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- 正確な言葉の選択は、情報を伝えたり、楽しませたり、感動を与える力を持っています。
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A good farmer is always one of the most intelligent and best educated men in our society. We have been inclined in our wild industrial development, to forget that agriculture is the base of our whole economy and that in the economic structure of the nation it is always the cornerstone. It has always been so throughout history and it will continue to be so until there are no more men on this earth. We are apt to forget that that the man who owns land and cherishes it and works it well is the source of our stability as a nation, not only in the economic but the social sense as well. できるだけ詳しく教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致します🙏
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- 英語
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Perhaps it is only in childhood that books have any deep influence on our lives. In later life we admire, we are entertained, we may modify some views we already hold, but we are more likely to find in books merely a confirmation of what is in our minds already. But in childhood all books are books of divination, telling us about the future, and like the fortune teller who sees a long journey in the cards or death by water they influence the future. この文の構文分析をお願いしたいです。 丁寧に教えて下さると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致します🙇♀️
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- 英語
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Any book of which we say to ourselves , when we have done with it ,“That is a good book”, we find to be so by virtue of the writer's personality which we have been in contact with : we say so , possibly , beccuse we find that our own self has been affected , even though for a while. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します
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- 英語
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It is probable that we have all at some time or other had the experience of chancing upon a passage puoted without indication of authorship , and exclaiming ―“ So-and-so must have written that.” In such a case, it is often not the thought that strikes us as familiar so much as the way in which the thought is expressed. 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
The best way to read fiction is to mix one's reading, neither to favour the present at the expense of the past nor to favour the past at the expense of the present. And do not think that if this policy is pursued, contemporary work will appear thin and trivial beside the great work of the past. It is not necessarily so at all. As a professional reader I have to try to keep abreast with contemporary fiction while constantly widening and deepening my knowl- edge of the fiction of earlier times. I am continually turn- ing from the most vital work of our time to the classic novels, and I find no opposition between them; they are not mutually exclusive. -WALTER ALLEN, Reading a Novel 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです😭
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- 英語
- 翻訳をお願い致します!
Over the last couple of months, we observed the success that this method has produced for several bands and artists alike. It's an unusual method, but it's a new method and it seems this is a way for us to connect with you, our fans, on a much more personal level. We like that. After laying down an ear recipe that is sure to piss off a few neighbors on our new record “The Sun Comes Out Tonight,” we realized it was necessary that we Tour the World and break a few more strings with all of you. This is something we've dreamt about from the very beginning, but to fulfill this dream we are going to need your help. Essentially, the success of this campaign will determine the epicness of the Tour. We want to bring you the very best of Filter. ※ 『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
So intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are peo- ple who speak it and use it as their native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. A language is important because the people who speak it are important-politically, economically, commercialally, social-ly, culturally. English, French, and German are great and important languages because they are the languages of great and important peoples; for this reason they are widely studied outside the country of their use. -A. C. BAUGH, A History of the English Language 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです🙇♀️
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- 英語
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Whenever a person who already has enough to live on proposes to engage in some everyday kind of job,such as school-teaching or typing, he or she is told that such conduct takes the bread out of other people's mouths,and is therefore wicked. If this argument were valid,it would only be necessary for us all to be idle in order that we should all have our mouths full of bread. What people who say such things forget is that what a man earns he usually spends, and in spending he gives employment. この文の構文分析をお願いしたいです。 丁寧にしていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致します🙏
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- 英語
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Some people say that their schooldays were the happiest of their lives. They may be right, but I always look with suspicion upon those whom I hear saying this. It is hard enough to know whether one is happy or unhappy now, and still harder to compare the relative happiness or unhappiness of different times of one's life; the utmost that can be said is that we are fairly happy so long as we are not distinctly aware of being miserable. できるだけ丁寧にお願いしたいです。 例えば、andはこことここが繋がっているよ! とか、これは関係代名詞だよ!! と教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m
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- 英語
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Musically speaking I was thinking about a song along the lines of 'Heart of Gold' by Neil Young, which is in the key of D-minor, the saddest key of all. Scott was thinking about the lyrics, and at that time in our lives we were struggling very much. What Scott was writing about was a real-life situation. Also about me, the thing about the gun. 'Creep' is a very demeaning word. It was one of those instances where we looked at ourselves, looked in the mirror. ※「Scott」は人物名であり、「Creep」は曲名です。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- 桜キートップ第2弾の発売を心待ちにしているが、いつどのウェブサイトで発売されるのか不明で困っている。
- 具体的な発売時期や販売サイトが分かれば準備ができるため、最新の情報を教えてほしい。
- 第1弾の時に出遅れたため、第2弾の情報を逃さないようにするための対策が知りたい。