A story about how I met my first Japanese girlfriend
We met at a social gathering where people gathered to have drinks and food
Despite the language barrier, my friend helped me translate and we connected
英語堪能な方にお願いします。m(_ _)m
大変長文で申し訳ありませんが、 以下の英語を日本語に翻訳を、
どうぞ宜しくお願いします。m(_ _)m
Then I see beautiful marie I wanted to talk to her but I didn't know any Japanese so Gohlam said to me I will invite her over to our table to have a drink with us ans she accepted and he translated for me and that how I met my first Japanese girlfriend.
No we were not alone there was many many people there as well it was just a place where people met and had drinks and food. Well I want say it was love at first sight. I was attached to her , she had long beautiful hair a slender body a kind face and eyes, it was like a dream come true to met such a beautiful Japanese lady and I didn't know much Japanese
Then I see beautiful marie I wanted to talk to her but I didn't know any Japanese so Gohlam said to me I will invite her over to our table to have a drink with us ans she accepted and he translated for me and that how I met my first Japanese girlfriend.
No we were not alone there was many many people there as well it was just a place where people met and had drinks and food.
Well I want say it was love at first sight.
I was attached to her , she had long beautiful hair a slender body a kind face and eyes, it was like a dream come true to met such a beautiful Japanese lady and I didn't know much Japanese