• ベストアンサー




2は・・・私は去年卒業する予定だったのですが、1つ単位が足りずに学校に戻らなければならず、今年卒業します。と言ったところです。creditは履修単位、be supposed toは「~することになっている」のここでは過去形ですね。 3は特有の表現です。as far as I can see=「見渡せる限り」に見られる、as ~ as =「~の範囲までは、~に関する限りでは」という表現をご存じだと思います。ここでは、「私の知っている限り」と訳せます。 4のhardは「大変」とか「難しい」とかいろいろな訳が出来ます。どの訳でもニュアンスは伝わりますよね。I work hardと言えば「一生懸命に」と訳せます。以下は「もしあなたが日本語を教えてくれるのであれば私は感謝するでしょう」と翻訳できます。 ご参考までに。





  • 和訳してください

    As I mentioned earlier, I was very upset to pay 40$ in addition to the cost of the razor due to custom fees. This would have been avoided, had you valued the razor at less than 60$ like you did the two previous times. I will keep this razor, but would like to know what you suggest we do about the additional 40$ I paid, and the heljestrand razor I bid on. I would like to continue buying razors from you in the future.

  • これからもまだ連絡して行きたいですか?

    昔の彼に丁寧に言いたいのです。 1.I just want to know do you want still talking to me? 2.I just confirm do you like still keep(又は stay)in touch with me? 3.I would like to know you would like still e-mail to me? なんだか、同じニュアンスに聞こえますが、正しいでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 教えて下さい

    I would like to know ( )you plan to spend your vacation this summer.に入れる選択肢がwhere とwhatのどちらかなのですが解答はwhereなのですがなぜwhatではだめなのでしょうか?

  • You get out what you put in, as the

    You get out what you put in, as they say.の意味がわかりません。どう言う意味か教えて頂けますか、下記文の最後に出てきます。宜しくお願い致します。 Do you have to work long hours? Yes. I have to work a long day. I start at 7 in the morning and often do not leave the office before 7 at night. You must be very busy. What do you do? I am in the field of financial management. We look after people's money for them. Even though I do not like my job, I do not think I would like to work 12 hours a day. To be successful you have to work hard. You get out what you put in, as they say.

  • ディクテーション…チェックお願いします

    下の動画をディクテーションしてみました。 少し自信がないですが、もしよろしければチェックして、間違いを正してもらえるとうれしいです。 I would say, the best advice is, you know what so, I love being, you know, I like the idea of going to school. Success sometimes could over shadow things like education, because, somebody, because success for just being a runner, but then end of dropping like education. I think education is very important. As a ( ) athlete, right now, who is very good. I would say, you should ( ) in college all for ______________________________________________________, you know, academics going fast. Use ( ) is together experience, to study, completed get degree than runner take care of it as. If I ( ) take college ( ) OK, I`m not going to finish my school, and then did my running fast. I think going to be even hard for me and put a lot of presser for me right on in life, to going to school. So you know what experience ( ) in college is amazing. And so, another things, you know what so, work hard. Because there is nothings comes free. There is always say, you know, there is nothings that go on be like, you know what, when you wake up nothing on the table. You have to put it on the table. You have to work it and there opts good come along the way. I`ve seen that of the course. I`ve seen there is ( ) nose way things that jump over it, you become better person, because, you know what, now, you know what, really, what sometimes people have in life, the hardships, have there come over hardships. So once, you ( ), you know, you know, chance to understand, you know sometimes, hardships is not he, in terms of like happen to me, could be ( ) could be things are not go mile with coaching with, you know that, have to find the right things to make everything that is negative a positive.

