• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:構文分析よろしくお願い致します)


  • 人間の本性は変わらないと言える。歴史が短すぎて変化が感じられないためである。
  • 最も古い芸術作品や文学作品は今でも理解できる。それらの中には非凡な芸術的優れさが認められるものもある。
  • 人間の感情や本能だけでなく、知的な力や想像力も遠い昔から今と同じであったことが証明されている。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9903/12362)

いつもの方法で、以下のとおりお答えします。 >Human nature does not change, or, at any rate, history is too short for any changes to be perceptible. 「人間の本性は変わらない、というか、とにかく歴史が短すぎて、変化が感じられないのである。」 ⇒S(Human nature) V(does not change), Conj.(or), M(at any rate), S(history) V(is) C(too short) M(for any changes to be perceptible). *接続詞Conj.(or)「あるいは、言い換えれば」は、S(Human nature) V(does not change)「人間の本性は変わらない」と S(history) V(is) C(too short) M(for any changes to be perceptible)「歴史が短すぎて変化が感じられない」とをつないでいます。S(history) V(is) C(too short) M(for any changes to be perceptible) の部分を直訳すれば、「変化が感じられるためには歴史は短すぎる」となります。any changesが to be perceptibleの意味上の主語です。 >The earliest known specimens of art and literature are still comprehensible. 「認知されている最古の芸術や文学の標本は、今でも理解できるものである。」 ⇒S(The earliest known specimens) Adj.M(of art and literature) V(are) C(still comprehensible). *S(The earliest known specimens)は「最古の認知されている標本」、V(are) C(still comprehensible)は「今でも理解できる」で、副詞still「今なお」が形容詞comprehensible「理解可能な」を修飾しています。 >The fact that we can understand them all and can recognize in some of them an unsurpassed artistic excellence is proof enough that not only men's feelings and instincts, but also their intellectual and imaginative powers, were in the remotest times precisely what they are now. 「我々がその(標本の)すべてを理解することができ、その中のいくつかにこの上ない芸術性を認めることができるという事実は、人間の感情や本能だけでなく知的能力や想像力が、最も遠い時代においても現在と全く同じであったことの十分な証拠である。」 ⇒S(The fact) Ap.Cl.{Conj.1(that) S(we) V(can understand) O(them all) Conj.2(and) V(can recognize) M(in some of them) O(an unsurpassed artistic excellence)} V(is) C(proof enough) Ap.Cl.{Conj.3(that) S[not only men's feelings Conj.4(and) instincts, Conj.5(but) also their intellectual Conj.6(and) imaginative powers], V(were) M(in the remotest times precisely) C[Rel.(what) S(they) V/M(are now)]}. *S(The fact) Ap.Cl.{Conj.1(that) ~}は、「~という事実」という同格関係を示します。…V(is) C(proof enough) Ap.Cl.{Conj.3(that) ~}も、「…は~という十分な証拠である」という同格関係を示します。Conj.2(and) は、S(we) V(can understand) O(them all)「我々はその(標本の)すべてを理解することができる」と、V(can recognize) M(in some of them) O(an unsurpassed artistic excellence)「その中のいくつかにこの上ない芸術性を認めることができる」とをつないでいます。つまり、S(The fact) ~「~という事実」との同格関係に立つ節が二つあるわけです。Conj.5(but) は、S[not only men's feelings Conj.4(and) instincts「人間の感情や本能だけでなく」とtheir intellectual Conj.6(and) imaginative powers「彼ら(人間)の知的能力や想像力もまた」とをつないでいます。この全体が、not only ~ but also …「~だけでなく…も」という接続詞句の中に取り込まれて一つにまとまり、V(were)「~であった」に対する主部を構成しています。なお、言うまでもなく、Conj.4(and) はmen's feelingsとinstinctsを、Conj.6(and) はtheir intellectualとimaginative powersをそれぞれ結んでいます。~ V(were) M(in the remotest times precisely) C[Rel.(what) S(they) V/M(are now)「~(人間の感情や本能と知的能力や想像力)が、最も遠い時代においても全く現在そうであるところのもの(と同じ)であった」では、独立関係節C[Rel.(what) S(they) V/M(are now)]「現在そうであるところのもの」がV(were)の補語としての役を担っています。



