What is Medication Interaction?

  • Medication interaction refers to the effect that occurs when two or more drugs interact with each other and produce a different or unexpected outcome.
  • In the context of the mentioned situation, medication interaction refers to a situation where a person cannot consume alcohol because it interacts with their medication in a negative way.
  • Medication interaction can lead to adverse effects, reduced effectiveness of the medication, or even dangerous consequences.
  • ベストアンサー

medication interaction

I recently got a position at a company that apparently still has 1960s Mad Men relationship with alcohol. I belong to a nondrinking church. I had always thought it wrong to bring religion to work. Therefore, at the first office “Friday Bash” I simply declined to drink, thinking that it would be no big deal in this health-conscious day and age. I was then set upon by people trying to force drinks upon me. I was eventually rescued by a co-worker, who came over and said she couldn’t drink either on account of a medication interaction. medication interactionはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4133/5370)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"medication interaction" 「(お酒と)薬との飲み合わせ」 でしょう。 "medication" で「薬の服用」 "interaction" で「相互作用」





  • thatとandについて

    同時に二つの質問をさせていただきたいと思います。 一つ目はthatについてです。 高校の教科書を読んでいて次の文章が出てきました。 Every October, hundreds of thousands of albatrosses returned to the island to breed. There were so many of them "that" at a distance they looked like fallen snow. このような文章なのですが、この文章の"that"の意味が分からず、後半の文章が訳せません。 二つ目はandについてです。 こちらも文章を例に挙げます。 I "was" surrounded by nature and "was" always fascinated by birds and fish. こちらの文章は I "was" surrounded by nature and I"was" always fascinated by birds and fish. ということだと思っていて、納得がいきます。 もう一つの文章を例に挙げます。 Japanese researcher like you "to" study and protect it. こちらの文章ではなぜ Japanese researcher like you "to" study and "to" protect it. にはならないのでしょうか。 もし省略するが普通なのであればなぜ最初のwasが省略されないのでしょうか? すごい初心者な質問かもしれませんが、教えてください

  • 英文チェックお願いします!!

    英語の文章を考えたのですが、どうも文法がおかしいところがあるような気がします。まだ途中なのですが、チェックをお願いします。 My favorite sport is basketball. I have played basketball for seven years. I learned many things of basketball. At first I learned “an effort and don’t give up mind” When I started playing basketball, I was not fast run other player. But I was effort little by little at elementary school. I became early than before now to run. I know that an effort and don’t give up were very important. Next, I learned by leadership. I was a captain by basketball club in junior high school. When I became a captain, there was worried. And I knew difficulty that awareness as a leader of a team gathered up a sprouting team while I practiced it. The basketball club was strong team work. Try hard serious basketball. And I played basketball well. I understood that very important with a leader “I must move at first!” When I knew it, I decide to move positively and build a relationship of mutual trust with a friend and thank that I was able to cooperate. As a result, it was able to be collected in a team. I was able to learn the leadership through club activities. I learned to cooperation as team. And I understood that it can’t only one.

  • 数学の思い出

    claimとthe net resultの訳語と◎から◎までの和訳お願いします。 It seemed clear that mathematics had a better claim to be considered knowledge than anything else; therefore it was to the principles of mathematics that I addressed myself. At thirty-eight I felt that I had done all that it lay in my power to do in this field, although I was far from having arrived at any absolute certainty. Indeed, the net result of my work was to throw doubts upon arithmetic which had never been thrown before.◎I was and am persuaded that the method I pursued brings one nearer to knowledge than any other that is available,◎but the knowledge it brings is only probable, and not so precise as it appears to be at first sight.  * Bertrand Russell, What I Believe