  • 恋系でしょうか・・・ 修正と訳見てください

    epalが詩らしきものを書いてきたのですが、私には難しくてすべて訳せません。自分でできるところはやりましたが間違えもたくさんあると思います。文章自体がながいので、わかる箇所だけでもいいので訳、修正お願いします。段落で分けました。 1) I like to write stories and poerty too.I wrote on for you last night.I wrote it in case I never meet you.You could keep it in memory. 私は物語や詩を書くのがすきだ。私は昨夜あなたに書いた。私があなたにあったことがない場合・・・・ 2) The Girl I Never Got A Chance To Know Have you ever met anyone that makes your heart skip a beat? To know this person would be more than a treat. I would have never imagined that someone I hardly know I would truly admire. Our little time on the internet,nearly set my heart on fire. What is it about you,that sets you apart from any other girl. Your ambition and intelligence lets me know you were born ready for the world. 彼女はしるチャンスが(わかりません) あなたはいままでハートをskipさせるような人とあったことがありますか?インターネットの短い時間は私のハートに火をつけた。(わかりません・・・・) (わかりませんでした) 3) When you write to me with your mesmerizing words,I lose all composure and get weak in the knees. My temperature begins to rise up to around 400 degrees. When you're not around my heart beat still. Within you'll remain it always will. Your beauty is unlike any other I have ever seen. The visions of you follow me even in my dreams. How could I ever forget that beautiful smile and those gorgeous seductive eyes? あなたが私に手紙書くとき。。。。私の体温は 4) If anything were to happen to you,I would surely die. There's an enigma to the attraction I hold in my heart for you. For I only want happiness and the best for you,perhaps one day you'll even be my boo! Secretly knowing the innocence in your heart makes me excited. Even though I try my best to conceal and hide it. You remain a mystery to me. So I hold back and choose not to truly speak. I would like to talk to you,because there are so many things I want to say. もしあなたに何か起きたら・・・・私はあなたと話がしたい。なぜならたくさんのことを言いたいから 5) Everything from how I adore you to how you take my breath away. Considering the situation im in,we may never get the chance to connect. I guess that's why I keep my distance and pay you the outmost respect. I'll keep it this way,because as time moves on,my attraction will only continue to grow.But i'll always keep you in memory as the girl I never got the chance to know....... by@@@@@ I hope you like it.Well write me back when you get time.I have to go bring my nephew and niece to school.Talk to you later! Feel free to ask me anything. 私はあなたがきにいってもらえたらいいです。時間があったらメールして。甥と姪を学校へ連れて行かなきゃだから。またね

  • as far as I know to〜の解釈

    添付リンク動画: https://www.ted.com/talks/poet_ali_the_language_of_being_human/up-next?language=en#t-303807 にある ‘Cause you are a cutie in my opinion,and as far as I know to see you, に関する質問です。 as far as I know to see you, は  「俺が君に会わないと!と感じてる限り、 →俺が君に惚れてる限り、」 と理解してあっているのか分からないです。 どう理解すればいいのか教えてください

  • 和訳お願いします。

    ・ You know. I would you like me to teach you ? ・ what ever you would like me to learn ・ I think if we were to see each other for the first time and kiss. すみません、そのままコピペしました。。 よろしくお願いいたします。m(__)m

  • would have liked の使い方

    would like はwant より丁寧な感じでwantと同じように使われますよね。 (1)では「あなたに~してほしかった」といいたい場合、「I wanted you to do ~」をもっと丁寧に言いたいので「I would have liked you to do ~」でいいのですか。 (2)「私はあなたがたに、あるがままの日本の姿を味わっていただきたかったのです。」は 「I would have liked you to enjoy the Japanese culture as it is.」 でいいのですか。(これだとなんか、希望したけれどできなかったことについていっているように聞こえるような気がするんですけど。それから、as it is も自信がありません。 (3)過去形で丁寧に「~してほしかったのです」といいたいとき、普通はどう表現したらいいのですか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    英語圏の友人から届いたメールです。食事会の事でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Not a problem and we love to have the interpreter join us. Haven't picked the restaurant, was waiting to hear what your preference in food is so let me know what kind of food you would like to eat and I will confirm the details tomorrow.