ありがとうございました。 よく理解することが出来ました。



  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    Some people say that their schooldays were the happiest of their lives. They may be right, but I always look with suspicion upon those whom I hear saying this. It is hard enough to know whether one is happy or unhappy now, and still harder to compare the relative happiness or unhappiness of different times of one's life; the utmost that can be said is that we are fairly happy so long as we are not distinctly aware of being miserable. できるだけ丁寧にお願いしたいです。 例えば、andはこことここが繋がっているよ! とか、これは関係代名詞だよ!! と教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    The best way to read fiction is to mix one's reading, neither to favour the present at the expense of the past nor to favour the past at the expense of the present. And do not think that if this policy is pursued, contemporary work will appear thin and trivial beside the great work of the past. It is not necessarily so at all. As a professional reader I have to try to keep abreast with contemporary fiction while constantly widening and deepening my knowl- edge of the fiction of earlier times. I am continually turn- ing from the most vital work of our time to the classic novels, and I find no opposition between them; they are not mutually exclusive. -WALTER ALLEN, Reading a Novel 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです😭

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    (1) The belief that death is a gateway to a better life ought, logically, to prevent men from feeling any fear of death. (2) Fortunately for the medical profession, it does not in fact have this effect, except in a few rare instances. (3) One does not find that believers in a future life are less afraid of illness or more courageous in battle than those who think that death ends all. できるだけ丁寧に解説して欲しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    Whoever has to deal with young children soon learns that too much sympathy is a mistake. Children readily understand that an adult who is sometimes a little stern is best for them; their instinct tells them whether they are loved or not, and from those whom they feel to be affectionate they will put up with whatever strictness results from genuine desire for their proper development. できるだけ丁寧にしていただけると嬉しいです。 用法や、構文の解説をよろしくお願いします。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    we cannot know too much about the language we speak everyday of our lives.Most of us ,it is true,can get along fairly well without knowing very much about our language and without even taking the trouble to open a volume of "The Oxford English Dictionary." But knowledge is power. The power of rightly chosen words is very great,whether those words are intended to inform,to amuse,or to move. できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

  • 構文分析、よろしくお願い致します。

    As of all other good things, one can have too much even of reading. Indulged in to excess, reading becomes a vice -a vice all the more dangerous for not being generally recognized as such. Yet excessive reading is the only form of  self-indulgence which fails to get the blame it deserves. The fact is surprising; for it is obvious to anyone who candidly observes himself and other people that excessive reading can devour a man's time, dissipate his energies, vitiate his thinking and distract his attention from reality.       -ALDOUS HUXLEY, Proper Studies 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ、丁寧に解説していただけると嬉しいです。

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    With most men the knowledge that they must ultimately die does not weaken the pleasure in being at present alive. To the poet the world appears still more beautiful as he gazes at flowers that are doomed to wither, at springs that come to too speedy an end. The loveliness of May stirs him the more deeply because he knows that it is fading even as he looks at it. It is not that the thought of universal mortality gives him pleasure , but that he hugs the pleasure all the more closely because he knows it cannot be his for long. できるだけ丁寧にお願いしたいです🙇‍♀️ よろしくお願いします🙇‍♀️

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    A good farmer is always one of the most intelligent and best educated men in our society. We have been inclined in our wild industrial development, to forget that agriculture is the base of our whole economy and that in the economic structure of the nation it is always the cornerstone. It has always been so throughout history and it will continue to be so until there are no more men on this earth. We are apt to forget that that the man who owns land and cherishes it and works it well is the source of our stability as a nation, not only in the economic but the social sense as well. できるだけ詳しく教えていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願い致します🙏

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    So intimate is the relation between a language and the people who speak it that the two can scarcely be thought of apart. A language lives only so long as there are peo- ple who speak it and use it as their native tongue, and its greatness is only that given to it by these people. A language is important because the people who speak it are important-politically, economically, commercialally, social-ly, culturally. English, French, and German are great and important languages ​​because they are the languages ​​of great and important peoples; for this reason they are widely studied outside the country of their use. -A. C. BAUGH, A History of the English Language 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです🙇‍♀️

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    A well known publisher told me the other day that he was recently asked to equip a library in a new house in North London, and the instruction he received was to provide books that would fit the shelves which had been fixed.It was not the contents of the books that mattered,but the size.This was no doubt an exceptional case, but go into any average provincial town and the last thing you will find is a decent book-shop.It is not because we can not afford to buy books.Many people can afford to buy motor-cars at anything from two hundred pounds who would be aghast at the idea of spending half a guinea occasionally on a book. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します。 できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです✨

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