• 締切済み


It doesn't matter what kind of problems a family is having; it should always stay in the family.


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)




  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “I know something about addiction and I know how hard it is to overcome that, but the reality is what do you do if you're in a band and you want to continue making the living you have and you want to continue putting out new music and you're co-dependent of the needs and wants of someone who just doesn't want to do anything, who doesn't want to go anywhere. Someone that is just not there, is just not present.”

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    It's clear trump has no idea what's in his healthcare bill and doesn't care what ends up in there; he only cares about ending Obamacare. His hatred of Obama - which I believe is born of racism - is more important than 30 million Americans losing healthcare. Unreal. Unchristian. Inhuman - Unsupportable - impeach this devil. Now.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Ive been fighting a cold for a month. Has stayed around like a low level respiratory thing for 3 weeks. Today I woke up and my left ear is kind of clogged. Feels like I'm only getting half and much volume our of it. What should I do? Wait it out? Or freak out because my ears are my living?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “We didn't ever really see Scott; he rode in his own bus and the band kept themselves apart right up until they were about to get on stage,” Anthony explained. “The DeLeo's and Eric are just incredible guys; they would hang out and the dynamic was great. Between them and Scott is a whole different story and that doesn't come as news to anyone. Whatever potential drama was occurring, I stayed out of it and I never really knew what exactly was going on. What I do know is whenever they got on stage it was the real deal and Scott is one hell of a frontman.”

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    What Biden should have said to Harrris: “Civil Rights is hard - we’ve been working on it for years. Yes we didn’t get it right yet but to the best of my ability I’ve been fighting for civil rights my whole career. I’m not perfect, I’ve not always held the best positions - especially in hindsight - but that was the past. Now I’m dedicated to moving forward to build a more free and equal America.”Blah blah blah. That’s what he should of said but instead he went on the defensive and just kind of looked like a shouty old white man. I’m not for or against Biden but I think he missed a real opportunity to show a bit of humility and soften his public face but instead he went all “get off my lawn” and looked rattled and a bit scared.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 若干難解な文章かもしれませんが、わかりません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 What the chart always portrays is your next serious and predestined chance of love. It shows the person who you will meet and fall in love with. The person who will be your next serious chance of making a long term relationship. This love is going is deep and predestined. It may transform your life. I hope it does and into a more wonderful life. But understand the just because a love is shown in the stars as your fate, it does not automatically make it happy and free of problems or pain. This chart is one step of fate, and it is like one rose on a tree. It is the only step of fate dealt with in the reading.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Just three years ago and it seems like decades. What a sad day. Miss and think of you every day my friend. So many good adventures and so many good songs. Your memory is strong and you are always in all of our hearts.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    The new GOP health bill only has 20% approval - but they are going to move heaven and earth to get that thing passed. I don't understand the pride of men. This is going to get people killed. There is no place for politics or pride in health care. This is a criminal undertaking and someday these guys will all have to answer for it. We need to tattoo this onto the foreheads of all who voted for it - this kind of cruelty should not be forgotten.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    When asked about his upcoming solo record, Weiland said “This record is going to be different. There's a dub feel to it, like Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry kind of, in the way that The Clash kind of used it. … But then there's also this thing we touched on that's like, it's like the ’60s groove pop thing that sounds really kind of underground, but it's ultra-melodic.”

  • すみません、翻訳これもお願い致します

    It is also a request to respect this union (marriage). My job is to be a provider and try my best to do so. I might not be making a ton of money, but I am trying and continuing to look. Just up and leaving a job is not the answer and is not what a man should do.

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  • 関連するソフトは筆王で、電話回線はひかり回線です。
