの人たちもまた、彼のことで大騒ぎしないことが望まれます。「平凡な人」に印象の良い重要人物が尊敬されるのです。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 The sports people play in America and Japan tend to be quite similar.However,the way these sports are played in each society shows differences that reflect both cultures. Though professional baseball teams in America and Japan play by the same rules,many aspects of the game are approached differently.A difference can be seen just by looking at the players and the game.Japanese players usually have a neat hairstyle without a beard or moustache,while American players wear their hair in various ways.Japanese players tend to practice much more than American players.December is the only month when Japanese players don't practice,while American players have three or four months of holidays during the off-season.Moreover,on game days,Japanese players spend most of the day to practice,while American players usually arrive one or two hours before the start of the game. These approaches to baseball show important cultural differences.In Japanese baseball,the practice time is seen as a way to persevere and show effort.It not only improves performance,but builds group harmony.However,American players don't care about harmony or perseverance.Instead,the most important thing is winning,Players have only light practice on game days because they think it is better to save their energy,which will give them a better chance to win.As long as the team wins,harmony and perseverance don't matter. Another difference in baseball involvs the relationship between the manager and the players.In Japan,the manager has complete contrl over the players and tellls them what to do in many situations.In America,the players are freer to play the game as tey like,and even when they are told what to do by their manager,they sometimes disagree and do something different.If the player's decision is correvt an it helps the team win,the player is usually free to play in his way. 長くてすみません(汗 お願いします

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    B,C,D に当てはまる語句も下記から選んでほしいです。 alertness、 independence、 industrialization 、privacy The difference in attitude also reflects the way different cultures view sleep in general. Mayans treat sleep as a social activity and think sleeping alone is a hardship, whereas Americans treat sleep as a time of B; sharing a bed is considered a sacrifice. Americans make a clear distinction between daytime nighttime and the kinds of activities that can take place during each time of day, while the San think nothing of waking up in the middle of the night and spending a few hours around the campfire talking. There is no insomnia in their because no one is expected to sleep through the night. In fact, cross-cultural sleep research has shown that night waking is actually much less frequent in Western cultures than in others. And yet Western parents view those comparatively few periods of C during the night as much more problematic than parents in societies where babies' sleep is much lighter. But it is not just D ,or modernity, that has fostered nights of uninterrupted solitary sleep. Japanese children sleep with their parents until they are teens. Even when other rooms and other beds are available, Japanese babies and young children are placed on futons in the parents' room. The Japanese the child as a separate biological organism needs to be drawn into an interdependent relationship parents and society, especially with the mother Japanese prefer not to sleep alone; they do not expect, and probably imagine being interested sleeping alone. For the Japanese the concept of family sharing the night, family tends to orient toward mother and children, with the father on the outside, rather than the American version of the ideal nuclear family with mother and father first and foremost as partners, and children subordinate to that primary relationship.

  • 下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    The idea of process is one of the most frustrating things about American life. It allows no day of triumph. Only a William Lloyd Garrison could see emancipation as the end of the slavery problem. Most o his colleagues knew that the struggle had only begun. The process of obtaining equal rights for black Americans was to be a long and continuing process. So with other areas. Where does process mean fulfillment? With a three-day workweek? With four cars in every garage? On the other hand, the commitment to this concept has enabled Americans too materialistic? Then the nation is in the process of a cultural revolution. Is the national wealth unfairly shares? Then the nation is in the process of achieving economic democracy. The commitment to process has its virtues and its shortcomings. It is impossible to say which side prevails. It is also impossible to understand American life and thought without an awareness of this trait. a William Lloyd Garrison 「ウィリアム。ロイド・ギャリソンのような人」 emancipation 「奴隷解放」

  • 【至急】英文の日本語訳を教えてください

    タイトル通りです。よろしくお願いいたします。 (1) What kinds of stories are there in this book? There are stories about a flying island a country of giants and a country of horses. (2) Which Japanese cities did Gulliver visit? He visited Nagasaki and Kannonzaki. (3) Which city is "Nagasac”? Is Nagasaki.

  • 英語から日本語に訳してください。

    下記の文章は日本語に訳してください。たくさんあるのでちょっとだけ訳してもいい。私は英語のALTで生徒の前に講演するためにこの文章を使った。生徒は講演を聴きながらノートを読むことが出来る。たくさん高校で講演するつもりだから、この訳した文章があれば便利です! お願いします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Often when Americans think of Japan, they have a distorted image. They can only imagine the Japan they've seen in movies - that is to say, Tokyo, samurai, and karaoke. Over the past few years, I've come to see that Japan is much more diverse and interesting than my previous misconception. In the same way, I think the average Japanese person has a distorted image of American culture. Perhaps when you think of America, you think of two major cities - New York and Los Angeles. That's very natural, they dominate American movies so it's often the only America you can see. But today I'd like to take some time and talk about America's diverse culture and its many regions. America is a wonderful, interesting country with many diverse cultures. While I'm talking, please keep in mind that geographically, most of these areas I'm showing are larger than Japan. It is easy to forget that America is such a large country. When we talk about American culture, we must talk about immigration. America is a nation of immigrants. America has been famously called a "melting pot," but the anology does not always hold true. It's racial and ethnic groups do not always mix - instead creating something more like a "salad bowl" where each group is unique but makes up one part of a whole. While it's sad, America's native cultures have been almost wiped out. Immigrants from around the world have replaced them. So today, we're going to focus on the dominant cultures in modern America. Today, there are over 300,000,000 Americans which makes up about 4.5% of the world's total population. Of these Americans, 31,000,000 live in New York or Los Angeles. So roughly 1 in 10 Americans live in one of these two cities - which is why we see them so much in movies. But we're not going to talk about them. We're going to talk about the other 90% of Americans who are spread throughout the fourth largest country in the world. Now lets talk about race, ethnicity, and ancestry. America as a whole has a very diverse ancestral makeup. Lets take a look. Out of 100 Americans, 15 people are of German ancestry. 10 people are of Irish ancestry. 9 people are of African American ancestry. 9 people are of English ancestry. 7 people are of Mexican ancestry. 5 people are of Italian ancestry. 3 people are of French ancestry. 2 people are of Native American ancestry. 1 person is of Japanese ancestry. These make up about 60% of Americans. The remaining 40% are from a scattering of countries around the world. Another important factor in shaping our culture is religion. Different religions bring with them a different set of morals, food, music, literature, and ways of life. America has long been a destination for religious immigrants. These immigrant communities have made large impacts on the cultures of regions.