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文なのですが、添削よろしくお願いします。

    大学受験対策の自由英作文なのですが、添削よろしくお願いします。 テーマは「あなたが大事にしているもの」についてです。 I cherish a bag which is a black and expensive one. I found it three years ago,but I had no money to buy it,so I spared money in order to get it. Two weeks after that,I finally bought it and was delighted at it. It has been so tough that it is like a new one now. I wish to have it as long as possicle. では、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 On October Second ‘10 I had a holiday and went to car dealer. First, I went to Toyota to see Estima. As soon as I went there, I did test-drive one. It was comfortable, but it wasn’t more comfortable Alfard and Velfire. When all of salesman find I decided to buy a car, they surve me with the greatest survice. After Toyota, I went to Honda. But there was not a car I wanted. When I was about to leave the shop, the salesman tried to prevent me from leaving there by this way and that. When I was feeling an awkward situation, my mobile phone rang at a good timing. It called from Toyota and told me to leave my bag. I left there at once and came back Toyota to receive it. As soon as I arrived at there, the salesman brought my bag to me. I felt I was lucky, as I left the shop. If I left it another place, it wouldn’t come back me.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I used to be very porn-positive before having children. After giving birth it was like a switch was flipped, and I went from enjoying it to being disgusted by it. So now I just don’t watch it, but it’s bleeding into my feelings about my husband’s relationship with it. It makes me tremble and turns my stomach, and I’m constantly in fear of stumbling upon him while he’s watching it. I know that the problem is mine, that I have to change my own reaction and can’t change his consumption, so how do I begin to do that? it’s bleeding into my feelings about my husband’s relationship with itの和訳を教えてください。あと、ここでのconsumptionはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • It was because of my letters that I

    It was because of my letters that I happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of a homemade education. 強調構文だと思うのですが、合ってますか?また、"stumble upon starting to..."のところの構造がよくわかりません。 どなたか説明お願いします。

  • 下の英文で不自然な言い回しや誤りがあれば教えてください。(改行などは気

    下の英文で不自然な言い回しや誤りがあれば教えてください。(改行などは気にしないでください) Last night I had a couple of friends over to my house for drinks. I like to drink and I drank a lot. We enjoyed talking and drinking untill past 12a.m. I had to go to work also the next day, so my friends went home and I went to bed. This morning my alarm must have gone off at 6 o'clock. But I didn't realize it at all, because I was sleeping soundly due to having drunken too much and gone to bed so late. More than half an hour later I finally woke up. I was very surprized to look at the time. I jumped out of bed. My wife was ready for my breakfast but I had no time for eating it. I ran through the dining room with putting on my suit and rushed to the station. After arriving at the station, I still kept running in a great hurry, aiming to the train. However the train I wanted to take had just left. It was the last train by which I was in time for the office. I was so depressed by thinking of how I would be condemned by my boss in the office.

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!!

    英語が非常に苦手な者です(泣)明日は英語のスピーチがあるのですが時間が無いので助けてほしいです!!英文の添削をよろしくお願いします。 英文:I am agreeable about education at ease. I became a five-day working week, and the time that was freedom increased. However, when was reduced 30%, and learning contents caused decline in academic ability by reduction of learning contents by education at ease; of dissenting opinion a person is, too. However, I think that I am not caused by only education at ease. I think it not to lead to decline in academic ability only by having reduced quantity. The reason is because it thinks that it is quality than quantity. It is a duty of a teacher that improve quality. All the teachers cooperate and think that it is important a thing, a student raising learning will of a student advance and learn it, and to make an effort. 日本語:私はゆとり教育について賛成である。週休二日制になって、自由な時間が増えた。しかし、ゆとり教育によって学習内容が三割削減され、学習内容の削減によって学力低下を招いたと反対意見の人もいる。しかし、ゆとり教育だけが原因ではないと思う。私は量を減らしただけでは学力低下に繋がらないと思う。それは量より質であると思うからだ。質を向上させるのは教師の役目だ。教師がみな協力して、生徒の学習意欲を高めること、生徒も進んで学び努力をすることが大事だと思う。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) I took the fist turn to the right at the Medical Records Dept. and made my way along the corridor, but it came to a dead end, so I turned around and headed toward the entrance. But I was so frightened and it was so smoky that I got lost. I remember turning to the right somewhere and getting to the door of some room,but I have no idea where I was. I sat down in front of the door and desperately called out for help again and again. Finally a man heard me. He came over to help me, took me by the hand and led me to the entrance.