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    Interestingly, although the media often uses the figure "one million" to describe the number of young recluses in Japan, the truth is that no one really knows how many there are. In fact, the likelihood is that there are a lot fewer than this number. Because the behavior of recluses is so extreme, the media are attracted to them. Their strange stories make for interesting news articles and documentaries. In the end, the problem of young recluses may be much smaller than most believe it to be. 和訳 興味深いことに、メディアは日本の若者の引きこもりの数を表すのに「百万」という数字をしばしば使うけれども、 真実は、誰も本当にはどれくらいの数がいるのかわかっていない。 実際のところ、可能性としてはこの数(百万)よりずっと少ないかもしれない。 引きこもりの行動はとても極端なので、メディアは彼らに引き付けられる。 彼らの奇妙な話は新しい記事やドキュメンタリーを生み出す。 結局、若者の引きこもりの問題は、たいていの人々が思っているよりもずっと小さなものかもしれない。

  • 英語の長文、日本語訳お願いします、II

    Given the size of the Japanese comics industry, it is not surprising that manga have had considerable influence overseas. Some pirated versions of Japanese comics have appeared in other Asian nation for more than a decade. In Europe, manga have been given a lift by the popularity of Japanese animation, and several translated editions of comic stories have appeared . Inthe United States, readers were slow to appreciate Japanese manga, but there are now fan clubs of manga and of Japanese animation in most major cities. The United States invented the modern comic book and has had an enormous influence on the development of mangain Japan. But now, manga are playing an important role in reviving the industry in America. Manga are more than just another export from Japan. They are an important cross-cultural element in both nations.

  • 独立した英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    それぞれ独立した英文になります。日本語訳お願いします。 (1) If a negotiation is seen as a zero-sum game, a participant's gain or loss is balanced by the loss or gain of the other party. It is best, however, if both parties come out of the negotiation in a win-win situation. To achieve this, it is vital to prepare a negotiation strategy and evaluate it comprehensively. Prior to the meeting, it is essential to reach a consensus in house on what points are open to negotiation and how to prioritize them. In any negotiation, the outcome is directly affected by the knowledge, abilities and interpersonal skills of the participants. Also, knowledge of the other party is essential to ensure both an effective strategy and effective tactics in the negotiation. (2) International travel is becoming more common nowadays. This includes travel between Japan and other countries. Statistics show that 6.79 million foreigners visited Japan in 2009, while 15.29 million Japanese visited other countries in the same year. In an attempt to boost its international exchanges, the Japanese government is seeking to encourage up to 10 million foreign visitors to come to Japan and up to 20 million Japanese to travel overseas. However, the recent trend of many Japanese corporations is to reduce the number of overseas business trips. This represents their need to cut costs and counter the current economic crisis.

  • 日本語に訳しほしいです。

    B,C,D は、下の語句から選んで当てはめてほしいです。 alertness、 independence、 industrialization 、privacy The difference in attitude also reflects the way different cultures view sleep in general. Mayans treat sleep as a social activity and think sleeping alone is a hardship, whereas Americans treat sleep as a time of B; sharing a bed is considered a sacrifice. Americans make a clear distinction between daytime nighttime and the kinds of activities that can take place during each time of day, while the San think nothing of waking up in the middle of the night and spending a few hours around the campfire talking. There is no insomnia in their because no one is expected to sleep through the night. In fact, cross-cultural sleep research has shown that night waking is actually much less frequent in Western cultures than in others. And yet Western parents view those comparatively few periods of C during the night as much more problematic than parents in societies where babies' sleep is much lighter. But it is not just D ,or modernity, that has fostered nights of uninterrupted solitary sleep. Japanese children sleep with their parents until they are teens. Even when other rooms and other beds are available, Japanese babies and young children are placed on futons in the parents' room. The Japanese the child as a separate biological organism needs to be drawn into an interdependent relationship parents and society, especially with the mother Japanese prefer not to sleep alone; they do not expect, and probably imagine being interested sleeping alone. For the Japanese the concept of family sharing the night, family tends to orient toward mother and children, with the father on the outside, rather than the American version of the ideal nuclear family with mother and father first and foremost as partners, and children subordinate to that primary relationship.